Thursday, March 16, 2023



Inequality in society rise from a contradiction, where to maintain control the elite, whom rationalized their power, while believe as early human settlements in Middle East with introduction of Agriculture, the early settlements become not just a centers of power, but place where experts are gather, this become the essences of power. To maintain the power the need for the Agriculture society the time for cultivation and harvests to follow the skies priest become the ones to read the heavens to give the time, open the foundation to Mathematics, Hydrology, Astronomy, the used of signals for the heavens the Astrology, the Gods of Babylon and Canaan, the foundation of Astro-Gods, created bases for evolution to Monotheism where nation gods become a single God, history of Sargon become the history of Moses, the Sumerian, Akkadian and Babylon become Genesis book, where Gilgamesh history become Noah, the chronology of Sumerian Kings become Methuselah Generation, the Hammurabi laws become the book eventually the Persian duality become itself reason entree, where the Babylonian tree of life—the Gods Parthenon become the spirituality for monotheism and Baal become the Chariot of temple of Jerusalem.

Constantine created Political Christianity by given the Roman Empire dueling on corruption a political Religion, Mohammad understood and itself reproduced Constantine dream political power, by creating a version.

For Christianity and Islam the challenge was Judaism as the keepers of covenanted, in Islam the Mosque in Athens Parthenon to make a claim as historical conclusion, Hegel try show was historical conclusion, while the Age of Discovery and Industrialization in Europe mass production put end Islam expansion, while used slaves as economics was part of societies from Sumerian, Akkadians, Assyria, Babylon from Egypt, Rome and Athens, must of the salves are prisoners of war or not able to repay debt. The innovation of industrial used of Slaves introduced by Portugal the innovation was Color as rationalization, the British make an institution, the US made enforceable institution, while Russia Czar in the name of the Christian God slaves the their own peasants as serfs.

Mississippi race laws become based for Germany National Socialism, where percent become definition who is a Jew and racial laws applied the cost while Ottoman implemented Genocide as solution to control population case of Armenians Genocide by Ottomans, Germany in 1930´s implement industrial mass murder based racial laws against the Jews.

 US institutions, in the South Economy based on Color Slaves and US as nation white supremacist, the white populism revival in US become into place because the white privilege become just another group losing benefices, become clear when Obama become President, white in the US become aware with his election the white Supremacist which take over the Republican party started from Nixon and Culminated the fourth open white supremacist president Trump.

The conflict by Putin delusion of Russia, Russification of his neighbors due the same symptom of losing Russia privilege can´t accept Russia just another nation, the same plague affected China delusion of Empire.

We all are trying to hold to transient moment, whereas Pharaohs we just become dust in the wind, we can´t hold, we are just transient.

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