Friday, November 05, 2021

Mistakes to Repeat

Santayana, In Reason and Common sense 1905 in closing of his Volume I “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”, we are in 21th Century and the winds are the same elements that raise industrial Genocide of WWII.

The nationalism raise in the 19th Century and justification using pseudo Sciences of Eugenics to justify Imperialism, while the ideas root in US, but dark implementation by National Socialism in Germany, Fascist in Italy, Franco in Spain and Portugal, in the same level the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Christians (while not unique to Christianity, in Islam the Mufti of Jerusalem not just collaborated with Germans in WWII but participated in the creation of Bosnia SS Units, whom Genocide not just Jews, Romany but Serbians) to maintain power collaborated to rationalize and justify the ideology some are less and the Genocide justify, the horrors of Killing of Six Million Jews, 200,000 to 1.5 Million, 20 Million Russians, here we are a wind of white supremacist ideology reborn in South of US, despised of losing Civil War, but through all the way stop any right to their Slaves, the south and in extended US white can´t come to terms with their own actions, the white supremacist president 45 insisted an insurrection, while to  maintain power, as demagogue used the white grievance, the fear the privilege of their skin losing by become another minority, the US is structure only to help only the ones look like us, by us means Anglo-Saxon, race being the foundation of the US, we need to remember the consequence can´t control and we all have an expiration day, we are product of human migration which started about 200,000 years in our home land West Africa, humanity home.    

































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