Sunday, November 13, 2022

On Tyranny

 In the Athenian Constitution Chapter 14-15 deal with Pisistratus seizures of power, his third attend become a tyrant, which mention by Herodotus (1.59-64), in Chapter 17-18 deal with death of one of the sons, Hipparchus by Harmodius and Aristognition, where Herodotus (V.55-61) and Thucydides mention ended the tyranny which had eccentricity since peculiarity of one person services to one person become the entrĂ©e. How the Demos evolved from just a kinship of tribes to set of rights and obligations creating a social contract in the city or Polis, not to Pericles and Solon the agreement become a formal.
While Europe—identity was forget by Christianity as political instrument of power by elite in the centre of this power—feed in Antisemitism, since the absolutism yield to the authority as a divined right the challenge Judaism claim divinity—the same for Islam, while the renaissance—rediscover did not affected to Kepler needed a new model explain Mars orbit, up to them the used epicentre Ptolemy for closed 2000 years the heavenly bodies can be predicted and British using carbon to produce a revolution—race needed, the Portuguese in Cave Verde created an industrial plantation based on Slaves, which Athens, Rome and Islam used from spoils of war or undesirable, but in Europe especially Anglo-Saxon created race as an instrument power—reflected in the economic, where the 19th nationalism transform the Antisemitism in to a racial antisemitism.
Athens demos only applied to 100,000 males where females and slaves would not be included (Freedman C, 1999. The Greek Achievement Viking), on the other hand the social contract of Rome Republic was contract between oligarchy and the people, where by representation, where the oligarchy where land owners in the Senate and assembly (Populous), (Christ K, 1984. The Romans University of California Press; Watts E J 2018, Mortal Republic How Rome Fell Into Tyranny), the later even the Roman Dictator was call First Citizen of Rome and the obligation was not to itself but Rome.
Mussolini with Fascist movement wanted to revived the dictator, only with the National Socialism in the German speaking in Europe elevated Nationalism to races and the outsiders where the Jews, the same argument from religious was expressed in Islam as Mufti of Jerusalem become force to created SS units in the Balkans which Genocide Slavic, Romani and Jews, eventually Mussolini said the objective was in the heart—race.
The convulsion in the US, by Nixon to create a permanent power based, while LBJ saw the consequence of race segregation willing to pay the alienation of the white in the US, Regan in the 80´s magnified as economics—where the white used as instrument to outsource the working class initially with NAFTA, then China, but the first economic convulsion of the 80´s ended with discussion to extended social benefices, by then Regan have privatise educational system to the banks where educational grants replace with bank loans guaranty by the federal taxes, the trickle down economy collapse in 2008 open the door of the first African American at the time white´s in the US did given a chance, which the first African American president delivered, but creating a social support over the Medical Privatization during Regan and the Bushes, for whites could not acceptance not one else could benefice, eventually a white supremacist president elected because his arrogance callous disregard of others during a real crises and let Italian door open who brought the  variant of SARS to the US killing more than 1 Million and used race to repress minorities.
Since Putin with delusions of being Czar, using the wealth of Carbon Economy influencing elections in US and Europe, in the case of US supporting the a white supremacist administration 45, himself try to black mail Ukraine to investigated his political opponent and after losing the election leading an insurrection, whereas today the Republican Party who fought the insurrection from South, to become one, at same time the new Russian Czar began genocide war against Ukraine, where middle east Saudi Prince committee murder and the Gulf Nations try to influences the elections by increasing the cost of oil.
The situation we are now as Ukraine shows need to fight back and despite of the Media whatever to show they are both sides, we are in the situation of the 1920´s and 30´s they are not two sides.

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