Tuesday, August 02, 2016

The Xenophobia in the Working Class

Herodotus in Histories describe, while the Greek where in disunion, what glue them together against the Persian was the barbarian—the other. When described the silver mines, where the slave provide the revenues 50 Silver Talents to build the Athenian float, the disdain against the slave manifested the hate towards the Outside.
The glue in the Fabric of the European society was the Antisemitism brought by Christianity competition with Judaism wielding political power to the Roman Bishop, to the point the Grandson of Constantine, Julian the Heretic desire of rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem and the revival of Paganism to stop the political power hold by the church—Julian death 3 years after become the Emperor and the earth quake in   Jerusalem hold the plans.
Parkinson Robert G, 2016 book “The Common Cause,” described the Revolution again George III took hold when the Colonialist manufacture consensus by first by creating alternative network of Post to the Royal Post, able to disseminated their own news, but the glue of the fabric was the spread of the fear of Slave Rebellion—there where in the British Colonies started in New York in 1712, Samba Rebellion in 1731, Stono Rebellion 1739 especially in the south since the demographics was 10 slave against 1 master, and George III open his ranks by given Freedom of slaves the other case with less success Native nations call against the Colonies, by George Guaranty no more expansion of the colony, in New York the five nations took Arms eventually for the King, the use of fear and the glue of the New Nation was based on subjugation of others created the Pillars of the new nation, since George call of the Germans Hussars and Hanoverian's. The use of fear mixed with Racism are the foundation of US, which with 1863 Lincoln Proclamation and hundred years after  with the Civil Rights 1963 had not affect the fundamental Pillar in the fabric of US.
Marx in the Jewish question could accept question of identities, since Marx fallacy and the left especially in the state socialism, there is not room of identity issues all explain in Messianic Economic Models, while in the same time Marxist ideology mix with nationalism has been the treat through the 20th Century, in many case after the collapse of the Soviet experiment what left is a Nationalism like in Balkans and Russia today.  
Gustav Landauer though created a Libertarian Socialism with room about identity, since the Libertarian left Begin and end with the individual, Marxist like Benjamin introduce in illuminated the concept of the individual—Derrida in Of Grammatology base, his though on the influence of Nietzsche the radical Aristocrat using the creative individual is the fundamental block of life itself.
In the 1921, in Mingo County West Virginia, 10,000 miners’ strike well arm confronted 3000 striker breakers (Logan Defenders) backed by the coal operators, the miners fought for the right to an Union, 1 Million rounds were used, the cynicism of the Coal Operators using Scabs of Color to antagonize the white sensitivity.
The support of the British working class for exit of European Union, was based on the hate the outsider in this case Eastern Europeans after years beginning with Thatcher economics, Blair New Labor and ended with Cameron Austerity, the economic inequality enshrined in British Society based on Nepotisms and neo-Feudal revival, using race and hate the new lords created the new servant, by selling a fantasy of Empire long gone and society never happen. The same can be say in this electoral cycle, appealing to  Disenfranchise working class, since Regan year sold to Free Market religion and culminated with 2008 Busch economic meltdown, and left by denying identity, in case Sanders, not making inroads in the African Americans and Hispanic.
The nominee of the Republican Party insulting and Deming every minority, while the peculiarity of the US electoral system based on the Electoral College (270)—since the founders did not trusted the masses, and the electoral college, electoral numbers depended on population, for Example California with 55 Electoral college, 40% of the Population Spanish, the nominee solution is expulsion and walls try in 1930´s in Los Angeles—the nominee outcast itself leaving with a narrow path the states which still some working class representing the party, when the president dealing with 2008 meltdown given a life line to Auto industry and his Republican Party with the Mantra of not Government interference in the market, ask for a thrust, while Nafta, was disaster, appealing to a white nativism not solving the concentration of the weal to 1% , economic inequality or the exclusion of new generation in education, since the Universities have become personalities driven, and privilege—now the universities have transform into Business—exclusion zones for the few with contact, enjoy the wealth from the taxes market in research grants as example.  

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