Tuesday, August 06, 2013

To late the revolution is underway

Bill Moyers in latest installment, the story of two families’ one white and the other African American for a period of end of Bush I to the Obama, they were the low middle class. They were promise by the New Deal an opportunity. The context in 1930´s the elite had a fear (and real one) the US was just a verge of revolution, and the working class has another system to look, the Soviet and Anarchy in Spanish revolution. The elite made a decision to open the mobility (while was open to white/male). Fats forward with Neo-Liberal economy begin with Nixon and accelerated by Regan and taken final hold under Bush II, the promise was forgot, the elite did not need to kept the fear of alternative the state communism was reduce a technocratic elite not different the elite of the capitalistic society, with the exception everyone still believe in the upper mobility.
In the 2000´s after 30 years Moyers films show the idea of opportunity ended with 2008 collapse (the irony the reason why the credit was open beside the safe guard the investment bank and commercial banks, ended basically open the chance for speculation, but there was another underline, Bush II wanted privatize US saving Social Security, not just for the profit, but to pay for Iraq conflict, since the Democratic Congress Block such idea, the backup was to open credit one reserved to male/white to anyone open door  to 2008 collapse), the families for lack of Job, with wages the working class was promise and between 1950´s to 1970´s was truth, but the supply economics and Neo Liberal economy took hold, the moving of the factories specially under NAFTA Clinton, the door where close. The first question of the events of the last 30 years (the author consider all began when Nixon, with Kaiser Permanent-California began the for profit Health care), was question in the book “What's the Matter with Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America”, by Tomas Frank ask, how the working poor are send to Washington officials who the only interest is 1%, the disconnect is clear in the last presidential US election, where Mitt Romney the son of one’s Governor  Michigan (who run for president, but like father like son, his father talking about the Vietnam War, he was (or the US) Brainwashed by the military) with his 47% comment, and then trying to explain to sophistic acrobatics, where Romney to explain was not exclusion of the 47% takers (for disclosure the author also belong to 47% of the takers), without the acknowledgment the 1%, by tax subsidies access to Taxes of the 47% due to nepotism, cronyism and access to decision makers, something the 47% does not have and the rest of population being the middle managers, today less of this upper white collar Jobs. Putman in his recent NY times op-editorial Crumbling of the American Dream, where the Low Middle class, the white poor and the middle class is shutout with 240,000 private college tuition and  State Universities are first to be cut by the state elected officials.
A consequence is the twenty and 30´s are not buying cards, does not matter how much technology or innovation if they are not consumers, China, has his limitations, due the economic structure which base on export economy, but China customers US and EU themselves in an economic hardship, and the corruption in China created an inertia.
We have in history of the US had a trail of unpredicted consequence in 1950´s the provided a Coup Etta in Iran to left elected government because the left government wanted to nationalism the Oil to be used as National Patrimony and impose the Shah to Iran, twenty years later Iran become a Islamic Theocratic state with all his consequences.   
In the 50´s in Honduras and Nicaragua, in 70´s with Chile depose Allende and Argentina Junta, twenty years after with exception of Cuba, with Chavez in Venezuela, Latin America move in some degree to the left.
99% including the 47% are out the economic system, the power of the state only work when people believe, like having a chance, but the American dream was never, in 19 Century Liberal Economy, and the underline problem race in US (African America, First Nations or Latin), the fact demographic changes, the twenty something stop believe, the stated lost his power, now what left are seeds of a change-revolution, since the disconnect is so big, cannot be  fix, to late the revolution is underway, the Billionaires sponsor education and political influenced had an strategy to fragment society which work for the Republicans (and Democrats) for 30´s, but now because there is not safety net, can not reach the same people, how to make, the changes is underway.

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