Saturday, December 13, 2008

We are in a historical time, since the time of the 1970ś when Nixon implemented Casino Market advocated by Milton Friday, applied to health care, by changes the system from non-profit, for a profit and the completed implementation in the 1980s the end result is a permanent 45 Million people in US with out a health care and a total of 52 Million, which included people in one point does not have a health care.
Another social service, which has suffered a similar fate: the student grants were face out to be replace only with student loan, from 1980 to 2008, the private school when from 5,000 USD to 50,000 USD, making an impossible situation, the education become a privilege and through back into the medieval and the renaissance, when the education was only for the elite, not to mention since 1940s education was obtained for the middle class in US through the GI, today the GI bill does not pay tuition for a private institution or public.
Slowly a change start in 1963, when the introduction of credit to replace pay is you go, 40 years plus, today with not trust in a financial system, in post-industrial, where is not actual object can be value, since the industrial world depend on cheap manufacture of Capitalist state like China or Vietnam.
We have a reality: we are in a finite world, were consumption for the few can be substance but consumption for a world of 6 to 9 Billion is not possible. The solution is to leave in a world can be regenerated itself, consume what is possible to replace. And what about the market? The market is artificial build, where the distribution will always benefit to concentration of wealth to few in the society. For that reason a alternative most be found, now more then ever.

Sunday, November 09, 2008


A major of civilization is not the achievements from monuments, culture or any intellectual, but greatness is how we treat, respect and take care the weakest amount us. In 365 in Nicea, the west take the path which define what type of civilization, before the Authoritarian tendency of Persia and Rome, the absolutist of the Middle East Religions, the Greek democracy Elitism, but what Nicea accomplished, crated the Proto-Feudal economy eventually the Capitalistic System. Buy deigning the Jews to own Slaves, yes in Judaism the master had the right to free the slave , but he will be consider a Jew. The New Developed Christian Religion did not one, the consequence was, since the economic system in the period and more in Rome based on Slaves. The Jewish land owner can not competed with free labor from a slave work. Austine in the City God, base on Plato Republic created a political structure the every one belong to some one, the lords to the king, the peasant to lords and the outsiders, the Jews to the King.
The second event from Nicea was the legitimization of power, the new Christian Religion did not required the circumcision of the Hebrew tradition but proclaim a new law in the process they become the new self chosen appointed in the process legitimize power as divine right affirmed by the new Christian religion power. The tradition of the divine was invoke not just by the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, Islam, and Luther Reformation was a not revolution but request to be to past the purity of what Luther bias of his time of what Christianity, a reactionary force.

The holocaust born in Nicea, but putting the Jews outside, when the community of Worms rejected Luther, the Anti-Semitic spread from Crusades, the Ghettos of Venice and Islam own challenge because the Jews did not accepted the New Messiah, not like Christianity, the Messiah was sacrifice and hence a new Religion was created, Islam needed actual acknowledgment from the Jews which did not get to legitimize the divine right.

The tradition was past into the secular world, where this absolutes hypothesis like Authority Market of the 19 Century Capitalism and collapse in 1920ś another Authoritarian strands, Fascisms born in the Roman Catholic Church. Italian Mussolini and Franco Spain, the Nazi the hybrid of the Catholic Church and Luther, of course the Soviet Union, the Manager paradise in the name of the oppress working class could not escape the Authoritarian tradition of the West.

Our failure is not recognize the assumptions, our free marketers which assume our individual interest will not created self destruction and the crams of a table will be diluted into society.

Especially, Humans we have prove how creative we can be in self-destruction Only when actual pain we stop and think the consequence, some times. Today as we have found again, the we need to have a middle ground between need of community and individuals, and crumbs never reach.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

A Question of Crises
George of Santayana famous warning “Those who can not remember the past are condemned to repeat”, crises, occurred not as a single moment but a build of many moments. Human history has been bases on crises and these crises are about power. Since human gathers settled into dwellers, the losses organization was structure, whether intentionally or by accident into despotic authoritarian individual, from east to a single individual, China to Persia and for the west the Athens of class of free white men or Rome a plutocrat classes, eventually evolved into a single individual.
Constantine by embracing Christianity created a another hold, human in early stage is to be trusty to elders to leant from previous experiences, but Constantine genius was use religion, to that time was devolved to multiple worships into a single one, and St Augustine expressed into City of God, but the rationalization of despotic system was Socrates and expressed in Plato Republic. In the Republic, the poets and dramaturges were the outsiders, since they appeal to human emotion creating skeptics, who are challenging the established order. Into today terms are culture, scientist will fall into the category, since they question the established order.
Two results are clear the property was base on the power of Authority whose defined who was to benefit ownership, created the right to land, case in point the conquest of America by West was in name of the Monarchy establishing right of the land independent of who was in the land.
The second the emotional justification, religion, using the God given right, but the Hebrew had tradition, the fact they existed challenge the justification of divine right, hate is political tool born, we called today as Anti-Semitism promoted for 2000 years by the Roman Catholic Church, by manifestation appear in Against the Catarrhs, the Crusade used to recapture Jerusalem from Islam who also being influence by the western thinking, manifested in Caliphate or power of the Mullah Shia Islam.
Luther in the reformation past the same Anti-Semitism rage, because question the new self described chosen people, but the issue against the Jews was not Christianity alone, but Islam, since both were make claim the Divine right. The consequence was by legalize Anti-Semitism in Ghettos, in Europe, was pogroms beginning in the Christians Crusades, the inquisition in Spain and combine the last 200 years of intensity Anti-Semitism by the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Church especially Lutheran Evangelic Church in Germany, when Anti-Semitism was secular out the power of the Religious groups was Holocaust, there is a need to point out, by Roman Catholic church by recognized Mussolini power and helping. In Germany case, the first country to recognize the Nazi regime in diplomatic level was the Roman Catholic Church.
The political consequence of Authoritarian Despotic initially, manifested in the slave trade accepted in Islam, for Western Europe the introduction initially soft, meaning to Original Natives of The Americans the Spaniards slave them, to de las Casas after 20 years abdicate they were Humans, so they had a soul, the church accepted the argument, but did not stop exploitation as slaves, but not open call as slave, case of Guarani in Paraguay. The French in Haiti used race as tool to defined slave included the Portuguese in Brazil.
But the strong effect was found in the British Colony were with introduction of Slaves was legalize as race. Even after abolition of Slave, the new US of America continue to 1863, three years after civil conflict begin 1861, since Lincoln come to the realization the 400 years of the trade, especially in the Southern States, the economy was based using African Decent slaves by this time the international trade was being abolished. The used of raced produced wealth since the commodities (i.e. tobacco and rice and by the time of the civil conflict cotton become king). Lincoln method for dismantle the South was not new in the 1776 war with British, the British offered freedom to any slave will fought for the crown.
Since the civil conflict was not moral issued, but to maintain a federal structure, after the reconstruction 1873, began in South (the appear early by start to take shape KKK as intimidation to deny right to vote) idea of separation of the races, eventually legalize in case of New Orleans for African Americans to sit in the back to of the Bus.
The economy of this system was the all financial system benefit and the eve of the civil conflict New York wanted to be out of the Union, many trade, investment firms and manufacture firms, like in the case of ship yards Philadelphia and Rode Island, who built transport for the slave trade itself or transport the commodities to Europe.
The attitude of master and servant build in this despotic Authoritarian system peculated into the American industry, even the most Progressive in the industry like Pulman ideal city any worker could be evicted for change in his house, since the company defined what was acceptable, on the other hand in more repressive in West Virginia the mine cities, the only store in the camps owned by the company gauge the market and pretty much workers had not choice to pay extortion monies to the industry. The reaction by Authoritarian power for example the steel industry dealt with strike in Mckee Rocks 1900 strikes and 1886 Haymarket in Chicago which catalyzed the labor movement in US of America.
After so many social, race and religious conflict we left with different type despotic and authoritarian models, in Europe, we have or had in the right to left, in the right from Absolutes in case Mary Antoinette, and following this tradition Fascist in Italy, Nazi Germany and Christian Dictator in Spain by Franco. To Absolutist President in France, the Parliamentary system of British Aristocrats, to Scandinavian Moderate absolutisms base on the homogenous society and the old Soviet Union, where a new management class suppose come from the working class become the new lords, and practice in China today.
In the case US the political system has reduced to despotic, authoritarian model base in nepotism, which has produce incompetence, FDR to deal of free for all Capitalism put internal brakes in the assumption the individual needs, eventually will be in conflict with community, the member enter into the elite is wealth, the Calvinist attitude god choose me and therefore I have the wealth, so I can be the benevolent dictator, has be come the ideal, the reality a massive incopentese system one again is collapsing.
Journal Biotechnlogy, January 2008, by Bouchard, et al, repeating a study done by MIT in 1997, of the 21 drugs most important introduce from 1961-1992 , the used of public funding 14 of the 21, and continue by study of the Boston Globe in 1998, 45 of the 50 drugs best selling drugs in US from 1992-1997 come from public funding. Another study from Center Study of Responsive Law from 2007, 34 of 37 cancer studies done in US from 1955-1992 was funding by US Public funding.
One issue is clear long term work, since DNA discovery in 1950’s to today still the Gene Therapy a promise, but a long term commitment can not be done by single individual or a group, because there is not guaranty or possibility any success, communities making the commitment.
The idea a single authority can or defined, the need of community, or just a group, enter into conflict, the question is if the son is responsible of the father mistakes, the answer is depends, if we do not confront and find and take not responsibility we are not just a guilty we are more guilty
What are our options, the options is Libertarian Comunities.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A fundamental question for individuals and a social when responsibility need to take place, in Anglo universe, a responsibility is a right. For example, many who belong to the religion of the free market does not think the health care is not right, despite the fact because not individual, social group or corporation, which are limited in time and finite resources to committed to a long and not guaranty of success like health care.
The fact is every individual has finite days and the human condition will brake down, we all get sick and will be death of anything, because the incentive of a profit when human condition is to come to some end the market can not be premise to a loss, then society come into place and resources are used to guaranty not by small group, but a social decision guaranty a chance, a example DNA, from the discovery in the 1950ś to the Human Genome in the 1990ś was close 40 years, not only possible medications but the total enterprise which is survival, with out not guaranty.
Another example of consequence is social responsibility, in example since 1861 the beginning of USA civil war, the war has been repeated every 4 years, weather one group another has used the fear of losing control of the plantation and the African Americans in the plantation. The slave system in US was unique using race is away to become a questions of economics. The economics when for 500 years and the economics were found, in educational system, Brown University, founders made the wealth in the salve trade, but they where not the only ones, Harvard, Princeton and Kings College (Columbia University), not just from donations or endowments of wealthy benefactors, but insurance like Aetna guaranty loans to the plantation owners against the collateral, slaves, humans being sell into the market, but not the only ones or unique, to the investments banks in New York City, which plantation owners invested, but a economic system base on the slave trade, the ship builders in Philadelphia and Rhode Island, the economics trade peculated into donation of slaves for the construction of the congress builds in Washington D.C. never the less never to forget, the plantations owner in democratic system had a 3/4 value for each slave on the top of one man one vote, where is the responsibility of 500 years, not only the 100 after civil war second class was accepted into 1963, but because 500 years still question, one hectare and one mule, or the benefit of WWII generation were extended to African Americas were is the responsibility.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

How Many is to Many?

Whether by nature or desire a consequence of our evolution, we have spent our short time to find a meaning, and we measure our meaning, perhaps, because our span of our life to short, we measure everythingg, as raising against time and in generally, since, the late 20 Century we consider a changes for a period of 10 years.
Our obsession of measure try to answer a question, what are measured needed for actual event could happen, like life and everything? 42 dimensions, a dimensions is a value, like distance, time and the total 42 values is needed to have a event to happen like life itself.

Monday, July 28, 2008

In the Anglo-Saxon world we are in a continues bombardment of personal responsibility, the question what is personal responsibility and what is a community. In the 90ś a communitarian philosophy was developed on the idea of the individual responsibility. When the myth of individual is with certain frame, the frame is base on, we have choice in an open system, the basic flow is the system is not open and so the choices either. The system we are part as base on nepotism, family connections, where the wealth open access to certain positions and race.
The question of community in Europe which there is central, dependent in the homogeneous of the group or race, many immigration conflict is base on this principle. Today in Spain with the Roman Conflict and Italy where the spirit of Authoritarian and fascist ideals had not change since WWII.
On the other extreme is US where the open system with race and nepotism driven the idea of individual, the choice does not exits, the market is just a illusion where the elites benefit for themselves. In Colombia where 80% of the population is in poverty and the informal sector can't give a security. Where welfare system is base on charity can not solve the or begin to deal with inequality and elites owning 70% of the economy.
One sad behavior the case of abortion is deny on any case and women have found death because cancer found in pregnancy can not be treated and for the cancer victim only death. The Roman Church with all historical crimes against humanity and not just the willing and participant with Nazi Germany or Mussolini fascist or the force Baptism of Lazzaro or after WWII help many war criminals to escape to Latin America. Religion, State, Capital or power are the ones who define our system and our choice, still we have the power just to walk away, the long we submitted our own will, they have the power, the cost is to lose anything in the system, but what we gain is our freedom.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Spinoza in A Theologico-Political Treatise in Chapter XX, "If men's minds were as easily controlled as their tongues every king will sit safely on his throne", later on in the same place man has natural rights he can never abdicate even his consent and Spinoza admit the judgment has an inherent bias. The questions arise what is the inherent bias in judgment, Montaigne in Essay Vol I Chapter 34, of a defect in our policies "My whilome-father. a man who had no helped but from experience, and his owned nature, yet of an unspotted judgment, hath heretofore told me, that he much desired to bring this costume. which is. that in all cities there should be a certain appointed place, to which, whosoever should have need of any thing, might come cause his business to be registered by some officer appointed by this purpose." He said judgment from experience and from the type of experience an action. Judgment are bias build on assumptions acquired by experience, there is educational tradition, the knowledge exists independent of reality, and the reality conform, but judgment is a cation to a point of reference, and reference is the bias a experience which is built on a set of assumptions.

Of course each culture, given by the social experience created the reference points, which action are created, but this assumptions are from behaviors, many times misplace and of course the absolutes come from the repeated experienced, nature is being defined by the repeating a method, but there is a social definition. The repeat or the method can be reproduce, but there is context or meaning need consider every step in the method need to be understood, where social assumptions are involved a judgment depend on the frame of references which is being applied.
What certain behavior is acceptable or expected in some frame referenced, in another will not be acceptable, to defined in absolutes the consequence is many case this absolutes experience or judgment can't be adapted. In there is a behavior, like we expect for example everyone around us to behave the same, when is not the case, a social conflict has following. Family, and the power associated with cast in the family created conflicts, historically had grave consequence.
A failure in judgment is to impose a behavior, because threat our power relationship producing a conflict.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

When powers losses their strength are many factors, but the they are two tend to appears most overreach and denial.
The overreach manifest some times as material wealth, power in general tend to use what what is easy, for example force and terror, since there is an immediate control and short run the cost is not that great, except in the long term to maintain the power the cost increase since, the power is not cost free, to maintain, there is a greater cost .
The delusion of power is the can be maintain without any cost, since is base in an immediate necessity can't be plan in a long term.
The overreach is base on a believe this power can be maintain and project. Any projection will increased the power, power has hiding cost-time becomes the material cost and trying to maintain an elite is created for the only purpose is to pay the price of maintain the control, but in time and space the cost is not free need to be share by the whole, then cost become share everyone and the accumulation brings a society to brake point.
The delusion to maintain the power and project, the group needs to created myth of the power, to project and justify, even many generations, since the assumptions can't be maintain due to the cost of maintain and project the power will collapsed out his own power. Since justification and reason of power is control, the losing control, bring to a end. Control for for the sake of control, to maintain any mythology has a cost from the elite who benefit of the status qua and population a large who will and always has to pay the final price.
The difference between of revolution and a rebellion, a revolution changes elites, where a rebellion is the individual change the social contract, and reshaped the structure which form the society's, from the individual behavior what is acceptable, to a collective, what is reason for the society, how to related to each other.
We all have the power to make change, the reason society function, we all accepted the rules, but if we all cross our arms, everything stop, when a single individual cross their arms, is called antisocial, when two cross the arm is described a relationship, but when there are more then two becomes rebellion and social changes.
Society to control the power of stop believing, give us a frame we can change, but of course the rules are defined but the ones who are benefit and the elites defined the frame of the rules. The educational system and especially higher education is reinforcing a propaganda defined by elites and consequences has been a bad judgment Oh Syracuse!
A solution is to create solidarity across and just cross the arms to stop. We have power by not believing Galileo sin was to cast doubt to the doctrine, to the frame, we should cross our arms and cast doubt, we only one and two and then a Union.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A factor in the island mentality, which have own US for generations: there never has been occupation by a foreign force since 1812 war with British Empire, in the 20 Century Japan attack to the Hawaiian Islands and more recent time the events of September 11.
A factor in 1920 and 1930's California had a Spanish population who was absorbed when territory was lost in the war 1846. In the 1920's and 1930's many decedent of the Spanish colonization were deported to Mexico and help reinforce a racial divided driven by the economics, The color slave economic had a 500 years use of Africans of color and after 1863 when Lincoln out to brake the south liberate the free labor which the South and North benefit for 400 years, the story does not end for 100 years with the civil rights struggles and today we still feel the consequence.
The isolation of a truthful continental nation with exception of Canada and Russia, who developed the continental nation in different direction of the racial US, where Canada base in multi culture and Russia just a Empire.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

When a land has been conquer, what are the consequences? The first concequence is oppress has the right and obligation to rebel, if many generations are born in the conquest land does not make property of the conquest, the place is located in the hands of the original claim (we are talking about a legal transaction). If we considered Islam conquest of Spain in 718 and holding the land for closed to 800 years and the Spanish reconquest in 1492 completed a cycle, with the expulsion not only of Islam, but the Jews.
The conquest of Jerusalem 637 from the Byzantine Empire, did not resolve the claim to the city, and the fact through period of close of 2,000 Jews were outsiders in the Christian and Islamic society. Where in Christian did not have a legal identity, being a permanent outsiders and Islam world, they had legal identity as second class citizen and the same to Christians in the land control by Islam. The Christian claim took action the right to reconquest in 11 and 12 century haven the Latin Kingdom for closed 90 years, going back to Egypt, after to Turkish Empire, and later to the British.
In recent times Canada for example is trying to resolved the conquest by England with the first nations, where the fact there never was a legal resolution, in the case of Spain, Islam was force was use force out and Israel (especially Jerusalem) after the partition by UN, whether the partition was act upon, since in 1920´s the British took control from the Turks, a partition was promise as solution to permanences of the Jews being outsiders in Europe-this type relationship is not just one case, but when the Turks conquest the Balkans, the rural areas hold there Christian identity and city dwellers when to Islam the conflict of 1990´s was result of the conquest and without resolution. Today in Iraq, the Kurds are dealing being a distinct group one a national identity separate, the consequence of conquest a permanent conflict, since conquest does not create a ownership right.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Despised of so many silver lines and black clouds, the are moments which can say humans have some hope. The fact the New York philharmonic give a friendship concert in north North Korea, not the first time since Berlin, even all Soviet Union the fact the long we have contact with each other we can share our experience, since we are belong to the family specie. We share a common destiny, to find the middle ground is a very hard how to be individual and being part of community, maybe the answer ethical choice some times individuals need to be the individuals to put the community interest over them selves, but in other cases the individual need t make a choice which is against the community. Ethical behavior is to learn how to make a decision where middle ground need to be found.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Solidarity is an interested word or an interested though, today in the US, we have between 42 to 47 Million person without any kind health insurances and 52 Million total with in year without health insurance. The rest who has any insurance, they are been restricted to the access from the primary care, specialist or medication, and whether you forgot intentional or unintentional omitted information, they reserved the right to deny retroactive the access, even when you have the access you have pay some cost from hospital care , medication or physician.
The US in development world pay the most expensive care close to 7,000 USD and in some level US get very little in return, since at least 17% has not access compare to Europe, where there is universal access or Canada with a national health insurance administer by provinces, and the right to health insurance as part of the bill of rights of Canada.
The public in the US subsides health system, NHI provide grants from the basic biology to medical application and NSF provide more money for fundamental work, without the support many technology development can´t be happened. But the support does not end there, teaching Medical School, get support from the federal, state even local (city). In Puerto Rico the pharmaceuticals have tax heaven since their argument become provide jobs, which is the case in some cases. and many commercial enterprise get tax shelters, subsides and grant money as public support to the public health.
Still despited the society share or paying the cost not just we have a portion of the society without health care or the one who has is ration, the question is how we got to this point, in 1970´s Nixon with Kaiser Permanent of California conspire the creation of commercial health care where the objective is profit.
The idea of the market driving with myth whatever is good for the individual trickle down to community, the end result is a conflict with the reality we born and we die in between we get sick. The biological machine with time degrades and each time become a cost.
There another example where cost come with conflict with society as education, we are not just talking about human knowledge, but the educational system in US is a vocation to obtained a job. In the end of WWII white America give himself GI Bill where two options: one option was down payment for a house, to build a capital or legacy transferring to the own future generations and the second option educational grants, millions white America education give access to consumer life, where African Americas was deny for the second time, the first in the reconstruction after of the civil war was promise of a mule and some acre of land.
In the 1980´s with the ideal of dismantle Keynesian economy of Government involvement, where Nixon started with the most intimate aspect of existence life, health care by given Health Insurance a commercial mandate, the next was the educational system, where Regan cut grants not just the GI Bill, but any government grant and turn to loans, the educational system become just a commercial enterprise. The dismantle of the government also dismantle the access to social system.
In 1980´s and and 1990´s economic crises in Asia, Latin America, Mexico, but the total collapse of the Argentinian monetary system, in many cases money loans by the Government to factory owners, they default loans in many case ended in private accounts outside the country, where the Argentinian people could not access their own money during the crises.
There is illusion human relationships can be put into a logical system and hence, define rules can predicted behavior and one of this illusion is the science of economics. To reduce humans to simple logical rules, forget our 90% or irrationality. Our irrationality makes us to do things against our interest, form electing politician who will go against our interest, to destructive behavior, all political systems from left to right had done in one point in time, democracy for example for close to 165 years had a set of people as perpetual slaves.
There is human feeling which sprung with the same irrational state of the human condition empathy, we share experience, the same human pain of the human condition, not to say the because truly cultural difference, because geography, family, values or religion, but human condition is we born and we die in between we struggle, in this struggle we find solidarity. The idea we are individuals and there is not consequence, when economic collapse occur and situation become outside of our control solidarity born, and we can relate to the individual pain and we willing to do something to give a chance not about the individual but to all of us.