Friday, October 15, 2021

Remarkable Times


    In this remarkable times, one issue become an ideology of white supremacist had taken root, while there has been an assumption because the monstrosity of Holocaust and the cost of WWII conflict where closed to 75 Million death or 3% of population of the time and the reason was based in Antisemitism base on subjective construction of race.

    About 200 thousand years small bands of Homo sapiens migrated from Africa—while encountering Neanderthal—Europeans and Asian have 1% to 2%, in Asia in the case of Tibetan have inherit gene which dealt with high altitudes from a branch of the Denisovans about 40,000 thousand year, the lack of D-Vitamin the Yamama in the steps north black see about 8000 years at the same time proton-language of the 6000 languages today.

The underline humans what we are as product of Migration an example of closing Japan for 200 Years closing produce an unique culture, but an stagnation.

    While ancient cultures practice slaves as Athens, China, Egypt, Kush and Rome as the many, but Rome in process like Assyrians wanted to maintain power force integrated—open door to Rome citizenship, the introduction Christianity to be Empire Religion created a situation where needed the other—the Jews, this open the idea the Christianity had a new pact with God and his privilege. Emperor regimen predispose by the hand of God creating the Christian Antisemitism. As Arendt point the use of color to Justified an economy based on slaves, first the bible, but when question validity of the mythology a new mythology based in pseudo-science of Eugenics reflecting Rhodes ideal of the Anglo-Saxon superiority.  

    Science is based on integrity of simplicity of two factors a control and replication, science is not a believe, if can´t be replicated then is not validity, what science have found we all carry through or genes our history of the human migrations, this the issue why anti-Vaxx and the revival of white supremacist which taken away their white entitlement, this why we are in this situation as this Pandemic and like 1917 Spanish flu as today we have more understand more, pandemic does not case in case of mRNA, behaved as the Biology rules, independent of believe, which does not fit sense of superiority, white are in denial they are product of the human migration from Africa our home.

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