Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Human Education and the creation of the University.

Human Education and the creation of the University.
Human experience is to be able to share and experience knowledge. In a recent report from Oxford archaeologist found the handy work of a 7 years of in 15,000 caves with the early drawing depicting the human experience, we can, perhaps speculated the adult where sharing the experience
Education is found in Sumerian tablets, in Egyptian pictographs formal education of the priest class, and Medical education. Early formal education is found in the preparation for the Emperor bureaucracies in China consist of examinations in: calligraphy, philosophy, drawing, arithmetic.
What is unique and needed to be aware is formal education was to prepare the elite, in the west:  Plato Academy and Plato Republic believe wise king having the right to rule, because knowledge. Aristotle Lyceum while was idealistic and more pragmatic, he believe in preparation of the elite, Alexander the Great was one of his students. The uniqueness of these institutions, because base an sophistry and mastery logic, where very secular, from this point of view to question, become a cynical vehicle culminate with the closing of this institutions in 529 by Byzantium Emperor Justinian  I. 
The cynicism towards religion and elitism was exposing again by the father of the Neo-Conservative moment in US. Leon Strauss is being training as Philosopher under Cassirer and the Nazi propagandist Martin Heideger. Hanah Arent and Strauss where exposure to Heideger and German idealism and romanticism philosophy come to different conclusion, Arent was an Internationalist where, Strauss influence by Plato, believe an elite right to rule and religion was medium for the elites to pacify the masses. Strauss believes the lack of elitism in the German Universities to fend and stop the vulgar lower middle class who support the racial National Socialism.

After the closure of the intuitions, for the west the University come from the Medieval guild, but turn to be more complicated:
The Islamic Madrasah (Universities) is a Semitic word in Hebrew Midrash many stories, where in Arabic mean learning, born as religious instructions, in part due to the  conquest of the Byzantium Empire, Islam has access to the Greek knowledge. The rationalist movement advocated by Mutazilite in the 7 century being influence by the Greek´s. In the Madrasah, one of the older´s is in al-Qarawiyyīn Mosqulocated Faz Morocco established 859 AD, alter on in Cairo al-Ahazar University in 959. An innovation by the Madrasah was introduction of secular science such, Logic and Arithmetic. Later on influence the developed of Algebra and medicine in teaching hospital, base on the Greek´s. The connection to the west is by Pope Sylvester II 946-1003 (Gerbert d'Aurillac, born in town Belliac France), he was accused of sorcery for being inspire of the learning in Cordoba Spain.
When he become Pope introduced Liberal Arts like Logic, Arithmetic abdicated in the Islamic Education. He introduces abacus use in Islamic world barrow from China.
The artesian guilds were base on experience and sharing experience with Liberal Arts brought in to the Cathedral education, fuse into the Medieval University. The Cathedral Schools which go back to the 6 Century later on becoming the Medieval Universities of Bologna, 1088 (i.e. emphasis Secular Law) and University Paris (i.e. emphasis on Cannon Law) .
The differences between the Islamic University and Western University is in the west, the Universities, still today a legal identity, they can sell and buy property, and Islam the university is an extension of the community, which does not have is identity any special legal identify.
The research university was model after the German University:
The story related to the fact: Organic Chemistry was the high technology of 1800´s and to the middle of the 20 century. Organic Chemistry, history in the 1816, Michael Chevreul study soups made from fats and alkali, and later on Friedich Wöhler the analysis of Urea is organic product, but the industrial application was obtained and abandon by British in 1856 William Henry Perkin trying to manufacture Quinine need for the colonization of Africa since malaria slow down the colonization, by accident synthesize organic dye, and more over, could be produce an industrial scale. But since the British Empire obtained the dyes with almost not cost from India, Germany developed the science and technology of organic chemistry by a partnership between industry and Universities and German Universities become the first research university.
In US Lincoln labs in MIT under contract developed Sonar for the Navy during WWI and WWII Radar, but history of technologies developed by contract included: During WWII ENIAC developed in University of Pennsylvania, later of with ARPA, the first computer communication developed in LA and Stanford, the same place in the 1940´s and 50´s with the support of US Government the transistor was developed. The US given contract in research through Military, DARPA, NSF and NIH, developed  technologies well knows like the protocol for what will become the internet, or less well know like bolometer by Honeywell in the 70´s declassified in the 90´s open a new research  in middle infrared detectors. The 30 drugs most success to deal with cancer 25 was under NIH funding, a reason: the basic research to product takes more the instant gratification. In 83, MIT budget from US Government support was 250 Millions, today is closed to 1 Billion USD.
At the time of the great depression a narrative was being created in Chicago by Milton Friedman about the market and the Neo Conservative movement influence by Leon Straus in Chicago, the market will decided. But FDR under Keynesian influence inserted the Government and control the volatile, in the 1930´s in the period US was on the verge of a class revolution, the Milton Friedman narrative did not take hold to Nixon, up to this point time health insurance was a non profit, the German Company Kaiser Permanent wanted to privatize health insurance and for them buying non-profit converted into a profit. Milton Friedman ideology was embrace by the Republican Party, and took shape during the Regan administration. In the 1980´s most higher education was supported by student grants, at this time Universities requested two things from Republican administration, was US Government (tax payers) become guarantors of the student loans, in 70´s Harvard cost was 3,000 USD   per year, today is closed to 50,000 USD. Education was privatizing, and what Harvard got in return, was access to the tax payer monies for research grants, since research funding was attached to this grants. Second was ability of the Universities to be able to commercialize the public supported research, many companies like Google originated by University research supported under US Grants. Since the Capitalism crises is base on cronyism, access to who shares the wealth. The US higher Educational system is top down where the PhD from the Ivy Universities are propagated the ideology learn from the ideologues teaching in this Universities, like the fantasy propose for example in End History, is not surprise in 2008 when economy meltdown of the 20,000 Economist in US only 3 predicted a possible bubble in the Market, since many of then controlling the peer review limited any critical comments of the system, but it was not limited to economic meltdown but included the conflict Iraq, with the fantasy we will be welcome as liberators as US becoming Judge, Jury and executor, we can not play God.  

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