Saturday, February 08, 2020





1917 Imperial War (And Nationalism)

Evans in The Pursuit of Power Europe 1815-1914 (2016-Allen Lane) point out after Napoleon Defeat a reactionary access between Russian Czar, Austria and British Empire only interest was their commercial enterprise—the long they could maintain their commercial power, there was no other interest.
The reason why the Czar and the European reactionary Aristocrats had such adverse reaction to Napoleon, since then and especially in Slavic Culture, the Autocratic rule was based on the power structure, to the time, any legal recognition of individual was based on the capricious desires of the Nobility and aristocrats. Napoleon, in order to normalize secularization independent of the ideology of the Autocratic Nobility/Aristocrats, which they believe their power, was a Divine Right.
Napoleon introduced the citizenship was granted based on born or by granted by the state, this challenge the divine right, the result was WWI. While the Czar did granted the freedom to the servants, Austria Emperor did not, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was reaction of the oppression, while Austria was not unique but after Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth disintegrated, Sweden inherit the territory—when give to Katherine, she created Pale, the only region where Jews are allot to inhabit, Russia, after Moscow become the center, to maintain their power excluded the Russ from Kiev and began a policy of Russification, which mean Russian Cultural Imperialism forcing only Russia as Language, Russian Culture in case of Lithuania, Russia closed Universities in Poland and University of Vilnius closed University for 100 years only to reopen after Lithuania become a nation, the full fledged of Russification take place in Finland were not only Religion—Finish are Lutherans, but exclusion of Jews, the Czar force Jews to give Children under tutelage of Priest when were 13 years old, eventually 12 since away to stop separation was to marry them early, in any case if they convert to Orthodox Religion will be granted privilege, in most of the cases needed to serve for period of 10 years for the Czar, they were send to the far East and Urals.
Many leaders in Jews community debated in take sides with every day Antisemitism of the Polish or structural Antisemitism of the Russia Czar, of course the miscalculation of the Jews Leader, due there was inherent flow, they were isolated by Majority which saw them through some Religious lenses (whether were Christian or Islam—monotheism tend to produced very radical exclusion, since in the core they believe they have absolute truth-God no other, not other truth is possible).
The consequence like any other, events cascade, while the Renaissance—rediscover rationalism, where can be a world without a Divine explanation, Industrialization—Science was able to give explanations could be transform in utilitarian used—Technology, the fact there was not God, in the rush of explanations without God, ended as race is a pseudo-science, Arendt defined the Modern Antisemitism is born (The Origin of Totalitarianism). The Russian Antisemitism, which had deep roots in their Orthodox Christians Roots, while Frances was embroiled in Dreyfus and Emily Zola in the J´acusse, the French Military Elite to save face used Antisemitism, the Czar secret police created the fuel for 20 Century Antisemitism plagiarism of many sources—created around 1902-1903, the sources: Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu (Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu), an 1864 political satire by Maurice Joly and a chapter from Biarritz, an 1868 novel by the antisemitic German novelist Hermann Goedsche, which had been translated into Russian in 1872.

A major source for the Protocols was Der Judenstaat (1896) by Theodor Herzl, which was referred to as Zionist Protocols, the text, which nowhere advocates for Zionism, resembles a parody of Herzl's ideas and Elements of the Protocols were plagiarized from Joly's fictional Dialogue in Hell, a thinly veiled attack on the political ambitions of Napoleon III, who, represented by the non-Jewish character Machiavelli.
While the ideal of Russification had become the policy of today Russia, whether Ukraine or Belarus, or attends to exerted power In the Baltic's by carrying the same traditional of Disinformation, the Soviet Union (Russia) made pact to divided Poland with Nazi Germany.
Nationalism advocated by Russia or the current White Administration in the white house today—or corrupt Republican party is return to as just a Plantation US society where white Privilege is only current—the changes of 1963 immigration quota for reunification policy.
Russia is built on fear, the decline of the population, losing used force to create a sphere of influence, in case US they declined of white population, become diluted as any other minority, the same fear drive by British leaving the EU.
The existence of the EU is a remedy of 2000 years of conflict—which when from Imperial conflicts culminated in WWI and industrial Genocide of WWII.
WWI Germany envious of the British-Racist Empire, wanted be Imperial power, the consequence as Evans in The Third Reich in History and Memory (2015—Little Brown)  Rwanda Genocide was rotted instruction of Imperial Germany the concept of racial differences as legal—while British used as Commercial concept, India Nationalism exclusion of Muslims in their Citizenship are trend in Europe right, US , Russia reintroduction of identity—race, for Christianity and Islam the other exist, where India Nationalism needed to rationalized.
In the Mercantilism of the 17 Century—economy of race, only the same can benefice the other only exist to be exploit and abused—since we are base economy burning hydrocarbons—the consequence become not a single group or individuals be only one can benefices the ignorance and arrogance Australia burning, they will be only one—or US, we are impacting everyone, we are not only ones.
Our job is to remain anyone we are not just other species, but we come from the same DNA, we all make or we will sink together.