Saturday, December 03, 2011

2011 Trauma and Renewal, Perhaps

Since the collapse of the Berlin Wall, our time has been in trauma. Since the supplied economics school in Chicago, created the fantasy of society base on credit in the 1930´s against the Keynesian model, and brought to live by Nixon in the late 60´s, with Kaiser Permanent of California to change health care non-profit to profit, and with Regan and Margaret creating a society base on credit, 30 years of borrowing from Student loans and any loan backup on class and race.

In 2008, a society who has not tangible products and real cash or liquidated, collapsing the system. Capitalism origins is privilege and the  foundation on the privilege of the Feudal Europe, today is translated on Religion, Ethnicity, Sex and race to decided who is worthy to access to the credit. Education has become an instrument for the connections to get access to the privilege of credit, if you are in arbitrary defined by the society a top school the individual will have access to the privilege.
While we have seeing Arab spring but with the indications, Islamic regimes are being created, by the believing the religion is privilege.  Egypt, with 10-13 Million Coptic Christians will come legally second class citizens, while in reality the discrimination exist, but not justify, using their religion laws will legitimize. Of course the first victims are women, but making their sexuality an issue, because reproduction is control.
As reported and Canada in the name of God an Tradition give the male in Islam to demonize, abuse and honour killing in cases. In Canada, where many trying to romanticized the veil, a father, with two wives kill 4 of his daughters because acquired western values . Of course we all accepted the private and the right to believe, but when believe is part of the public square, any believe becomes an issue, after all when you slave and discriminate half of any population. Creativity and development only can occur when every one is free.
A society to achieve any type of equality will need to be base on Mutual Aid and Solidarity; a solution is a commonwealth of cooperatives, whether own by individuals or groups as the owners. Property has develop for the last thousand years is privilege of the few, the privilege turn into the theft of community, after all individuals have benefit, themselves from community education, roads, even the infrastructure give by the community. A society not base on consumption, but what ever production can be renew to minimize the impact to limit resources.

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