Wednesday, March 12, 2008

When a land has been conquer, what are the consequences? The first concequence is oppress has the right and obligation to rebel, if many generations are born in the conquest land does not make property of the conquest, the place is located in the hands of the original claim (we are talking about a legal transaction). If we considered Islam conquest of Spain in 718 and holding the land for closed to 800 years and the Spanish reconquest in 1492 completed a cycle, with the expulsion not only of Islam, but the Jews.
The conquest of Jerusalem 637 from the Byzantine Empire, did not resolve the claim to the city, and the fact through period of close of 2,000 Jews were outsiders in the Christian and Islamic society. Where in Christian did not have a legal identity, being a permanent outsiders and Islam world, they had legal identity as second class citizen and the same to Christians in the land control by Islam. The Christian claim took action the right to reconquest in 11 and 12 century haven the Latin Kingdom for closed 90 years, going back to Egypt, after to Turkish Empire, and later to the British.
In recent times Canada for example is trying to resolved the conquest by England with the first nations, where the fact there never was a legal resolution, in the case of Spain, Islam was force was use force out and Israel (especially Jerusalem) after the partition by UN, whether the partition was act upon, since in 1920´s the British took control from the Turks, a partition was promise as solution to permanences of the Jews being outsiders in Europe-this type relationship is not just one case, but when the Turks conquest the Balkans, the rural areas hold there Christian identity and city dwellers when to Islam the conflict of 1990´s was result of the conquest and without resolution. Today in Iraq, the Kurds are dealing being a distinct group one a national identity separate, the consequence of conquest a permanent conflict, since conquest does not create a ownership right.

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