Monday, December 27, 2021



Free will means we can write our own destiny, while because our lack of understanding, we can´t control or even find a solution, so often when dawn of a new horizon, we try to hold. 2021 began with such historical moment, with the white supremacist president and the whites of US professing Democracy only Democracy for whites in US and the rest Slaves—while Slaves is not allot Subjugation and the equivalent is poverty as mention by Godwin in Inquiry Concerning Political Justice. White Supremacist have used the economy to suppressed anyone who challenge their power structure, the basic begin educational system based to create network a selection, based using gate keepers from that moment their position in is defined while the open because the inbreeding needs new line they selected by limiting their axes.

The economic n US was to maintain white supremacist ideology while the races Southern Confederation loss, they social structure existed to maintain socially the white supremacist, without spoken as a political power but:

January 6 moment for coup eta, by the white supremacist, they feel they become a minority and losing control, while based on lies where any who was not white or Christian become a suspected of fraud, an irony was the whites in US become their own fraud, while Russia in their quest to Russification supported the white supremacist in the US.

Like Spanish flu created convulsions for imperial war of WWI (and industrial Genocide of WWII), the pandemic of 2019 show the failure of white supremacist administration by converted the pandemic of a politics because them the US have 800,000 deaths and climbing. The biology of the virus does not follow an ideology, but set of biological laws (Science dealt with observation, replication and control).

The white supremacist appealing the idea of we are better and for generations mythology was construct the community (Government) was a failure so individual could maintain their power, we are living a new Gild Age, the white supremacist wanted to revive the mercantile economy of the 18th century which was based the production was in the mother county and others was to provide the raw materials—the slaves.

We are in the cross roads the Carbon society had destabilized the sensitive equilibrium and choice is community can rebuilt where they are master not owners—not slave. Economy based in cooperatives, alternative energy and open education, healthcare is right, we have the tools and we need choice.

We need overcome the tyrants and white supremacist, their power exist because we submitted to hem is time to say no—enough.

Friday, November 05, 2021













Last Days


















Mistakes to Repeat

Santayana, In Reason and Common sense 1905 in closing of his Volume I “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”, we are in 21th Century and the winds are the same elements that raise industrial Genocide of WWII.

The nationalism raise in the 19th Century and justification using pseudo Sciences of Eugenics to justify Imperialism, while the ideas root in US, but dark implementation by National Socialism in Germany, Fascist in Italy, Franco in Spain and Portugal, in the same level the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Christians (while not unique to Christianity, in Islam the Mufti of Jerusalem not just collaborated with Germans in WWII but participated in the creation of Bosnia SS Units, whom Genocide not just Jews, Romany but Serbians) to maintain power collaborated to rationalize and justify the ideology some are less and the Genocide justify, the horrors of Killing of Six Million Jews, 200,000 to 1.5 Million, 20 Million Russians, here we are a wind of white supremacist ideology reborn in South of US, despised of losing Civil War, but through all the way stop any right to their Slaves, the south and in extended US white can´t come to terms with their own actions, the white supremacist president 45 insisted an insurrection, while to  maintain power, as demagogue used the white grievance, the fear the privilege of their skin losing by become another minority, the US is structure only to help only the ones look like us, by us means Anglo-Saxon, race being the foundation of the US, we need to remember the consequence can´t control and we all have an expiration day, we are product of human migration which started about 200,000 years in our home land West Africa, humanity home.    

































Friday, October 15, 2021



Fall Twinkled


Wall Sculpture

Fall Sculptures


Remarkable Times


    In this remarkable times, one issue become an ideology of white supremacist had taken root, while there has been an assumption because the monstrosity of Holocaust and the cost of WWII conflict where closed to 75 Million death or 3% of population of the time and the reason was based in Antisemitism base on subjective construction of race.

    About 200 thousand years small bands of Homo sapiens migrated from Africa—while encountering Neanderthal—Europeans and Asian have 1% to 2%, in Asia in the case of Tibetan have inherit gene which dealt with high altitudes from a branch of the Denisovans about 40,000 thousand year, the lack of D-Vitamin the Yamama in the steps north black see about 8000 years at the same time proton-language of the 6000 languages today.

The underline humans what we are as product of Migration an example of closing Japan for 200 Years closing produce an unique culture, but an stagnation.

    While ancient cultures practice slaves as Athens, China, Egypt, Kush and Rome as the many, but Rome in process like Assyrians wanted to maintain power force integrated—open door to Rome citizenship, the introduction Christianity to be Empire Religion created a situation where needed the other—the Jews, this open the idea the Christianity had a new pact with God and his privilege. Emperor regimen predispose by the hand of God creating the Christian Antisemitism. As Arendt point the use of color to Justified an economy based on slaves, first the bible, but when question validity of the mythology a new mythology based in pseudo-science of Eugenics reflecting Rhodes ideal of the Anglo-Saxon superiority.  

    Science is based on integrity of simplicity of two factors a control and replication, science is not a believe, if can´t be replicated then is not validity, what science have found we all carry through or genes our history of the human migrations, this the issue why anti-Vaxx and the revival of white supremacist which taken away their white entitlement, this why we are in this situation as this Pandemic and like 1917 Spanish flu as today we have more understand more, pandemic does not case in case of mRNA, behaved as the Biology rules, independent of believe, which does not fit sense of superiority, white are in denial they are product of the human migration from Africa our home.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

City Possibilities




The Answers sometimes are in front


2001 was a historical changes, ten years had pass when the Soviet Union disappear, more in anything because despised the brotherhood and Internationalism the project ended because the project become and was about Russia Imperialism in other name, Russification become the project. The US with his albatross Race—the real ideology of US is white supremacist, taken a victory lap, but events in 2001 change, Collin Powell words you break your owned, with respond in Afghanistan the US, like with the Korea war—which technically the US still at war, because the prestige of the nation, the support and change a society, with Afghanistan the law of unintended consequences, the misogyny of the Islamist, the cruelty against the women and cruelty against the population—all empty hallow promised the stewardship of 45 President US, by decapitated the regime, but making deal with the people whom involved in September 11, 2001, his Secretary making the dealt with Taliban and the decision of 46 President to leave at any cost, fear they will US never leave, one fact from 2001 to 2021, the arrogances the US did not try to learn the languages or the culture, the same arrogances droved the leaving and chaotic exit. What US does not understand they have change the placed the soft power have given the women option to educated, work hold power, the population exposed to consumption—the country did not have time to developed an economy, which Korea had strong man in 60´s and native movement in 1980´s open, eventually industrial economy developed. Afghanistan dependent totally on international Aid, 9 Billion the country has and located in US are saving from International aid. The Taliban already try to control the population by denying access to food.

The action taken by President 46 of US, arrogance of him miscalculated—while fact 45 hands strong 46 by making a deal with the Taliban and May 1 as leaving.  While 45 administration due to his white supremacist ideology had not intention to have any immigration from Afghanistan translators or any NGO helpers or anyone who had help for the 20 years. 46 to said why to try to help a Government can´t fight for himself, like the fascist 45 whom by site stepping government Kabul, his transactional philosophy found not need of them, so there was not need to used US prestigious. Korea has taken about 60´s years and counting, since the issued the rising of China as Imperial force challenge homogeneous force of the US. As US President 43 underestimated the Islamist, 45 did not even care and nativity of 46 the rising of Islamist, as was found in Iraq and abandonment of US president 46 of the Kurd's—Syria still in play and possibility of ISIS in Syria –-not to forgot Turkey in his own interest against the Kurd let and help ISIS except the monster when out control, where US had to return to Iraq and Europe suffered attacks and major migration rising xenophobic political parties in Europe.

One unintended consequence, have become the European Union realizing the could not depended on US, especially dealing with Imperial desires of Russia forcing a more Federal Europe and creation of European Army, which British are against since they are of European Union becoming more plausibly.

Lessons when you break you’re owned, whatever reasons the consequences are generational and the story of Afghanistan is not over and being written and Islamist in Afghanistan will be in 12 months to 38 months will due again. When people in name of God cannot be negotiations, they believe in after not in the now the material world or the now does not affect their driven, but errors we the ones who have not name will feel the full blow of the misguided.