Friday, November 02, 2018

White Supremacist President

I am written, heavy hearth at time events October 27, 2018 in Pittsburgh. While is clear US was founded on race (Parkinson R.G., The common Cause Creating Race and Nation in The America Revolution, The University North Carolina Press 2016; Wilder C. S., Ebony & Ivy, Race, Slavery and Trouble History, Bloomsbury Press, 2013; Johnson C and Smith P., African in Americans, Americans Journey Through Slavery, A Harvests Book, 1998), while openly very few Presidents exposed their feeling about race public. Andrew Jackson, the seven President US, enforcing and exposing his view about race demonstrate   May 28, 1830 Indian Removal Act, especially Cherokee, which try to hold to their land (Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina and South Carolina).  20 Century began with signed white of white supremacist the President of Princeton University become the 28th President of US (second president from the South since reconstruction), when Wilson was reelected the second time 1916, began to use Nativism slogan kept us of the War, introduction America first used after US sympathizers of National Socialism in 1930´s and 40´s. In the Wilson era culminated with KKK parade down town Washington August 8, 1925 (at the time the K K K at the time of Reconstruction the lynch belt, the South of United States carry 5000 Murders of African Americans, besides of  African Americans the lynch of Leo Frank in Georgia, August 17, 1915). The white supremacist take roots in Mid-West, especially Indiana come to the spell of the KKK, in 1925, 30% of population belong to the Klan from the Assembly to Governor of the state belong to the Klan.
Fast forward to 60´s the Johnson administration civil right legislation alienated the Southern White Democrats migrated to the Republican Party become white supremacist party in the south, Nixon southern strategy was to assimilated the white supremacist of the Southern Democratic Party into Republicans, this strategy was epitomize by James Strom Thurmond Sr., started is Southern Democrat to 1964, switch to the Republican Party carry with him State Rights, which mean the right of state to discriminate African Americans and the poor.
Through the years the republican party using code as implicit referring race, to Donald Trump, which his white supremacist view carry the worst form of Anti-Semitism. While he ponder to Evangelical, his love for Israel can be say the worst, not since the disintegration of the Lithuanian-Polish commonwealth in the 17th Century, the Jewish needed to take sides the choice every day humiliate Anti-Semitism of the Poles versus the structural Anti-Semitism by Russia, with the hate culminated with Czar secret police producing the Anti-Semitic forgery Protocols of Zion. While Hannah Arendt in The Origin Totalitarianism Anti-Semitism is product insecurities of the 19th Century Industrial revolution preparing the terrain of Industrial Genocide, while Arendt analysis does have fact, but the roots, of Anti-Semitism—the construction of other take root, where loyalty to believes, need to clarified Judaism is a religion a believe, not ethnic or race group, while families build relationships in this believe, does not make a race or even an identity. Judaism roots in Bronze period base in Monolatry (worship in one God, but accepted other Gods) and Iron Age a Honolatry (worship in one God, but recognized other Gods). The Anti-Semitisms in Europe was fuel of Christianity and Islam validation to express the word of God. Luther in 149 page book, the Jews in his Lies after refused to accept his brand of Christianity, become vitriolic, Hitler used in Arguments for justification of Jews hate, for him followers their hate based Rosenberg Pseudo-Science or Himmler, his Occultism. Christianity offer spiritual reason, like British used the same argument for subjection of others based on Race (Arendt).
While 19th Century give mechanism to achieve Industrial Genocide the roots based must raw emotions, which religion masters, Christianity view of the Jewish is to fulfill Prophesy, for Christianity exist of the Jews is to fulfill Prophesy from the only Time the Pope Complain regarding Jews when Nazi Germany around the Jews from Rome, the pope selected few families, their exist to be ashamed when the second come (Cornwell J. Hitler´s Pope, The Secret Story of Pius XII, Viking, 1999; Kertzer D.I., The Pope and Mussolini, The Secret Story of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism In Europe), (one must traumatic-outrage behavior of the Rome behavior  towards  the Jews is Kidnapping of Edgar Mortara, the Jewish baby baptize by the maid, and church taken from his parents Kertzer D.I, The Pope Against the Jew, The Vatican role in the rise of Modern Antisemitism,  Alfred A Knoff,  2001).
The Christian  and some ways Islam  (Montadel D, Islam and Nazi Germany, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014; Nazis, Rubin B, and Schwanitz W.C., Islamist ad The Making of the Modern Middle East, Yale University Press,  2014), anti-Semitism is to fulfill their prophesy, Judaism and core tenor, the MESSIAH HAS NOT COME YET.
The Penze the white supremacist vice president invited messianic Jews (no such thing), the same so call Rabbi, which is not (Rabbi need a validation from historical line, which messianic Judaism contradicts every position of Judaism evolution), but not surprise in the frenzy of losing midterms, Democrats weather in the House Representative, the Senate or both will investigate the events of his elections and corruption running in his administration, using Caravan of Asylum seekers,  which they can ask in their country or port enter in US. The Anti-Semitic populist regime in Hungary used Soros to show the International Jew the same argument made by Hitler and the National Socialism towards the Jews, trump insinuated Soros, other Jews Donors (While Trump have his own Financer Adelson, for the Republicans not issue).
The Republican nativism exposed in 1990´s for run is president Buchannan, the mantel is trumps, the Neo-Nazis in the US, transform in the White Supremacist, race identity, while both parties have ponder to the wealthy, the republicans have used social issues to deflect abandoned of the poor—rural and white, by creating you do not have is not because we give to the wealthy but because the other.
In the 1800´s pogroms in Ukraine brought Jews to US, the creation in Hebrew Immigration Aid, last time function in 1990´s with Jews from Soviet or old Soviet nations relocated to the US, for the last 18 years have help other groups from Syrian to Latin Americans, their Job is to support, this was the triggers of the events of October 27, 2018, Trump his administration and Republican Party instigated costing 11 Souls. No one deserved to be gun down, HIAS was offering help legally, but the Republican White Supremacist decide is not, so now everyone is not white is danger, after 73 Years of Genocide of Europe, for desire Power willing to conjure the old demons.

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