Wednesday, January 18, 2023


 The prelude to WWII take place in the end of Napoleon lost, where three reactionary autocratic despotic monarchies Prussia, Austria and Russia Czar, while United Kingdom out greed accepted the Christian Alliance between monarchies regimes, the lack of any standing set the political frame where Prussia envious of the Imperial success of United Kingdom—while the drive was pure economic greed and for Prussia was political power, either way the consequence, Prussia desire of Empire, while did not have capacity.

The Spanish flu forces some isolation and had an economic impact. Europe had the other can be blame for the state affair the Jews. The reactionary Holy Alliance in 1800´s found the Napoleon secular Empire to break the yoke of Christianity was to give the Jews recognition as Burgers of the state, which when against the rationalization for Christian domination—as Arendt point out Cecil Rhodes scholarship objective the advancement of Anglo Saxon as dominate group and the same in case of Eugenics, Darwin cousin Francis. In the more practical was creation of Cold Spring Laboratory to find proof to this dominance, by them Christianity justification for Slaves or Antisemitism lost credibility, the need of Justification for dominance lost any rationalization.

After the forces who created environment and context of WWII where the industrial Genocide based on pseudo-science of race. In 1980´s white greed and realization the whites become just another small group created Neo-Liberal economy where maximise the profit and deny any one who was not Anglo-Saxon to benefice, white in US and Europe could not accepted anyone getting any benefice a way by creating gate keepers to control access in US by privatise higher education (education in General since the US supported by local taxes wealthy districts can afford preparation to overcome Universities gate keepers, the poor districts which tend to be Black and Latino are out). In United Kingdom the access to the Public Universities based on Private Schools in other parts of Europe the used Gymnasiums, especially Latin as selection.

While the privatization did not stop with higher education the trickle down economy—where a race to the bottom, any place where low price of product cost to maximize profit limiting wages and lock of taxes minimize or destroying safety net from education to access of medicine or health care in the case of United Kingdom describe by James Meek in Private Island 2014.

The greed of the Russian elites began the conflict with Ukraine to have access and riches in 2022 a conflict not different from National Socialism in 1930´s with living space to east of Europe, Mussolini Fascism of New Rome Empire or Franco Catholic Fascism a difference the control of Spanish peasants not to forget in list Portugal Fascism also rooted Catholic Church in east Europe Rumania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia and Croatia in Empire claim under protection of the axes committing directly or indirectly Genocide, fast forward Russia Putin and China silence are willing participants of Ukraine Genocide.           

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