Friday, February 11, 2022


An historical time always occurred when a profound shift, Hannah Arendt mention Cecil Rhodes will, part of his plunder the Rhodes Scholarship was to advance Anglo-Saxon as ideology of races—Christianity used the Bible to Justified slaves of colour, while slaves has been used in all the societies and religion like Islam, with rebirth of the west open to secular world, the only way to justified to power over other races, in Spain the used of the concept of Pure Blood to excluded Jewish converts, in case of the Jesuits, Ignatius in his rules will not accepted Jews in his order, this concept was transfer to the exploitation the Aborigine of the Americas, the cruelty of Spain and Portuguese against natives force the Las Casas to confront the system, open doors the used of slaves from Africa. With secularization to maintain the plantations created by the Portuguese in Cabo Verde, the rationalization was created by British, the cousin of Darwin, Francis Galton open the doors of race and set foundation Eugenics which Anglo Saxon in US used exclusion for immigration and foundation Races Laws by the National Socialism in Germany in 1930´s from the extermination of Genetically undesirable, fabled, the Jew, Roma, Communist, Anarchist, Socialist, Jehovah Witness, anyone who will do not accepted the hierarchy of power given by leader, a cult base on race.  

But, the cult have maintain the privilege status of the Anglo-Saxon—the elites created mythology of economic liberalization which enrichments, the consequences the need of specialization only demanding few and everyone, especially in the US where the Government to support was deny because after the Civil war and reconstruction will benefice the African Americans, the elites to maintain their privilege decided not one should receive support and the help only to the Anglo-Saxon exclusion from education cost driven by mythology of Regan and Nixon created Republican party to represent only white in the US, only with the revival not since Confederation which based in white supremacist as political ideology, while Russia have affinity to this ideology due imperial ideology as Russification first applied by the Muscovite Princess to Kiev, Russia today have supported the proselytization with many Native, included the white supremacist take and transformation of the Republican Party in the US. The ideology is driven from the fact the whites are losing and they lost do not blaming the elites who driven them, their own white elite, but others—the other the non-white their moment was with the chanting Jews do not replacing, from the White Supremacist President 45 to everyone in the Republican Party leadership who supported and when alone for recreation not since 19th and 20th Century a race ideology become again due of the fear of white losing their privilege power.


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