Monday, November 16, 2015


Paris is not just the city of light,
But is the city of many souls.
The city of artist dreams and
inspirations of many dreams.

From the salons of Aristocrats and
The commune, the small village, who
become a district.

The canal St Martin, to the eleven district
where dreamers leave. To the bistros to
cafes, to the intellectuals who stop to ceases.

From the aroma of the spices of some many places
and some dreams.
But dark day, when the Antisemitism
who is part of Europe, was revived with the same
hate name of a God, or a Prophet.

Now in the Seine, not only carry the forgotten dreams, the pain
And the cry of 135 souls (and counted- to the many injure soul and body)
a city in dark where the symbols are in the dark.

And sadness because one dear to think, to draw, to enjoy the pleasure
of  meal, the taste of coffee, or to listen sound.
Or to buy a meal before the Sabbath, or come out from school
The angel of death waiting the little girls, and pick by the hair,
and took away.

Bur even the lights are dimming, and quite, sobs and whispers,
the day after, the sound of hope, joy of smell of the coffee
or simple walk—Paris  

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