Tuesday, January 19, 2021



January 6 2020, was like any other day, following a tradition and protocol, while, since the attainment of the white supremacist for the 21 century and not since Wilson in the 1920´s a new historical moment was created. Parkinson (2016) in Common Cause, the creation of the Union of States had from conception inner tension, for Southern States the rebellion supports, because was obvious the British Empire will abolished the slave used, and for the northern states, the industrial revolution occur from investment of the plantations Baptist (2014) The Half Has Never Been Told, Slavery And The Making of American Capitalism—Carson (2004) Studies in Mutualist Political Economy point out the British expansion was different from Spain, which the cost of Iberia unification was driving by wealth gold, where for British with Norsemen invention introduce taxation included the Saxons Lords, but the most significant changes was converted common land into private to increase the taxation give like British East Company tool of private property, the right to own, many pay passage of being seven years chain—after the obligatory time, they could own, this was underline of the Anglo Saxon Model, when the color of the skin become property (see—Jones Roger (2019) They were her property—White Women as Slave Owners in the America South), rationalization base a God, later own Pseudo Science of Race, ended Eugenics used for quota system  selection who can immigrated what right any one could have (see—Okrent (2019) The guarded Gate). While this was not only to maintain power or the preferential white identity, but service national expansion to the Spanish colonies Florida having Freedom Town full of running way slaves in the Slave rebellion in South haven option, the used law and order to maintain control of the slaves (see—Gibson (2019) El Norte—the epic and forgotten story of Hispanic North America) with white in Texas rebelling, since Mexico will stop used of Slaves, and force Mexican war ended in 1848, created a continental nation, reckoning the persistence used of Slaves, Lincoln initial desire was to slow withdraw of using slaves and finding a way to returning to African—Jefferson set Liberia a colony for African American slaves, but south do not wanted any changes, even after the Proclamation in 1877 the set the roots for segregation a legal Method to maintain—subjugate an economy class based on skin color.

In 1898, the Radical Republicans in South in the case of North Carolina the Fusionist Party encouraged black citizens to vote, which was an estimated 120,000 Republican sympathizers–which send African American to the congress. The Wilmington insurrection of 1898—not since the KKK inception in Tennessee, white supremacist insurrection (the used, Red Shirts left the white supremacist convention October 28 where one of the speakers William A. Guthrie and the mayor of Durham declared:

“The Anglo Saxon planted civilization on this continent and wherever this race has been in conflict with another race, it has asserted its supremacy and either conquered or exterminated the foe. This great race has carried the Bible in one hand and the sword [in the other]. Resist our march of progress and civilization and we will wipe you off the face of the earth ”

and started terrorizing black citizens and their white allies) the white Southerners attitude because my whiteness I am better tan you, and if I can take advantage is because God give me such privilege and only I—the white man can have privilege—my health only for whites, to others if you can pay for privilege denying others, the rebellion for white superiority ended burning and massacre the African Americans in Tulsa 1921—the African Americans Wall Street was burn to the ground, because they show—they have the same or better in able to created wealth, whites could not accepted.

With Bush Junior following the mythology and voodoo economics if you lower the taxes to the wealthy, they—not since Gilder of 1800´s created such inequality, which based on education, which gate keepers give access only what elite consider, Nixon took Southern Democrats with their Racism into Republicans, the disposition, with Regan voodoo economics was target to wealth of Whites in the US, when Bush Junior Crash economy the two wars and with not Revenue (Since Clinton brought the US in to the black—the Revenue was to return to white elite), the economic Meltdown of 2008, the US accepted the first African American, but the White Supremacist elites in the Republican party, wanted The African America to fall, from conspiracies, he was not US citizen to many others, but Obama proof a Black man can be better and competence, the reaction, the electoral college was designed for white rural elite to maintain power and used privilege—in power set an autocrat and white supremacist, like Conservatives in Germany in 1930´s could not control Hitler, the same for 45, there only room for one, since his lack of empathy—incompetence of 400 + thousand, 22 Million infected, and realization of the Republicans there is only Führer, and coup attempt of January 6 fall to changes or incited a white rebellion, and underline because US population has been shifted where white in US as just another group, not the group—this become next stage for the US.  

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