Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Imperialism in 21th



Weiss in the Ideology of Death (1996, Elephant Paperbacks), trace the German Anti-Semitism which culminated with the Holocaust with competition between religions, following the Theodosian Code   (429-438) book 16 deal with other fates—regarding the Jews consider as heretics (Cohen, Under  Crescent & Cross, 1994, Princeton University Press), but more poignant where consider adulterous relationship—they force to identify with yellow strap, which identify adulterous, what for Islam the Jews rejection of Mohamad and Yemeni Jews fought him, in end out realization they were spread Islam consider people of the book, like Christian with caveat, while Islam used color to identify—Mameluke's in Egypt enforce Christian to have blue turban—since blue was consider bad fate and Yellow was act of lack of courage women and Jews (Hirch, 2020 Anthropology of the Middle East, ). Weiss mention in case of Luther openly in his book Jews in his Lies, the book published 3 years before his death basically said if Jesus cannot change the Jews acceptance of him, he could not, his solution was call for Genocide, Luther other legacy was the Autocracy, his reformation by publishing the Bible in German—the interpretation was no more controlled by the Church since Latin was the language, new possible interpretations and peasants revolt his answer to the delighted the Aristocracy in Saxon and Prussia, he said to the lord their power was preordain by God and peasants by challenging Aristocracy, where challenging God, so they should force and terror—so they will know the will of God.

The theology absolutism was a social contract between the Roman Church and Roman Empire, Luther did no deviated, while Calvinist in the Swiss come from Humanistic Theology did accepted individual rights.

The despotic government reinforce by German Princess Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg—Catherine II, to her Jews Subjects they cannot resident outside the Pale, the region inherent after Sweden Russian war.

The Antisemitism in Russia rooted in the Absolutism, the conflict between the three monotheists, was bout the God ownership, who in the name God will rule in absolute.

Napoleon created a secular Empire—to wrestle the power from the Autocracy—Napoleon two actions, first Autocracy control to defined if the other was person, by defined who can be consider identity—person, the Jews. They could not have any civil rights, by given the rights by born in location and naturalization, not by winsome of Aristocrats and second by recalling the Jews Sanhedrin (which many Jews did not wanted to participated out fear how Christians will react), after Napoleon defeat, then Prussia, Austrian and the Russian Czar created a reactionary Alliance (Evans, 2016 the Pursuit of Power Europe 1815-1914), their reactions become the seeds of the Conflict of WWI.  Prussia created Racial Nationalism to be the base of Empire, Austria racial Nationalism do not recognize equality to other Ethnic Groups culminated with the assassination on 28 June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to Emperor Franz Joseph, visited Sarajevo. Russia Czar did lifted yoke of the peasants which servitude—as slaves. The British Monarchy approached from utilitarian. Slaves had been intuition used as economic of free work, Greece and Rome was built on the back of slaves, while for them the Slaves were bounty of War of the individuals could not pay debt where destine to permanent servitude, but 600 with the rise of Islam permitted slaves of no belonging of people of the Book Christian and Jews (i.e. while do not enforce), eventually with many conversions the run out of people, the solution Africa.

The used in the west of slave as economic institution, but Portuguese in Madeira and Sao Tome invented industrial sugar production using slaves, by them the enlightenment began to minimized religion a justification began the use color as race, the reality the wealth of the British Empire come from force of the Empire this case race—the house of Hannover carry to the British Autocracy and racism (Arendt The Origins of Totalitarianism), while the capital of banks was profit from the sugar plantations in Caribbean (not only the British but French, Belgium, Dutch). The US industrial revolution capital to northern states in the US comes from the Southern Plantations (Baptism, 2014. The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of America Capitalism).

The British accepted the reactionary Alliance for economic reasons such case of British Imperialism today the monarchy steal have:

On 29 March 1849, following the conclusion of the Second Anglo-Sikh War, the Kingdom of Punjab was formally annexed under the  Eastern Company rule, and the Last Treaty of Lahore was signed, the Article III of the treaty read:

The gem called the Koh-i-Noor, which was taken from Shah Sooja-ool-moolk by Maharajah Ranjeet Singh, shall be surrendered by the Maharajah of Lahore to the Queen of England

Like all autocratic did not ask just force to obtain. The consequence of Antisemitism and Race, become the element of National Socialism, Fascism in Italy, Franco Spain and Portugal the ideal of Race Empire (Weiss mention to Germany). The holocaust shows the logical conclusion of this ideology.

The conservative movements in process to conserved status hold to authoritarian as instrument of power, included to control women by controlling their bodies—case in point reversal of US abortion rights. Since the revival Nixon southern strategy consisted of acquired angry white man losing their privilege. Regan sold idea of trickle down economy to lifted any Government supervision, higher education was support of using of grants, to turn to loans where created permanent indebted class, new servants, part of the fairy tale by liberated economy for the cost, which eventually mean the industries were free to race to bottom, first to the border to Mexico and eventually China (while the Covid crises and Russia use energy as instrument of Imperial power demonstrated just in time to just in case). The same parallels Weiss mention economic crises in Germany, the alienation from Artisan class being dislocated by the big stores to find places for the grievances Antisemitism/Race hate toward the Jews and disdain toward ethnic groups by dehumanizing—since the rise of the White Supremacist by US president 45 and populism in US.

The desired of Putin to revived a Pan-Slavic besides expending 300 Million USD to forward their Agenda, by influencing the rise of 45 and populist movement in Europe, La Pen in France have direct loan from Putin, in Sweden, Denmark, and Netherlands. Putin autocracy and hate take in Ukraine, China imperialism desired to dominated Asia or the used Silk Road as manufacture political tool. While many populist movements in Europe trying to revived Racial Empire as solution grievance of the dislocation, while in 1800´s British Imperialism used mercantilism as power, eventually the colonies rebel and obtained independence given the cost, Ireland become a Republic and the religion tension in North have a conflict, where the Catholics become servitude to protestant, the British plantations in the Caribbean become the model for Ireland, South Africa to India.

The revival of the hate populism in US and Europe, we need to remember the cost of Six Million Jews, Romani, Political prisoners and any one with disabilities though the Euthanasia program. Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemölle as a national conservative, and openly supported the conservative opponents of the Weimar Republic, welcomed Hitler's accession to power in 1933, believing that it would bring a national revival, he opposed the Nazis' Aryan Paragraph to Jewish converts to Lutheranism.

In 1936, he signed the petition of a group of Protestant churchmen which criticized Nazi policies mention in the Aryan Paragraph incompatible with the Christian virtue of charity. IN 1934, Niemöller joined other Lutheran and Protestant churchmen as Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer in founding the Confessional Church, a Protestant group that opposed the Nazification of the German Protestant churches.

Niemöller never denied his own guilt in the time of the Nazi regime. In 1959, he was asked about his former attitude toward Jews by Alfred Wiener in a letter to Wiener, Niemöller stated that his eight-year imprisonment by the Nazis became the turning point in his life, after which he viewed things differently. He was one of the initiators of the Stuttgart Declaration of Guilt, signed by leading figures in the German Protestant churches. The document acknowledged that the churches had not done enough to resist the Nazis:

First they came for the Communists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me

And there was no one left

To speak out for me

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