By the end of WWI what today is consider the Baltic countries 250,000 German troops where trap, with them the SS units and Axillary Police (which they committed Genocide--Germans had in the Baltic a small force, because the Locals offer, and even before the Germans enter the territory committed Genocide like in Kaunas Lithuania--during inter period between WWI and WWII was Lithuania capital, since Vilnius was in Polish Hands), which where ethnics Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanian. The Baltic settlement happen when the Lithuanian Polish commonwealth, the Duchy took shape by Empire created in multicultural, not base on a unique Language or culture (Paganism existed to the 15 Century, today summer fest found in the Baltic is come from the Pagan Tradition), when the commonwealth lost to Sweden, maintain the tolerance, but in the hand of the Russian forcing the assimilation to Russian Culture (Specially in 18 Century, the side effect was nationalism for these diverse ethnic groups), questions of identity especially in Latvia and Lithuania open door for simple hate to outsider.
An example the Estonian feel close to Finland, because the language and culture, the Finish behavior toward the Jews was very different.
The Torah was found in the Tartu University Library, the Torah date around 14 Century.
Estonian Jews founded Kibbutz Ein Gev and Kfar Blum.
Wagons used by the Soviets for the Estonians Deportations.
The killing was not unique to the fascist party, the creation of Arajs
Kommando, where memnebr of the Fraternities of Riga Polytechnic, after
the Soviet army left and the first SD units come to Riga, but 1944, they
have kill closed to 26,000 Jews the Kommand was 300 original in the
pick in 1942, about 1500.
Riga polytechnic have not just distinction of creating a vicious units, but the ideologue for the German Nationalist Party.
The Two Holocausts
In Latvia today the controversy with Latvian Legionaries March 16, part of the Legion was part of the Waffen SS. The day was chose, because in that day 1st Latvian and 2th Latvian fought with Waffen SS against Soviet Army, in 2000 the Latvian Government abolished the commemoration day due to EU objections in 2005, 2006 demonstration by nationals groups (two nationalist Estonians were arrested) , in 2012, were around 1500-2000 and 100 counter demonstration. The Latvian Government in 1998 set a official remembering day, the controversy does not end with lay flowers Freedom Monument (unveiled in 1935), but there is a national museum for Latvian Genocide from 1941-1991 (right side of the photo).
Memorial in Riga
The Synagogue was destroy in 1941, the memorial represent the Jews being genocide and some LAtvians trying to save them, the pillars so the wall will not fall down.
The Jews Museum in Riga
Map show places were Jews saved by Latvians ( about 2000 Ltavians).
Many Jews return to Latvia and with the Soviet disintegrated, Russian Jews settle, in many ways to never the Latvian to forget their own past.
The story of Jews in Poland is tragic, due to Roman Catholic sanction antisemitism, but Lithuania story is just a shame. The Lithuanian Jews are rooted in Grand Duchy of Lithuania before WWII the population was 7%, 160,000 and Vilnius had 100,000, a 110 Synagogues. Jews in Lithuania record are in 11 century , in 1338 were granted a charted by Vytautas, Dovid Katz in "Lithuanian Jewish Culture", mention chapter 4 an archeological evidence a grave stone in Eysishok, not far from Vilnius.
The Palle is going to hand Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Katz mention the innovation of the Duchy was the first multicultural Empire, the Duchy policy had a policy for minorities to maintain a culture identity, with Russia, Russification of the Palle, nationalism born. The Holocaust in Lithuania took in 3 phases, Klapidia (Memel In German) historical belong to the Hanseatic League, about 8,000 Jews leave in Memel by 1939, Memel become part of Germany and The Jews were expel to Lithuania, the first operations of the German Special units took place June 22, 1941, in the border town of Gargzai, which was one of the older settlement in Lithuania, most of the Lithuanians Jews were not send to Ghettos, they were kill by their own Lithuanians neighborhoods, the old Lithuania is and was a killing field. Before the Germans enter Kaunas, Algirdas Jonas Klimaitis, organize 600 group and started a pogrom in Kaunas (During inetr period, Kaunas was Lithunia Capila, Vilnius was part of Poland).
In 24 June 1941 the Lithuanian Police, killed thousand of Polish Jews the Ponary Massacre.
Vilnius University having ghost from the past force out Dovid Katz who reestablished Yiddish and created Center for Stateless Cultures ( Katz point out the Lithuanian Duchy accepted culture empowerment and with center was not Just Jews, Roman, Tatars and Karaites. In 2008 he challenge the two Holocaust, and he was let go from Vilnius University.
Rachel Margolis, in her Biography a Partisan from Vilnius, single handed to never forget created the Jewish Museum, today is a national Museum.
The memorial to Chiune Sugihara, with Jan Zwartendijk gave thousand of Visas, to escape the Holocaust.
A second Museum exits in Vilnius, the Museum of tolerance, the exhibition shook is the demonstrations by extreme right including member of the Lithuanian parliament ( The Museum is located in the Jewish Philharmonic, build in the 1930´s.
Some of the Jewish Ghetto building still standing.
Today, in Estonia there is a Jewish community and in Riga, the community wants to survive, but in Lithuania, the Lithuanians do not want even to remember what their actions did, like the Polish policy is today, amnesia.
While, the Germans did not consider Karaites, in their racial book, they where convert from the Tartars. The Karaites are consider their type of religious practice come from the Priest, where the oral tradition was men made, they follow a literal tradition in the golden age of the Kariates was the 8 century, and one point, they where the majority, in the pick Aaron ben Eliajh compile the laws and traditions in written way. The Duke settle the Karaites among the Tatars in Trakai (today is more then a Tourist attraction) the Karaites Temple still service 150 families. Under the Russian Empire did not pay double taxation, due fact, the show records, the Karaites where established in Crimea before the 1CE, one wedge between their literal tradition and the oral tradition is Karaites follow the father lineages, where oral tradition is mother tradition, besides the literal tradition.
Kaunas was the capital of Lithuania in the intern period, the places was brutal to the Jews and Romans before Germans enter Lithuania, they round Jews in a fortress genocide the community.
Chiune Sugihara
Chiune Sugihara ( 1 January 1900 Yaotsu -31 July 1986) was the Japanese Consul, appointed because his excellent command of the Russian Langague, he began his post in Manchuriaed because his excellent command of the Russian Langague, he began his post in Manchuria 1932-1934, and resign because how the Military and Japanese Government treat the Chinese, he did not approve the brutality, he was send to Moscow , in 1937 was send to Helsinki. 1939 from Estonia, the relationship between Japan and Lithuania was handle, and a decision was made to open a consular in Lithuanian. The consular was located in the hills of Kaunas. Sugihara given transit visas and with Dutch consular Zwarttendijk given destination to Curacao and Surinam, they give 6000 visas and when living to her news post he left visas with the seal for any one to pick, after war was ask why he did, his answer was because empathy of despair do many trying to escape the imitated genocide. His last post was in in Romania, and spent 18 months as POW under Soviets. In 1947 he was dismiss for the event in Lithuania. After his dismissal he work menial works in one point selling light bulbs door to door, in 1947 his elder son died at age of 7, he work for the US Military in the Post exchange, he later work in Soviet Union for sixteen years.
The entrance to consular: the gates of hope
Building during Soviet time was an family apartments in 1999, the Lithuania Government converted into a national museum and educational center, today the room was the office, the upper part of the house was the private apartments.
Few buildings are standing from the Ghetto time.
The statue is a memorial of where the ghetto was located.
Klapidia- (Memel)
Klapidia was destroy during WWII, not much from the past.
The Two Holocaust
Dovid Katz ( single handed revive Yiddish language and Vilnius University push him out in 2008 he question the Baltic denial, amnesia and equivalence, in 2008 the Lithuanian attorney general initiated investigation against Dr Margolies and Brantsovsk, because the memoir by Dr Margolies where tell the story the Lithuanians collaborate with the Germans against the Jews Partisan brought retribution from the Partisans, he mobilize Western diplomats in their defense (His professorship was terminated after 11 Years in Vilnius University), moreover a protest against the Lithuanian Government which brought the remainders of the President of independent Lithuania in the 1930´s who his policy was not just established Antisemitic laws, but carry Genocide against Lithuanian Jews.
In the Baltic´s nothing has left from the ideals of a multicultural society, including the stones where the Jewish community were build upon.
By the end of WWI what today is consider the Baltic countries 250,000 German troops where trap, with them the SS units and Axillary Police (which they committed Genocide--Germans had in the Baltic a small force, because the Locals offer, and even before the Germans enter the territory committed Genocide like in Kaunas Lithuania--during inter period between WWI and WWII was Lithuania capital, since Vilnius was in Polish Hands), which where ethnics Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanian. The Baltic settlement happen when the Lithuanian Polish commonwealth, the Duchy took shape by Empire created in multicultural, not base on a unique Language or culture (Paganism existed to the 15 Century, today summer fest found in the Baltic is come from the Pagan Tradition), when the commonwealth lost to Sweden, maintain the tolerance, but in the hand of the Russian forcing the assimilation to Russian Culture (Specially in 18 Century, the side effect was nationalism for these diverse ethnic groups), questions of identity especially in Latvia and Lithuania open door for simple hate to outsider.
An example the Estonian feel close to Finland, because the language and culture, the Finish behavior toward the Jews was very different.
The first records which contained Jews living in Finland was around 1782, in the town of Hannina, at the time was under Russia Control, and the local laws use the previous owners the Sweden, which limited Jews dwelling. The Russians continue with the policy, except the few Jews the settle in Finland, where Jews who had completed the obligatory minimum services of 25 years, they had the the right to settle, after independence in 1917, the Finish state grantee citizenship. During the Soviet and Finland conflict 204 Jews fought for the Finish Army, with 27 were killed, because Finland was democratic did not have mass persecution, despite the Finish fought along the Germans. Close to 300 Jews fought for Finland in continuation war and they have a field Synagogue in present of the Nazi German troops, while, 350 refuge come and 8 where given to the German, in 2000 the Prime Minister apologist, the police of return stop after the Lutheran Bishop and Socialist Party protested. About 2600 to 2800 POW were exchange for 2100 Finnish and 2000 POW where handed to the German Army, 47 from last name are Jews, but not specifically for being Jews. Two Jewish Officers and one female Lotta Svärd where awarded the Iron Cross for saving the German Army, but they decline.
The Synagogue in Helsinki was completed in 1906, the architecture design is consider the Art Noveau, which Artisan Work with new Materials line concrete (One of the founders of the style is the Libertarian Socialist William Morris Author from News from Nowhere, which the style is found in mass scale in Riga)
Prior the war the where about 4300 Jews in Estonia, during the initial Soviet occupation 10% of the population was send to Siberia with the Estonians (The initial and after math 100,000 Estonia were send to Siberia). From this number close to 75% of the Jews knew the fate offer by the Germans escape via Russia, between 950 to 1000 Jews left where kill by the special German Units and Local Police, but was not just Jews but Roma were slaves by the Germans and Estonians. In the war of independence from 1918 to 1920, 70 Jews volunteer to fight for the war of Independence, during the inter period tolerance to some point, in Tallinn in the 1930´s some of the local pups do not allot Jews. The portion between German and the Soviets, give the Baltic's to the Soviets, occupation started with deportation of Estonians and Jews. When the Germans occupation not just for Estonia, applied to Latvia, while many Estonians greeted the Germans open arms, and at retreat of Soviets, the Estonians set independence (the President ended in 1944 psychiatric hospital in Russia). The Germans immediately disbanding the new independent government. Rosenberg, Hitler ideologue born in Reval, (Today Tallinn) and study in Riga Polytechnic, his policy toward the Baltics:
1) Germanization.
2) Conolization by the Germans.
3) Exile, deportation of undesirable.
The trace of settlement in Estonia is found when the last glacial er is meltdown and the graves around 6500 in the Mesolithic period, the graves found in the bronze age, the Roman Historian Tacitus mention Aestian, especially because the Amber.
Jews appear in in records from 14 century, in the Palle, the Palle was a geographical area limited by the Russians where Jews could settle, in some many ways the myth of the outsider and concentration of the Palle which wen from Estonia to Ukraine, and this territory are borders to east, to the west felt the end of the world, the end what the west consider civilization, a sense of isolation is felt even today. In 1925 the Act of Culture Autonomy for Ethnic Minorities, given the right for self-determination in culture matters, in 1930´s due fact the Baltic's were part of Hensianic cities, many Jews who settle were descendent of Guild Merchants and with higher education, in 1930´s the Jews were found in 31% commerce, 24 % service, 14.5 % Artisans and 14% Labours, 9.5% free lance about 80 physicians, 16 Pharmacist, 4 veterinarians, 11% had higher education, 37% secondary education, 33% primary education and 18% home education.
The Tragedy of the Holocaust in Estonia is in two folds, the Estonian state archives have list of Jews liquidation and base is written in death certificated, an American Jew born in Tampa 1917 Rubin Taitelbaum, his death September 4 1941 reason just for being a Jew, therefore constitute a threat to public order, in some ways is the honest view never said in Germany, or Western Europe, the second fold was Estonia was mini model of the industrial carry on in Poland and rest of Eastern Europe.
Estonia had 20 working camps located towards the north, because Jews were use as slave labor for the production of Shale Oil and some of the locations of the Genocide was never market.
The Torah was found in the Tartu University Library, the Torah date around 14 Century.
Estonian Jews founded Kibbutz Ein Gev and Kfar Blum.
The population of Jews in beginning of the conflict close of 4000 Jews and Estonian population 1126413
(the panels from the Jews Museum in Tallinn)
While many of the Estonian Jews Survive, 40000 Foreign Jews were genocide, this work was done by 15 Germans and 1000-1200 Estonian Home Guard, killing besides 200 Roma and 950 Jews, plus 15,000 Soviet POW. About 5300 Estonians where drafted to the Estonian Legion attached to the SS and 6800 in support service supporting the German Army. The 3 Estonia SS Volunteer Brigade had 5099 active. To the Soviet side 20000 Estonia, original the Soviets mobilized 33000 Estonian 4500 when to the German side.
The Two Holocausts
Karl Linas commander the concentration in Tartu was sentence to death in absentia 1961. Linas personally shot women and children. Lina immigrated to US in the 40´s and deported to to Soviet Union. The immigration Judge in his brief, there was bot doubt in his actions of Linas.
Since the Baltics states regain their independence a conflict, in one had the soviet period and deportation by staling, many of the units who committed genocide have been rehabilitated officially and un-officieilly a myth of equivalences between the perpetrators and victims. The memorial recognize, the brotherhood of the woods who fought and resistance the Soviets to the 60´s, the units were former SS Estonian units. The soviet response by the Soviet was to send 100,000 Estonians to Siberia.
Wagons used by the Soviets for the Estonians Deportations.
Kale Liiva
In dunes many the bodies were not found, according to the survivors two transports of 2100 to 2150 Jews from central Europe, 1700 were shot in the spot and 450 were send to Jägala camp.
Kloogan held between 1500 male and 2000 females in creation had Soviet POW, Estonian Political Prisoners, but with the liquidation of Jews Ghettos in Latvia and Lithuanians, the majority interns were Jews. When the Soviets got close to the camps 60 Estonians and 20th SS division liquidate the camp, 2000 were shot and burn bodies, and the Estonia Battalion 287 try to stop them and clashes occur with the SS Units, when the Soviet reach the camp only 24 survive.
Vaivar was the largest concentration camps with 20,000 Jewish prisoners, most come from Vilnius, Kovno, the camp existed from 1943 to February 1943, the camp was to run the oil-shale in Bätol, operated in by IG Farben.The camp was established close to Vaivara train station, only 15 Germans service the security was provided Estonians and Russian Auxiliary Battalion 287th and 290 Security Battalion. The camp was created for slave force work, few killing took place 150 Jews shot in the woods and 300 death typhoid fever, in twenty selections 500 death in total, to today some of the satellite camps still unmarked. The photos are from the train station, like many memorials in the Baltic they re crumbled.
A total 280 hundred Jews where eliminated in Pärnu a small memorial in the cemetery, the population counted in the 1930´´s.
Tartu because his famous University (1632 est by King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden), the resistances against the Soviet, the brotherhood of the woods have inception Tartu. The Jewish congregation was established in Tartu 1866 (where in Tallinn 1830). In the 1930´s were 100 Jews Study University of Tartu, from 1941 the Germany invoke the Jews involvement with communist, stirring high emotions in the ethnic Estonians against the Jews in Tartu 300 Jews were mass executed.
The Memorial in Tartu is located in the Jews Cemetery.
Estonia today the Government try to pt a resolution to be accepted to European Union by the conservative an occupation from 1940 to 1991, but the EU only accepted Estonia lost independence for 48 Years, Russia respond there was never occupation, then Soviet Union enter by a request and consent of the Government of the time.
Today Narva can be consider a Russian city, since majority are Russians, and the population distribution is 68% Ethnic Estonians, where Russian are about 25%, in every day live, the Russians are discriminated, because the Russian lack of languages of Estonian, many of Russian are living in the margin, poverty.
While their is a small Jewish community In Tallinn.
The Jews in Latvia date in in 1700´s but the northernth war (100-1721), decimated the community, reestablished themselves in 1800´s, under Soviet, the Jews were 5% of the population, and 12% of the deportees. During the Latvian Republic, Jews fought for the Latvian Army. Before German occupation SD units were prepare for the elimination of larges number of the population. In Latvia the Holocaust began in June 23 and June 24 1941, the SD units Kill six Jews in the town of chemist, in the following days Durbe, Priekule and Asite. In June 29 the Germans started to form the first Latvian SD auxiliary in Jelgava, the head was Martins Vgualans, he previously belong to Thunder Cross, the Fascist organization, ultra nationalist and Antisemitic party founded in 1930´s (the party was under Gustav Celmist (his death was in 1968 in San Antonio, Texas), outlaw in 1934, and to day (2013-- in this time members of the Thunder Cross tried to bomb the Monument to the Liberation of Riga from the Germans and Fascist Invaders) still part of the ultra right in Latvia-- there philosophy the economy should be only in the hands of the ethics Latvian and reject to give the minorities any culture recognition), they kill 2000 Jews in the summer of 1941. Latvia genocide was not the industrial carry in Estonia, but was open massacres, the killing of the Latvian was quick because Himmlers wanted the Riga Ghetto to be clear for Jews from Germany, Rumbula (two days November 30 and December 8, 1941 25,000 Jews kill in Rumbula Forest closed to Riga-- including 1000 German Jews (Berlin)-- the pits were excavated by 200-300 Russian POW), Dünamünde (German Jews--near Riga (4000 Hannover Jews where kill), Liepaja (not just Jews, but gypsies), Ventspils, Daugavpils, Rezenke.
Anna Franks asks the Latvians repay the Jews with so Viciousness, when they fought for Latvia independence, this page is from the original Anna Frank diary-donated by the Frank Family in Riga Jews Museum.
The Latvian Academy of Science
Riga polytechnic have not just distinction of creating a vicious units, but the ideologue for the German Nationalist Party.
The Two Holocausts
In Latvia today the controversy with Latvian Legionaries March 16, part of the Legion was part of the Waffen SS. The day was chose, because in that day 1st Latvian and 2th Latvian fought with Waffen SS against Soviet Army, in 2000 the Latvian Government abolished the commemoration day due to EU objections in 2005, 2006 demonstration by nationals groups (two nationalist Estonians were arrested) , in 2012, were around 1500-2000 and 100 counter demonstration. The Latvian Government in 1998 set a official remembering day, the controversy does not end with lay flowers Freedom Monument (unveiled in 1935), but there is a national museum for Latvian Genocide from 1941-1991 (right side of the photo).
Memorial in Riga
The Jews Museum in Riga
The Ghetto area in Riga today
The story of Jews in Poland is tragic, due to Roman Catholic sanction antisemitism, but Lithuania story is just a shame. The Lithuanian Jews are rooted in Grand Duchy of Lithuania before WWII the population was 7%, 160,000 and Vilnius had 100,000, a 110 Synagogues. Jews in Lithuania record are in 11 century , in 1338 were granted a charted by Vytautas, Dovid Katz in "Lithuanian Jewish Culture", mention chapter 4 an archeological evidence a grave stone in Eysishok, not far from Vilnius.
Vytautas Statue in Kaunas
In 24 June 1941 the Lithuanian Police, killed thousand of Polish Jews the Ponary Massacre.
Vilnius University having ghost from the past force out Dovid Katz who reestablished Yiddish and created Center for Stateless Cultures ( Katz point out the Lithuanian Duchy accepted culture empowerment and with center was not Just Jews, Roman, Tatars and Karaites. In 2008 he challenge the two Holocaust, and he was let go from Vilnius University.
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Rachel Margolis, in her Biography a Partisan from Vilnius, single handed to never forget created the Jewish Museum, today is a national Museum.
The memorial to Chiune Sugihara, with Jan Zwartendijk gave thousand of Visas, to escape the Holocaust.
A second Museum exits in Vilnius, the Museum of tolerance, the exhibition shook is the demonstrations by extreme right including member of the Lithuanian parliament ( The Museum is located in the Jewish Philharmonic, build in the 1930´s.
Some of the Jewish Ghetto building still standing.
Today, in Estonia there is a Jewish community and in Riga, the community wants to survive, but in Lithuania, the Lithuanians do not want even to remember what their actions did, like the Polish policy is today, amnesia.
While, the Germans did not consider Karaites, in their racial book, they where convert from the Tartars. The Karaites are consider their type of religious practice come from the Priest, where the oral tradition was men made, they follow a literal tradition in the golden age of the Kariates was the 8 century, and one point, they where the majority, in the pick Aaron ben Eliajh compile the laws and traditions in written way. The Duke settle the Karaites among the Tatars in Trakai (today is more then a Tourist attraction) the Karaites Temple still service 150 families. Under the Russian Empire did not pay double taxation, due fact, the show records, the Karaites where established in Crimea before the 1CE, one wedge between their literal tradition and the oral tradition is Karaites follow the father lineages, where oral tradition is mother tradition, besides the literal tradition.
Kaunas was the capital of Lithuania in the intern period, the places was brutal to the Jews and Romans before Germans enter Lithuania, they round Jews in a fortress genocide the community.
Chiune Sugihara
Chiune Sugihara ( 1 January 1900 Yaotsu -31 July 1986) was the Japanese Consul, appointed because his excellent command of the Russian Langague, he began his post in Manchuriaed because his excellent command of the Russian Langague, he began his post in Manchuria 1932-1934, and resign because how the Military and Japanese Government treat the Chinese, he did not approve the brutality, he was send to Moscow , in 1937 was send to Helsinki. 1939 from Estonia, the relationship between Japan and Lithuania was handle, and a decision was made to open a consular in Lithuanian. The consular was located in the hills of Kaunas. Sugihara given transit visas and with Dutch consular Zwarttendijk given destination to Curacao and Surinam, they give 6000 visas and when living to her news post he left visas with the seal for any one to pick, after war was ask why he did, his answer was because empathy of despair do many trying to escape the imitated genocide. His last post was in in Romania, and spent 18 months as POW under Soviets. In 1947 he was dismiss for the event in Lithuania. After his dismissal he work menial works in one point selling light bulbs door to door, in 1947 his elder son died at age of 7, he work for the US Military in the Post exchange, he later work in Soviet Union for sixteen years.
The entrance to consular: the gates of hope
Building during Soviet time was an family apartments in 1999, the Lithuania Government converted into a national museum and educational center, today the room was the office, the upper part of the house was the private apartments.
Few buildings are standing from the Ghetto time.
The statue is a memorial of where the ghetto was located.
Klapidia- (Memel)
Klapidia was destroy during WWII, not much from the past.
The Two Holocaust
Dovid Katz ( single handed revive Yiddish language and Vilnius University push him out in 2008 he question the Baltic denial, amnesia and equivalence, in 2008 the Lithuanian attorney general initiated investigation against Dr Margolies and Brantsovsk, because the memoir by Dr Margolies where tell the story the Lithuanians collaborate with the Germans against the Jews Partisan brought retribution from the Partisans, he mobilize Western diplomats in their defense (His professorship was terminated after 11 Years in Vilnius University), moreover a protest against the Lithuanian Government which brought the remainders of the President of independent Lithuania in the 1930´s who his policy was not just established Antisemitic laws, but carry Genocide against Lithuanian Jews.
In the Baltic´s nothing has left from the ideals of a multicultural society, including the stones where the Jewish community were build upon.
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