Saturday, June 18, 2022

Blue prints and delusions of Russia Empire and China


Hannah Arendt in the Origins Totalitarianism in Part II Imperialism in chapter five and chapter 6, Arendt for three decades from 1884 and 1914, set the Industrial Empire, while Evans in Pursuit of Power Europe 1815-1914, after Napoleon defeated the dream of Secular State, for Napoleon the Power of the Autocracy was based whom was recognized, since 325 in power legitimation was to deny Jews as the chosen people and treating them as adultery the Christian Roman (Roman Catholic Today, Protestants (off Spring) and Orthodox Church) allocated the Jewish question adultery section  (hence the allocation of Yellow—which introduce in Islam by identify Christians with blue and Yellow assigned to the Jews), the reason Christianity wanted to appropriated the Church—was the chosen, since they defined Jesus is the Messiah—which himself was God, since God can only save man.

Because the concept of Messiah for the Jews was Only Human (see The Disputation at Barcelona—Nachmanides taken place between July 20, July 23, July 24 and August 4, 1263 in the presences James I King of Aragon, where Nachmanides described the Messiah a man whom will have a son, where for Christianity especially the Gnostics (which Jesus was a spirit) and Catholic a man transform in to God, for Medieval Judaism as describe by Idel in Kabbalah in Italy, 1280-1510: A Survey, the used of God names to transform into Angle are low manifestation of God, the Talmud mention (Chahiga15b—included Midrash Bereshit Rabbah 68:12) have not free will only man, but case of Prophet Elijah become Metatron an Angel, for Jews the Messiah just a man. The need of God represent in Earth to given power was this case Messiah, there is no accident in the British Monarchy the male line is Circumcises since they delusion of clamming house of David—the British line come from House of Hannover, the same views were introduced into Czar family, while Moscow was created the Golden Horde of the Mongolian Khan, in China the Imperial power was heaven given, the claim such was in inauguration the Chinese Imperator inauguration ritual where he was the connection of Heaven and Earth.

Napoleon challenge was given the Citizenship just by being born and maintain the power of the Autocratic rulers the power to invest the citizenship of the power of the state, as Evans mention the reaction was reactionary union between Russia Czar, Austria and Prussia, where for the British accepted the holy alliance, because their only interest was commercial, British development more than Dutch mercantilism for Spain the extraction of raw materials and for Portugal reintroduced slaves for Agriculture as plantation Cave Verde in cost of Africa they conduct the experiment transfer to Brazil in Industrial Scale, while Russia Czar did and eventually gave rights to serfs, where Austria refuse in part the Serbs had distinct ethnic and belong to different religious tradition, open the door to 1914 WWI.

For Arendt 18th century used race to rationalize the used Africans was based in Biblical stories the Son and Noah and Paul making not critical comments of Rome elites, which many used slaves, while Napoleon lost the Secular Empire, the secular culture peculated in part because technology and science given better living standards need Justified the cruelty (Chapter 6 Arendt) at the same time Goodwin (the father of Political Anarchism) in Enquiry Concerning Political Justice equity poverty and inequality as slavery, for him Slavery was equal to not choice.

The culmination to secularization of Race was the introduction of Pseudo-Science of Eugenics which impacted the immigration in early 20th century in US (Okrent The Guarded Gate) and set Racial Laws in Germany (Evans Second Volume the Third Reich in Power), while seeds for Genocide by Germany was set in Africa (Evans The Third Reich In History And Memory) The German Kaiser envious of British and France Empire (the commercial benefice), the model base on idea the raw materials extracted and manufacture in mother land sold back finish product to the colonies, while Bismarck advocated Germany as Industrial power the Kaiser forced him to retired. While the first industrial Genocide was achieved by Ottomans against Armenia’s 1915-1916.
For Russia autocratic power brought by German Czarina Katharine and taken place Czar Alexander II in 1856 force Jews to conscript into his Army at 12, where need to serve for seven years with service obligation of 25 years and they give choice if convert can advance into officers if not send to the Urals and Siberia under care of the local priest. But the most damage and cruelty of Russia the forgery, Protocols of Elders of Zion, originally written by Jesuit Augustine Burrel in 1798, where he argue conspiracy of the Order Knight of Templar a multinational medieval never extinguished 1312 living as fraternity to destroy the papacy and monarchies and the conspiracy included the freemasons, his written was influence by Robison a Mathematician, Proofs of Conspiracy, 1797 the story evolved when Policy Jospeh Fouche using pseudonym Leon Poliakav due to Napoleon call of Jewish Grand Sanhedrim, the old order only Christian since 325 Jewish conspiracy, but in Russia the conversion Jacob Brafman his books The Local and Universal Jewish Brotherhoods (1868) and The Book of the Kahal (1869), published in Vilna, set seeds, the Russian taken seriously by some officials as P. A. Cherevin and Nikolay Pavlovich Ignatyev who in the 1880s urged governors-general of provinces to seek out the supposed qahal, all this was around the time of the Narodnaya Volya assassination of Czar Alexander II of Russia and follow by the pogroms—the Authorities blame also the Jews. In France, it was translated by Monsignor Ernest Jouin in 1925, which supported the Protocols,iIn 1928, Siegfried Passarge, a geographer in Germany.

The forgery used material from Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu 1864 by Maurice Joly and a chapter from Biarritz, an 1868 novel by the antisemitic German novelist Hermann Goedsche, which had been translated into Russian in 1872.

Besides Brafman, there were other early writings which posited a similar concept to the Protocols like, The Conquest of the World by the Jews (1878) published in Basel by Osman Bey (born Frederick Millingen) and Hippolytus Lutostansky's The Talmud and the Jews (1879) which claimed that Jews wanted to divide Russia among themselves. The paranoia in the Russian elites follows to Stalin which wanted to Genocide Jews in 1950´s before his death (See Evans, The Hitler Conspiracies).

In US the issue the used of Race as commercial tool, the expansion and conquest of the west based in fact case of Florida Free Town in border belonging to the Spanish, where free and running away slaves, the Southern States pushing for the inclusion of the Spanish territory the invasion of whites to Texas being Spanish and Mexican territory, the reaction when Mexico was in the process to free the slaves, the whites was to be independent to maintain slave intuition (see Gibson El Norte).

The self-proclaim new Czar Putin trying to revive a mercantile with client state which ended with unwanted invasion of Ukraine, Russia has committed an Empire ruthless at any cost included Genocide, where in US the white supremacist President 45 committed to white supremacist society based on Patriarchal structure where women and other submitted to this, the Republican Party since Nixon began transformation become present danger to the Republic, Europe in crossroads the Traumas of almost 2000 years conflicted ended with Genocide Six Million Jews and destruction of Europe. Imperial Russia at reverse used Natural Resources as political power, where China using their Population sizes, India with religious revival including Islam who always has been a Political structure, for Europe independence of raw materials dependence to a circular economic, electrical cars, bio-gas, Solar others green technologies 2022 should be liberation, where there is not dependence of China production chains, Russia raw materials, Germany in 18 century had coal and developed Carbon economy, British made the initial scientific discovery, but mercantile economy did not saw value in development of Carbon economy open to Germany developed.

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