Friday, December 25, 2020







The moments of banality, which had been compare changes beginning from the 18th, the dictator secularization of the French Revolution—Napoleon achieved recognized civil citizenship to the Jews, the reactionary forces of Europe the holy alliance—the British interest to maintain the mercantile monopoly of the seas, the Russia Czar, Austrian and Germans, the Nobility families decent from German Autocratic tradition, where absolute power wield from Authority of the Christian God, the seeds for WWI and WWII, Genocide of 20th century, and Holocaust.   

The secular Christianity exposed by Marx, the grail come to end with fall of the Berlin wall, free traders imagine the Capitalism as the final fate, but the destructive machine of Capitalism, leaving behind working class, environment destruction—while the racism which created the wealth for Europe and the human destruction WWII leave a scar, while US founded on the British Racism, culminated in Oregon being only white state in constitution, and US the constitution enshrined the slave ownership with value of Southern Plantation owners one in half above the others.

But life always have a wrench, while some scientist speculated the our Galaxy full of carcasses of civilizations, we, in our cross-roads a transition world we have choices, the white supremacist administration of the last fourth years become a reaction to a success African American, the racism is the hearth of US, not just Against the black skin but any dark skin, the pseudo-science of Eugenics, become rationalization for Immigration, quotas which the last fourth years the white supremacist administration try to reestablished. The racism in US percolated into society from the gate keepers limited the education, limiting mobility to just to be alive from health to the used of the law, the long someone is worst and I am better, the long I have access and other not, the long I am in class, which by my skin give privilege and the other not, this is US capitalism my wealth because color privilege.

The ignorance and incompetence of privilege brought white administration, could not handle a crises, because to confront a crises, you need to be outside the comfort zone, behind yourself, by being the other, empathy is to be other, the cost whereas now 18+ Million infected and 300 thousand + death the cost of the racism in US, the fantasy of white supremacist crash down, the mythology of the Hebrews 40 year in desert, to let the Generation of the exodus to past, because could not confront their own mistake, we are in the same the 400+ years of racism US had not confronted, the Black Life Matters and the epidemic hitting hard the classes which had to exposed outside increasing the risk of exposure, the cost of one single life.

The reaction of white US become just another like any other, losing privilege, the Republican party, the party of Oligarchies, sold the whites in US, the cult of white, to maintain power, sacrificed the lowest white class for their power and wealth, but since the dark skin rebel, now discover by direct action to challenge, the white middle class of suburbs realized the elites will sacrifice them, like low middle class, but they can see through not God right or power given, just challenge, the power they have over us, because we let them—Rebel, question and as IWW say build in the carcasses of the old.

Do not let gate keepers, destroy the wall, kick doors, if the system can’t change stop and created—bases on cooperation, this third rock have expiration day, the long we are here our fate dependent on this rock, time to sail through the dark skies to new shores, the lesson is to prepare, as Humanity, we are the product 3 Billion of evolution—the chance to see eternity is great, as group.          

Wednesday, November 18, 2020













Pause and Race

Jones-Rogers in her book They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave owners in the American South, 2019, Yale University Press, described, not just injustices, but cruelty 2020 has been challenge not since 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, when began to roll events, which cruelty culminated in Holocaust, 2020 have shown not since the early 20th century historical events, where climate is impact with have hurricane season, the white cruelty towards other especially with dark color, George Floyd and thousands of them pay with their life. The 2016 the grievance of the white working class, left behind with Reagan—Teacher neoliberal policies, which   first test where in Chile after Allende, neo-liberal Fascist regimen began experiments, when Regan began the experiment, the privatize the higher education, the US Government become guarantor of Public Student Loans, minimizing any grants, and Higher Education become Business, the prestigious of the US become shining city, the Democrats, like New Labor to gain power the sold to neo-liberal control Market, but forces which put the Republican in power did not have, ended with White Supremacist white house, which 2020, 73 Million supported the enterprise and closed to 80 Million did not, the issue is 73 Million racist, while arguments the inequality and economic distress, the same in 1930´s  in Germany took rain, many conservatives in Germany assume they control Hitler, underestimated, the same US conservatives regarding the White supremacist, which did not, 2020 exploded into race confrontation, while Europe Albatross is Antisemitism, the US is race, where owning slaves economics, segregation economics, but the Southern elites to maintain power, the used African Americans, the white poor are not worst then African Americans, to make sure not health care, not education, since skills are the key to enter upper classes.

The used of believe to justified a God being sold, while the Original Monotheism, grew up in Polytheistic, see the Jewish Temple in Elephantine Island, where cohort of Anet –Betel and Asham-Betel, YHWH, the same believe used but US white supremacist as equivalence ignorance, challenge any expert, which as today closed 11 Million infected and 250,000 + death, the scale show how intrinsic the racism foundation of US (Parkinson, 2016. The Common Cause, Creating Race and Nation in the American Revolution, The University North Carolina Press). The economics of the Slave in South which fueled an industrial Revolution in Northern US(Baptist, 2014. The half has never been Told, Slavery and Making of American Capitalism, Basic Books), and the after in segregation (Downs, 2012. Sick of Freedom, African American Illness and suffering during the civil war and Reconstruction, Oxford).

The end result after 500 years of society based on race, the economic and used of social change to create a white mythology, white grievances, like Germany in 1920´s and 30´s turn to antisemitism, whites in US, like the KKK control of Indiana in 1920´s, the chose a white supremacist, the problem with mythology, Europe cost WWI and WWII, especially the holocaust, while Russia wanted to be Czar sphere influence, can no arise the Holocaust—can´t change identity politics, can´t use economics, the automation have come, the idea of Universal Healthcare—community designed, Universal Income, tax driven tertiary higher education, social house, Cooperative economic, where community, where Green technology, used rail, electrical cars, electrical aviation, where internet for all, from education, to home office will be permanent, does not take fact US have 73 Million racist, but grievances are   not going away, we have pause, to make choice, 75 Years Holocaust, because the population material benefit was more important than, ethical choice, our generation today we have choice and push back.


Sunday, October 11, 2020





Windows of the soul






Sansara-Henotheism or monolatry and white supremacist in the white house


The Hindu believe we humans are living a cycle of live where we born again and again, according to our deeds, we be in the higher level a priest, which are the only one, who can guide and navigate, come Siddhartha and said while the cycle we all born, our deed can takes to fourth possible outcomes, hell reserve to all who committed evil, while temporal, when the deed is extracted, we can return to cycle, the next level we just become living, when we return as humans precious choice, and if our deeds are so great the reincarnation will come dime-gods, but eventually they also return to cycle.

What Siddhartha, revolution, spoke any one can reach the salvation, did not matter what caste or gender, human pain cause by being trap in the cycle, the despair in the cycle, some humans being more sensitive could not deal with despair of the cycle, when Siddhartha reach his 80 birthday, and in his 30´s birthday acceptance, after death is nothing here, liberation from the here, detachment, nothings, does not matter what is after, the point is to liberated the pain of the here, the cycle, this action of enlightenment, this action of nothings.

While, Siddhartha was reacting to caste system, the spiritual chaos of India deny an universal salvation, Siddhartha bring a hope, while China in the warriors states dealt with unstable Laozi, in Dao, the way where humans navigate our existence, by flowing, stability was to achieve through this flow, in the flow we achieve a detachment, and in the now we achieve perfection by accepting and being in Dao, the energy who is universe is like shadow of the mountain where the Sun come and slowly darkness, but with the cycle the will be light and the action become harmony, the stability.

A second approach to achieve the harmony, was by setting a set rules, where based on honor, respect, harmony—stability was to be achieve.

While, the origins of the Roman Republic was based in this honor, eventually become a corrupted tyranny, the wealth corrupted Rome (Watts, E. J., 2018. Mortal Republic, How Rome Fell Into Tyranny; Basic Books—New York), while Rome tragedy was not Unique Athens had to deal with (while Athenian Democracy was only applied to the free males, with the exclusion of Women and Slaves), Herodotus and Thucydides describe the tension between Demos (Clans) and their leaders, Rome created system where Aristocrats, the Equestrian Class could Government, since their wealth give them a leisure class could take time before laws become enacted—Senate and the populous will dictated law. Socrates propose in the Republic a wise man (Philosopher) to be choice from the Aristocrat leisure class, since they could afford the time in learn supported by their wealth, he devise a society based in Pyramided, Socrates was not a Democrat, but set the seeds used eventually by despotic rule of the absolutist, such Russian Czars and German Kaiser, and German Aristocrats, the absolute leader. The Roman Church given their right by God in being absolute, which Marx secularize the reason of this absolute power, but Mussolini Fascism and National Socialism in Germany justified by pseudo-Science of Race, while in US a nation build an ideal of white superiority in the Beginning of 20th Century mean Anglo-Saxon, the used of Eugenics to set immigration of US to being repelled in 1963 with family unification.

Monotheism as we thing today, was respond of exile, needed to explain lost a land, the Believe of the Hebrews when through an evolution as being described in Elephantine Island—in Egypt, (Elephantine Papyrus—consist of 175 manuscripts from 5 B.CE), the worship pf YAWAH with Anat-Yahu, the worship was exactly as Iron Age II of Judah (mentioned in the document AP 44, line 3, in Cowley's numbering), not only described the believe but social life, where lineage was based on the father (Bleiberg, Edward (2002). Jewish Life in Ancient Egypt: A Family Archive from the Nile Valley. Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Museum of Art. p. 26).

The evolution from Henotheism or monolatry to Monotheism as product of the exile from the first temple, human history desired of certainties and stability and since we have evolved since the wandering from humans Africa ancestral home, in this small group we found our security, this action help to create the other, and genocide, and racism which the white supremacist occupant in the white house, exploited the Business class in US, which is represent by them Republican party, and now racist populist party—the US working class left behind, by the Business class desired of race to the bottom, living them their misery was because the other, not because the Business class sold them in this race to bottom, where the white working class left with nothing.

Without support, educational system based on wealth, with their gate keepers saying only one who belong to their class can access, with health care—at this time the white supremacist are taken the limited access, because only they deserve the right, the others, the long can provide almost not cost labor, when existence cost more to them, the only value is individual death, we began for human liberation—salvation from this world, to now a system based a cast of privilege.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Heaven and Earth







The human migration from Africa, was built on small groups about 200,000 Years, not single, but slowly group, the consequence we have become to predispose, Dunbar rule we have 3 intimated friends, and total 200   acquaints through our lives (, 150 in our social group, which was truth, but Industrial revolution force groups where anonymous. The cohesion in these small groups was the need of built a trust, since under this circumstances our survival was built in this trust, with creation of cities, where need of structure to function, Rome when from a Republic, where 300 Aristocrats families will share the consent to rule, since they created a mechanism to deal with extreme circumstances the two councils, morphing in the First Citizen to become the Cesare (Watts, 2018. Mortal Republic, How Rome Fell into Tyranny, Basic), while other Models Athens the tribe or Demos extended trust (only to males-exclusion of women and slaves) to created assembly only for they consider citizens (Solon Constitution, Aristotle, The Athenian Constitution, Penguin Classis, Translation Rhodes).

While other models using Authoritarian based right given by the Gods, Sumerian cities, or race India Cast system or China total power of the Empire.

The question become top down is the only model. Athens where the self-selected compromise the share of self-government, Kroptkin´s Mutual Aid Factor of Evolution, propose the human development (evolution) consider cooperation, the small groups we are part are based in trust, de Waal in his work have showing human cooperation is a strategy (How chimpanzees cooperate in a competitive world Malini Suchak, Timothy M. Eppley, Matthew W. Campbell, Rebecca A. Feldman, Luke F. Quarles, Frans B. M. de Waal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Sep 2016, 113 (36) 10215-10220; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1611826113). Humanity we are closed to 9 Billion, and force us to be anonymous a sense of isolation, the emotional security has been lost, but with recognition, we have an opportunity build society small groups in trust. The recognition, what we consider important and values, we can´t take our material world, not even Pharos, what they left for a Museum, what we leave is our actions to others and ourselves.

The second if everyday survival need hunger, clothing, shelter, knowledge or health, we need to recognize every one of us have a talent, and interest. We all wake up to sense of purpose just to exist, finding the talents need to be independent of survival. Haven post-scarcity, where universal-healthcare run by communities, the knowledge is run by interest as groups sharing the same interest, shelter is basic, food is local provided to everyone, everyone share responsibility of each other, local storage's which anyone have access to this needs, shelters based Eco-villages using Eco-energy, while someone interest will be in Astronomy, Medicine,  Biology to Arts, music, in some ways the idea anyone can share knowledge just by connection, with 3-D printing (we are not there) can provided this basic shelter, knowledge can be transmitted to anyone, anywhere, anyone reproduces observations, with citizen groups having labs, can be share, we can bring back to small groups, since anyone can access this observations.

They idea of holding and the right of holding, this privilege is Capitalism access for the few, who they ting are better than other, because that, they get the right to control, since anonymity of the many can manipulate, but when small communities and access, since machines robots can do must work, the we can prioritized, to other values, where Music, Actors discovery, where a hike or bike has more value, than addiction of playing market, the need of the market, what we have forgot, our advancement come from curiosity of wanted to know, inventions come from need to make material our need better, while access to that, which is control, become run by wealth, but share make labs, or open Biology lab, open sciences, where we have facilitators to help forward, not everyone will like to know or practice Medicine, of know logic or mathematics, others just interest in computer programing or building from wood or electronics a society of Artisans, where craft come from experience, now the big world become small with information everyone hands, we have a chance to make world better, we can should explore Universe, for our survival we need to leave this rock, but never forgot like 200,000 years we left Africa in small groups, our trust of each other, made mistake to believe one individual can solved our problems, when is responsibility of each one of us. We are our brother keeper..........