Monday, July 23, 2007

Social Contact
Kafka, The Castle is not just about Prussia Bureaucracy, but individual isolation, in the Metamorphosis, the sense of the individual just a cog in the machine, superficial and worst with out meaning. Ulysses, Leopold Bloom is a projection of Joyce himself, the ultimo outsider, Joyce never return to Ireland, and he wrote about a small community in the period 1900's the Irish population was declining.
The conflict always relates to the fact a small community will like to preserve his identity and majority demand assimilation. Our parents want permanent membership in our families and we as individuals want separate identity. The evolution human species from small groups in the savanna of North Africa (Ethiopia) and reality of today we are in fourth corners of the Earth. We all share the same genetic lineage of the small groups from the savanna of North Africa (Ethiopia), and still the our self inflict genocide in name of God, religion and Politics.

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