Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Spinoza in A Theologico-Political Treatise in Chapter XX, "If men's minds were as easily controlled as their tongues every king will sit safely on his throne", later on in the same place man has natural rights he can never abdicate even his consent and Spinoza admit the judgment has an inherent bias. The questions arise what is the inherent bias in judgment, Montaigne in Essay Vol I Chapter 34, of a defect in our policies "My whilome-father. a man who had no helped but from experience, and his owned nature, yet of an unspotted judgment, hath heretofore told me, that he much desired to bring this costume. which is. that in all cities there should be a certain appointed place, to which, whosoever should have need of any thing, might come cause his business to be registered by some officer appointed by this purpose." He said judgment from experience and from the type of experience an action. Judgment are bias build on assumptions acquired by experience, there is educational tradition, the knowledge exists independent of reality, and the reality conform, but judgment is a cation to a point of reference, and reference is the bias a experience which is built on a set of assumptions.

Of course each culture, given by the social experience created the reference points, which action are created, but this assumptions are from behaviors, many times misplace and of course the absolutes come from the repeated experienced, nature is being defined by the repeating a method, but there is a social definition. The repeat or the method can be reproduce, but there is context or meaning need consider every step in the method need to be understood, where social assumptions are involved a judgment depend on the frame of references which is being applied.
What certain behavior is acceptable or expected in some frame referenced, in another will not be acceptable, to defined in absolutes the consequence is many case this absolutes experience or judgment can't be adapted. In there is a behavior, like we expect for example everyone around us to behave the same, when is not the case, a social conflict has following. Family, and the power associated with cast in the family created conflicts, historically had grave consequence.
A failure in judgment is to impose a behavior, because threat our power relationship producing a conflict.

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