Friday, January 02, 2015

Just Enough

Lessons are learn from three distinct societies, the collapse of the Maya Civilization due to over cultivation in a poor soil, the Pascual Island, deforestation, while Japan in the 16 Century, the Civil war and destruction of the Forest become close to society collapse, but cast and authoritarian society of Feudal Japan force an ecological society, which lasted to the 18 century with open of the Japan. 
The forest where renewed, but under strict control of the lords, the village, become self-sufficient base on rice production of the terraces, become the natural swamps, which recycle the precious used of water, the used the local material, while individual families, close to self-sufficient, since the Japanese society was agriculture, and the low class where the artisans and commerce, the currency was rice.
The cities only 10% of the population are from commerce and artisans, and the cities, in case of Edo, 60% of the population, belong to Samurai, they themselves need to leave under the ecological system, the recycle of water and the separation of human waste to be used in the field is a fertilize, because the status of the Samurai, which depended by the rice rations of the Lord, and not allot to engage in commerce, for the society base on exchange and share society (a good description is given by Brown in Just Enough: Lesson from Traditional Japan, 2012).
The collapse occur, due the inward society where there was not mobility, created a xenophobic, which were the roots of conflict in 1930´s and ended in WWII, even today some of the traces are found in Japanese society.
The lessons we can learn, first Japan society like many of the Asian, the Buddhism, is believe which is spiritual Journal, in the west the Monotheistic believe there is not about an spiritual development, but submission to a God, whether the path can be spiritual, but end result is to a Authority.
We as species are evolved, like other species depend on the environment, we have change some of the environment, but we dependent to the fine tuning, while is truth, this planet is a limited time, we are here to learn and evolved.
We should not be limited to inequality the Capitalism offered or the Authoritarian, from State Socialism, Communist (today the communist have become state capitalism), the third way describe by Kropotkins in Fields, Factories and workshops of tomorrow. Evolution is better than revolution, consensus is better than majority or minority rule, while takes time, and sometimes decisions, but examples in the Collectives of the Spanish revolution describe by Gaston Leval, in Colectividades Libertarias en Espana, and more controversial because the nationalism, which the Kibbutz come, and today the original Kibbutz collective is only 30% of the movement, described by  Horrox in A Living Revolution: Anarchism in the Kibbutz Movement and the few anarchist are found Kinbbutz Samar, Neve Shalom and in the north with more religious orientation following the ideal of Rabbi Ashlag.
But what we can do now, technology and Science are just tools, to be guide for a common good, first from economics, we have choice, the system have power over us, because we let them, because we still accept and believe in their solutions, to overcome, we need created cooperatives, and collectives, based and willing participants, try to network cooperatives, become industries, should become micro-industries, like Carson describes in: The Homebrew Industrial Revolution, using open sources, now with 3-D printers, we began to open to possibilities, customize and artisan society, based on collectives cooperatives (in 2014, the production of autos using this micro fabric show mas production).
The use energy, while is not a single solution, off the greed, by the use of solar, vertical wind mills, micro-hydro power, and bio-gas. The used of train or other form mass transport (hyper loop), street cars, trolley buses, electrical car (Local Motors), sun energy, bicycle, rollers. Electronics is getting to the point micro-factories print will make possible to produce customize electronics.
The food should be obtained from farmers markets, local production, neighborhood gardens, or vertical agriculture. Education, as the way by system to control through, gate keepers, and selected exams, to overcome, we all born with a talent and our life work is to developed not only for us to achieve but to share, first education should be open and should be based on apprenticeship, which combine practical  and theoretical. Even in theoretical, how to present the theory should be a practical, to train in a laboratory—models in Popular Universities, Institutes, and Cooperatives Universities, the cooperative and collectives encourage the use of models. While, we still live in a monetary society, the use Mutual Aid Societies, Credit Unions, Saving Collectives Money Associations.
Health is a social service, from the basic research to drug development directly or indirectly, based on taxes, by the society, Medical Doctors is train in Medical Hospitals, and this model can applied to basic research, through apprenticeships. Society should encourage space exploration, in the same structures, and using Biology Open Labs, can applied to other science, and technology.
After 2008 crises 1.5 Million of families in US lost their homes, become to mass protest, all accepted their situation, if there was the destiny, but after the crises solutions, can be offer, one co-housing, buying land together created community houses, base of the grid technologies, Municipal internet and open internet, like in Estonia, free internet. The internet was developed by US government original in the 1950s, to have different hardware, eventually to able to respond Military, from many locations, in the 1970s protocols of the technology took place, and eventually the used hypertext, developed by grant from NSF, and bought by apple, the first web browser Mosaic developed in University of Illinois, set the digital revolution. Today with scan technology and RF we can track items, moreover the creation of used as needed open possibility to creation of open, transparent, base democratic society.

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