Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Double Taxation and Free Markets

Double Taxation and Free Markets

One of the selling arguments by the abdicated of the free markets is the markets provide competition and this competition sprout products. While the reality is further from the facts, Organic Chemistry was the high technology of 1800´s and to the middle of the 20 century. Organic Chemistry, history in the 1816, Michael Chevreul study soups made from fats and alkali, and later on Friedich Wöhler the analysis of Urea is organic product, but the industrial application was obtained and abandon by British in 1856 William Henry Perkin trying to manufacture Quinine need for the colonization of Africa since malaria slow down the colonization, by accident synthesize organic dye, and more over, could be produce an industrial scale. But since the British Empire obtained the dyes with almost not cost from India, Germany developed the science and technology of organic chemistry by a partnership between industry and Universities and German Universities become the first research university.
A maverick product was Bayer, aspirin. In WWI the US confiscated all the Patents, Products and trade mark from Bayer and distributes the rights for 70 years to US companies, begin the interference of the market an influence that will benefit from this product. At the same time Sonar for the US Navy was developed in MIT. During WWII ENIAC developed in University of Pennsylvania, later of with ARPA, the first computer communication developed in LA and Stanford, the same place in the 1940´s and 50´s with the support of US Government the transistor was developed. The US given contract in research through the Military, DARPA, NSF and NIH, developed  technologies well knows like the protocol for what will become the internet, or less well know like bolometer by Honeywell in the 70´s declassified in the 90´s open a new research  in middle infrared detectors. The 30 drugs most success to deal with cancer 25 were under NIH funding, a reason: the basic research to product takes more the instant gratification, the industrial labs like AT&T stop to exist in the 1980´s by Regan administration began to implemented a Capitalism base on connections, in a recent report by the NIH, their own grants base on race, where an African American with the same qualifications and track as white will have not chance to obtained the grants, since we tend to support people who are similar to us (i.e. not many African Americans are found this research Tracks). The reason is US has not deal with the race which the nation was built on. But the fact is the tax payer, pay for the research, development and products, then the companies awarded to research, INTEL for example many the initial Microchip development was base on Government contracts, before any one can say where the best, the contract are awarded by contact, in many case many firms and Universities used their Alumni and Lobbies. What happen to Capitalism has been being reduced to pure Cronyism. The public pay the research and still buy the product, what is serious medical  research is deny, by health care pay by monies of the tax payers, why  X company get to benefit of the work from pubic monies, not just GPS, or many consumer products. Science is a long project not company can afford a long project since the share holder inters is short term, the tax payer pay the bill and pay the product a double taxation.

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