Saturday, September 07, 2019

Invisible Mann

I did not born in six days or six thousand days,
but I was born 120,000 or 100,00 years,
I was born in the plain of Africa, which I carry all of you,
I have your brown, dark, white, red and yellow.
I have the eyes, black, hazel, brown, green and red
I have your brown, hazel, red, black and yellow hair
but you do not see me, I am in the corner lay down,
yes, I am in pain, I am the one who serve your flag,
but you found your way out, I had to serve, because I was
brown, yellow and black.
I am with the Kippah, the Turban, the Hijab
I am your sister, you mother
You walk away, and you did not see my back, whip of the master
You do not see my hands, punished by the sitting rocker of my mistress
You do not see number in my Arm, since you deny sanctuary of my escaping
my tormentors, because I was born, because I believe.
You do not want to see my eyes, so I can not read
I only hear the lynching of your anger, for losing you war to own me
The burning of my place to pray, by your hands, in your amnesia
you do not want to see me, you chase me in my prayer house to
send to my death
I only heard the empty voices of the Middle Passage
You took my bonds, I do not who I am, I do not  know where I come
I do not where I am
you do not see me, I am your brother, your sister, you father and your mother
in your amnesia of your actions wanted to wash your hands, but your actions
set in stones, the wind will wipe, but your actions still in space
you do not see me, but you are, what I am

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