Santayana all does not learn from history will repeat, when the National Socialism come to power the Conservative though given the Chancellery to Hitler, with the believe, they will will control, what they did not understand or misunderstood its, when ideology come into place, the objective of the ideology more important than any pragmatic solution.
The rise of White Nationalism in US, may when into and they are denial, than some how will control the ideology tendencies. The used tariff as nationalism weapon, isolationism come with cont Japan close himself for 200 years and world past, in their regret to advanced in the world, but their isolation created a sense superiority, creating seeds of WWII.
The concurrence from Italy, Japan and Germany and especially Germany was the innovation of Industrial Genocide. We have terrible weapons, form fact Russian Putin set assassinations in Germany towards the Industrial leaders, will open a culture of revenge, the Imperial desires of Russia in Europe.
As in Japan the world will advance and denial will not stop next pandemic or out break of Polio in the US, while our fear created Gods to rationalized the lock of empowerment, does not stop what we are DNA product of 3 Billion of Evolution and change will happen, with devastating consequence to everyone, the river of life and destiny will flow what ever we try to stop or not.
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