Sunday, December 22, 2019

Emma Lazarus

While, in these trouble times, Miller in the white supremacist White House, about 75 years in the middle of WWII, there were  whom wanted to belong to National Socialism, but the fact he was Jew like 100,000 who served the German Army in WWI, he was deny, his view was Authoritarian structure Germany was best served. While Emma was decedent from early Portuguese Jews escaping in the 1770´s the inquisition Recife Brazil, in her Poem The New Colossus 1883, which ended welcome in the enters of New York, as mention By Okret (2019) The Guarded Gate, the Protestant Anglo elite of US, democracy was only for her group no other, had their poem, building a wall, in the 1930, as mention Norte (2019) Gibson, the immigration raids of Mexicans and using Eugenics pseudo-science to justified quotas, as consequence during  genocide of WWII, the doors were closed, US white condemn Six Million Jews to their death, ships like Lusitania, trying other countries the US influenced Cuba to closed the doors sending 940 Jews back to Hamburg to their death.
Emma while she did not have an early Jews Education, the Pogroms carry by the Cossacks in Czar Russia, especially after assassination of Alexander II, one observation after the collapsed the multi-ethnic Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, the Rabbis needed to choice the everyday Polish Anti-Semitisms or the Russian Structural Antisemitism, choosing later, the consequence the Czar secret policy base take from dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu (Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu), an 1864 political satire by Maurice Joly and a chapter from Biarritz, an 1868 novel by the antisemitic German novelist Hermann Goedsche, which had been translated into Russian in 1872.
Czar secret policy created The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Russia has a long tradition to created disinformation using conspiracy theories.
Lazarus respond was support to Hebrew Emigrant Aid Society, the genocide of October 27, 2018 in Pittsburgh in tree of life encourage by the Anti-Semitic, white supremacist Racist Donald Trump, to the same organization.
The election of Boris Johnson and  stand of the Anglo's of the Island, invoking the spirit of Cecil Rhodes of Past Imperialism based on race, after 80 years of WWII and Millions in Europe death, with in the soul the guilt of Six Million Jews, how nationalism is reborn, based on pseudo-sciences Race, since despite of their efforts, race does not exist, the lack vitamin D, exposure of steps of Ukraine, the need in shorted days to increase the blood to expand the Rhodes of eye, increasing blue colour, we are all the same, we all in period of 200000 Years or early migrated from Africa.
The inequality promoted by US Democracy only valid for corporations—the US democracy is, not just white, but the Plantation owners, like in US constitution their vote was 3.4  more the owners, the Judicial System just extended to the corporation benefit only small male whites.
Rome Republic ended when the Dictator was the beginning and the end. The empire collapse in their own corruption, like UK will end, by North Ireland will integrated with the Republic, and Scotland will liberated from the British Yoke.
The EU exists because the conflict of 2000 Years in Continent costed 100 Million of death in WWII—included the Genocide of 6 Million Jews. Because the impact of environment US corporations especially carbon fuel economy impact destabilizing the climate having impact, since the greed and short sighted can´t change, where EU model will be better to adapted, the strength of EU is in his differences.
As like every Republican Administrations—since Nixon, the Southern Racist of the Confederation to maintain a Slave Society, to maintain privilege, can´t be substance, since Regan creating economic collapse, since the Republican Model is based in Credit Card, borrow against generations to come, collapsing in Bush Senior and Again Bush Junior, experiments in the Kansas, Oklahoma and North Carolina, where cutting taxes, and basics—education, did not bring the golden path, you can´t create out nothing, takes allot energy, there is not magic.
The trade war with China is fuel by the Racism of the administration, the delusion of Mercantile economy, we are in base Knowledge economy, the Artesian economy, which was dislocated by industrial revolution, mass production, today where needs are in local level, alternative energy—to local production, the corporation trying to maintain some mass production, due to automatization, and trough network a consumer need can be produced locally, moreover corporations do not need many hands from farms to industry, the needed of Artisans and creative, the answer one is education and local economy displacing the consumer economy, the nations like Anglo model as US and UK, where the elite benefit, the blame to lack resources and opportunities is blame as the other, and for many generations of submission by population, fear to take by disconnecting from elite, like Universities, power as because the title is given by declaration of the State, what about the title base on actually showing—meaning reproduced the work, created context, the crises of Boeing show the greed, the fact they did not research modification of 737, it not just a software, but design, the reason, mass production in name of greed included 777, where FAA study the cycle of the 737 will have 15 fatal crashes.
In one level while we are in darkest hours—the change will happen, the elite can´t hold to the power, because change, the Assyrian Empire with brutality, of moving populations the end result was environmental collapse brought the empire to end, the US will dissipate in the memory of history, a new dawn is possible, take your destiny in your hands, now more ever.

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