Saturday, January 07, 2012

The History of Privilege

While, in human history we have been with privilege, the question why we accepted in on daily lives. Not to say, we have rebel through time and they are many examples consider: the Hebrews rebels against the joke of Pharaoh, to peasant rebellion and slaves rebellions through time. Why after the rebellion past, Luther rebel against Rome, but when a more radical rebellion took place with the peasant rebellion, Luther in the name of the order and Luther hated the same power control Rome impose  Rome, but in his hands he impose the same yoke, but taken sides with Nobility.
Antisemitism has been a product, since the Hebrews believe being select by a God, and the other, specially the other major monotheistic religions Christianity and Islam fight for the same privilege could not accepted Hebrews  described the right. Here is the paradox both religions have the privilege impose an permanent historical alienation, by imposing color and exclusion from the society. We need to recognize the original restrictions were created in Caliph of Baghdad in eight Century restricting Christians, for example introduction of blue color to identify the Christians, eventually yellow to the Jews, restricting professions, for the Christian work not suitable to Islam  graveyard yard work (i.e. working with the death is not pure), in the same token in Feudal Europe from the Roman tradition land was the base of the economy. Constantine restrict the Jews to won land, the only jobs where wine making who was not consider land ownership and vineyards small to be treat, gardens products like onions, money leading, since Jews religion emphasis some basic education, more over education was restrict by the Church control, Jews had education in reading and writing and the University was run is Guilds to created exclusion, but certain profession were base on license by the state Medicine and Advocates. Through this alienation this two religions make sure dehumanize and to increase the status for the idea of chosen, while the alienation towards the Jews was ideological, but not unique. The Samaria have been 700 A.D inhabitant in Samaria, but through different Islam regime, Nablus Mt Gerezin were deny the right of the Pascal sacrificed and during Ottomans by restrictions and persecution where reduce to 15,000.
We can recognize in human history the innovation of the force and created the power of privilege, in US, the innovation of slave was base on Color, and the Roman Catholic Antisemitism was base on ideology that has the authority in name of a God.
Socrates in the Republic set the rationalization through the fantasy of the Philosophy king will be benign and wise. In the renaissance, Machiavelli saw the de Medici, an industry in Political Philosophy to rationalize despotic nobility, feudal rationalization took a major drive in enlightenment, and many rulers like Frederick of Great in Prussia, Katharina of Great, in the America revolution am inherent contradiction devolution of power, but an elite controlling the power itself.
But not just political power, the innovation of US, slave trade was base on race, and idea of an individual or group, in many ways the measure conflict of 20 century who was best power holder, need to said German Nationalism was in superiority of race given the right of rule and to submitted to Authority, manifested in Fascism and Dictator like Franco supported by the Rona Catholic Church (i.e. the introduction of Industrial Genocide, was not Germany or the Mass Killing by Staling the Honor goes to the Ottoman Empire, and today Turkey is till deny the mass killing of 1.5  Million Armenians). Nazi Germany, haven delusion, envy and desire of British imperialism, not different of Japan imperialism having the same desire. Or Marx with his fantasy a working class because having a yoke of oppression, can become ethical and benign, in the 1990 the run out steam.
The fallacy of Fukyama, Andrew Carnegie in Gospel Money using protestant ideology, to rationalize the right robber barons to be the Philosopher King, Capitalism will be justice and ethical, in the economy meltdown of 2008, due for 40 years (since Nixon and accelerated by Regan in the 1980s) base on economy of credit card, where the credit was given according to race, religion or ethnic group.
Society or individual does not have capacity ourselves to be the righteous individual who become the philosopher king, since fundamental fallacy is how well intent, disconnect with time where in the end king does not have clothing.
The alternative is how community and individual find a middle ground, where justice is possible, from the economy point of view cooperatives run by individual or groups. The political frame should be direct democracy and consensus in a frame of general assemblies. Advocacy should be a commonwealth of cooperatives and collectives. An irony the computers were design to give a respond from a nuclear attack by having a decentralize network, the same network can be use to manage such commonwealth or federation.

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