Wednesday, August 17, 2022



77 years since Holocaust and we are dealing a repetition to the events which catalyses the 2000 years in Europe set though Christianity, the secularization of hate and racism, the events for the Industrialization of mass murder in 20th began with Ottoman Empire in some ways redefined in crude manner by the Germany.

The events began the French revolution according to Arendt On Revolution, the French Revolution do not created a way for system to take hold the concept of fairness but a grievances so Jacobi Terror become the soul open the door to Autocracy of Napoleon, the Napoleonic code set civil and secularization of the Governance's of Empire, up to the time the Justification of Autocratic power was God and the Biblical Claim the Jews are under God become Challenge. The Roman Catholic Church deal by treating the Jews as adulterous by denying the Church mythology they are new Chosen, the used this power from the Galileo pointed telescope to the Church Mythology, the Ptolemy system fit church ideology the Men was the center and hence God, God mean the Church, Napoleonic Code destroy as Evans in Europe 1815-1914, after Napoleon defeat to reestablished power the Russia Czar, Prussia, Austria and British become a reactionary Alliance, each of them take different route with consequence, the first order was to reestablished the aristocrat power, Napoleon saw the power whom it’s a person in the civil law, does not depend on any civil rights or set of rules just on the capriciousness of the Aristocrats towards the outsiders and more than any one where the Jews the deniers, the Aristocrats powers where given by the Christianity ideology the God give the right and he decided who are the chosen, we can´t have any one outside of Christianity to make such claims (i.e. Islam make the same claim), Napoleon give the Jews the civil right to starve the Christian power. Austria just not only reestablished previous status regarding the Jews but, reinforce the outside Germans/Hungarians—not one of the ethics groups had any rights and reinforce class especially the Middle, upper class where German/Hungarians, the Slaves where peasants which let revolt which plunder Europe into WWI. The Russian Czar take approached the stop the Aristocrats ownership of the Russian peasants as slaves—which keeping loyal to him during Revolution—the news Bolsheviks master Stalin taken to point Ukrainian peasants forcing into farming to be subdued by news masters.

Prussia only implemented to outsiders and with the help Pseudo science of Eugenic from the US (The Eugenics was attends to created application to Justified white supremacist ideology—in the South base on the British concept mention by Arendt—Origin of Totalitarianism, where in Imperialism need to used race, historically slave was class and losing one ethnic group to another, but Europe Portuguese, Spain and French besides the commodity the intuition, for Rome and Athens example slave had transactional value, included Incas and Aztecs and Mayas in the Americas, China, Japan used the system in many degrees from the Lord ownership or peasants under the Lord or class but the used as religion to  Justify was unique in India in the rigid class system, but serve fuel in Christianity and Islam which non-believers can be slave, to Christianity was about maintain power, since religion from the Galileo moment, then a new rationalization needed—creation of race ) culminated in Germany with introduction race law in 1933 Jews blood contamination and any other non-Arians like Romani, while the idea purity they included anyone who did not fit  normality or any mental decisis, alcoholism or sexual deviation they consider, Germany perfected Industrial Scale Genocide, while the first crude version Ottomans used in WWI against the Armenians and some ways the first experiment carry by Europeans bringing new deceases to the Americas basically wiping most of the native population.

The British after the Napoleon had free hand to created their mercantile Empire and                   race was his foundation as private enterprises rouge individuals to the point Rhodes created a nation in his name and benefactor Oxford University Rhodes Scholarship I his statement to the advancement of the Anglo-Saxon (race).

The consequence today we have Putin delusion of recreating a land mercantile empire—with him new Czar, Hungary Orban reviving the National Socialism ideology of Race. In Germany the Prime Minister and Socialist Party never take responsibility for the Holocaust in their heart many East Germany consider themselves as first victims not the perpetrators, in US we have revival of white Supremacist though Christian white nationalism based the whites victim-hood, where since Regan Economics was the creation of Oligarch elite, the 19th century magnates, where for them the value of their wealth mean more than collective good, so after NAFTA which began with Regan but take place under Clinton, they move production where their cost and the other though love with prayers, but the 2020 Pandemic brought everything to stop when from just in time, to just in case elite re-discover that interest is not the same and the 45th white supremacist, not since Jackson the killing 1 Million of their not Citizens and Russia desired of Empire with invasion of Ukraine, the low middle class and working class in US was kept un-educated using cost to filter whom get into the system re-found white supremacist to blame white male loss of control.  Women losing their legal right to control their bodies, sending the African Americans to their position in life or any ethic group, the rediscover Antisemitism is a weapon, we are entering the events which culminated in WWII

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