Monday, December 01, 2014

A Case for Equality

The first expulsion of the Jew from Spain was carry on by revival of Almohad Caliphate in 1172, while even under peace period, the Jewish community of Granada in December 30, 1066, the Pogrom razing the entire Jewish Community, Muslim mob stormed the royal palace in Granada, which was at that time in Muslim-ruled al-Andalus, assassinated the Jewish vizier Joseph ibn Naghrela and massacred the Jewish population.

During the Catholic Reconquista, in appeal to the Sunny Ottoman from the Shia Andalusian, request was deny for any help to hold the Catholic King.  The same Ottoman carries the first scale industrial mass murder against the Armenians in WWI. In some level the way we treat the ones close to us speak volumes. Eugenics advocated in US, by, William Goodell (1829-1894), but the modern used of Eugenics was prescribed by Francis Galton, half cousin of Darwin. Eugenics took a strong root in US, because from the inception was created a race is an economic tool, the only historical parallel Rome, used prisoners of wars as Slaves and Greeks use the concept of the Barbarian to create an economic slave.

Because the race inequality in US has (and still) manifest is an economic tool, and the first Genocide base on Religion was carry by the Othman Sunni Empire, but to use race is political act, German original program to eliminated any they consider not genetic in the Program T4, which eliminated any one they consider medical defected (The program is described by Robert Jay Lifton in The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychological of Genocide, 1986—Basic Books; Richard J Evans in The Third Reich Power, 2005, Allen Lane).

Biology by his logic, sometimes are simple rules, sometime complex rules, but because the interactions is very complex, many have extrapolated some of our knowledge so far just by speculation, Biology, while is a old knowledge, but the Evolution with the Genetics has rejuvenated Biology as new science, some have so far proclaim the selfish gene following the Darwin Natural Selection, up to the 1990s we consider Human genes at 100,000 to found actually the Human Gene is only 30,000 (approximation) or idea Natural selection only promoted selfishness, but in the 20 Century Kropotkin by observation (similar Darwin Analysis) in Mutual Aid A factor of Evolution propose the cooperation is a the factor or least a great factor in Biology and Human Evolution, in 2009, Frans De Waal (a primatologist and ethologist) show the cooperation is major factor not just in human evolution, but any biological system. 

The brain is one of the most complex system, while Biology is descriptive the tendency of reduction view in Biology, sometime we will like to believe the just by simple reduction to describe the system, this tendency is found in groups working in Artificial Intelligence, which are which full thinking or projecting their desire, with 100 Billion Neuron Trillions connections, which are continuously transforming, make a difficult problem, we just to start to look into,  because environment and cultural defined behavior, believes, the understanding is compound, is too early to give any definitions. Now the DNA show the closes we are by family or groups, also shows we are come from the same lines, not better or worse, with the limited resources we have, and desire of continue, we need to think in cooperative way to each other, sharing, so far the rules and gate keepers is to maintain a vertical system, which is not functioning, and we are going from conflict to conflict, and we have devise some nay ways to destroy our selves, what is sad we are share our destiny, sometime our close to us we heard the more, 2014 is a great example from the inequality in US (in US due to race) and Europe with the 2,000 years of the outsider, the Religious conflict of the Middle East, Russia delusion of Empire in Ukraine, and forcing herself to Europe, China due to their population a need for Order, depriving the individual, the inequality in India base on Cast, the Fanatics of Islam  Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi, economics and health issues, 2014 was record, like in beginning of the 1900 a change, we lost prospect and committed horrendous crimes against each other, against our Human Family, and destroying our own environment. Institutions like UN are just political tools of power plays.

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