Monday, April 02, 2018

What if.....

A misunderstanding regarding knowledge, come from the idea of monotheistic ideas of absolutes. The assumption the one discipline is better than others, one need to consider the main trust in Science is the scientific method, which are two factors:
1) Control
2) Verification, what is call falsification Science can be tested.
The objective of a theory is to produce a verification, and each body of knowledge there is amount complexity--some--can be complicated experiment can verify the theory in other cases because the inherent of the epistemology become a challenge: Biology can be consider a example, we have 200,000 Proteins, our body is 60% water, the protein are not monolithic material but, some proteins for example contain amino acids which are Hydrophobic or Hydrophilic depending in which position with the water interaction this proteins are changing continuously.
There is no accident in Biological processes we consider statistical significance to give a context. While the trust in mathematics is to consider consistence in the stamen to Cantor times consistence was tested through deduction, Cantor amplified the used of induction (by Contradiction). Russell try to connect Philosophical questions, which consider universals truths, and rationality—using demonstrative deduction to achieve this truths a great example Spinoza use Geometrical demonstration, another had used of Rhetoric—like Montaigne, Nietzsche style, Afrikan Spir, from Aquinas, to Augustine, the used of deductive logical, where Mathematics is consistence in the stamen, or Computer Science is consistence in the repetition—not creation of a new stamen, while some stamens can be implied using  repetition, not the creation. One though is the Truths exists outside of the Human experience, the fascination due the Universe shows a structure, but what we forgot we are the ones who from our experience (Biological Uniqueness—our Sensors interpreted, when we are limited, then using tools, from testing, consistence or repetition of the consistence—give inside to the question).
Science use some of this structure but the validity of Science only be accepted in in his falsification, and this method of verification is being used, challenge and  continuously  question, of course allot dependent on the complexity of the epistemology.
Not body of knowledge is better or superior to one another, all dependent, Turin Machine, where we ask for something was not input, say the alphabet, we ask for a letter never input, the repetition goes into infinity loop, this case some confusion, while for repeating a operation (Antilogarithm), we used consistence, is not the same when we are determining consistence itself.
Philosophy and Humanism, the difference between Humanism, needs context in other words all the interactions.  Humanism is the essay of the collection of Human experiences, love, hate, pain, despair, hate, and hope –dreams.
Analytic Philosophy has kill philosophy in US, what reduce Philosophy just logical reduction missing the context, even our Knowledge reflect our experience. History is not only about dates or only events, but context--one reason why the US in the situation today is because the context has been lost--because the information has been withhold, biology informs what we are, but history tells were we come, when we combine all this epistemology can give understanding.
Historical record we can say is 7,000 Years old, but the early stages are missing, but now combining DNA, with other tools can tell Human Migration can tell how we evolved—our histories, how we impacted our environment and ourselves.
The idea of first principles become popular due Christian (Aquinas—not unique to single monotheistic or other religion), to introduce God as single truth, where science is a continuous process—we can say Science is semi-relativistic in a sense is not monolithic. 
The Capitalist system trivet when population are limited to small task, specialization, better control of the individuals by given limited information, the specialization limited access, and the ones who are outside of the club become isolated and alienated. The US universities have become clubs of privilege—especially the Ivy given access only to their members—nepotism rampage the Universities, one my favor blog retraction watch point out the a field advance when the gate keepers death.
Cadet bone spur and now Bolton, never serve in Military but they willing to use as political tool without considering the consequence and pain, the conflict of Iraq created the condition indirectly in Syria, and now all tribalism contain has splash, with collapse of the Soviet Paradise, an early example the Balkans and now Ukraine.

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