Tuesday, August 04, 2015

OXI crises is not about Europe

The Greek Population was right to reject such draconian rules, not since Hoover, impose Lazy fare economics before, the word depression of the 1930´s with political consequence, the rise racist Germany through fascism, while is not unique, the ground was prepared in desire of imperial Germany, colony Namibia as industrial genocide carry by Kaiser against Herero a population 80,000 before the policy reduce to 15,000, and the use of concentration camps 17,000 only 7,000 survive. The Ethno racist police instituted in Rwanda between Hutu and Tutsi instate by Imperial Germany, had consequence in genocidal massacres 1994, as mention by Evans, 2015, The third Reich in History And Memory in the section Blueprint for Genocide p 6-15. While, it’s not surprise, since historically the used genocide from Europe specially—German speaking region the Genocide massacre of the Jewish communities in the Rhine during the first crusade and the rational of the genocide, and some ways the un written policy Christianity and Islam and based  for Antisemitism which is deligitimization of the Jews, due to the fact, monotheism claim have direct line to God, while the Koran have 33 versus of Genocide of the Jews and internal contradiction of the People of the book applied to Christian and Jews, where Islam have issues of power, where people of  the Book (Christian and Jews), need to submitted to a political Islam, and the one who codified the Medieval reason  for the Jewish Genocide was Luther in his 150 Pages On the Jews  and Their Lies.
But, the economic aspect of the no vote, Milton Friedman enforce a mythology if the Markers where free to flow the depression will be end soon, Friedman first chance was with Chile, and the retirement funds—but, with market fluctuation, when democracy return the Government give option to the retires to return to Government control account 80% return Government control programs due to losses of the Market Crash in the 1980´s—needs to point a reason with 2008 Meltdown feast of markets-bank deregulation which began during Clinton administration, but become to another level, where the fire wall Glass Steagall act of 1932 under Frankly Delano Roosevelt, a provision separated the commercial bank and investment, to stop the banks for gambling with the account holder monies, and Democrat congress do not let Bush administration to privatise the social security, they when to the pot of gold the public house—the banks investments first did not when immediately to the poor, but to the middle class, who the sold the idea their houses as private banks, which the price will rise and the borrow against this increase future sell, when the run out of house holders who took the bite, the pray on the poor who rented, they sold the  idea they could own a house, based on mythology of the America dream any one can accumulated wealth.
While, this crashes is unique to free market Capitalism in the case of China one party state, which encourage and give cheap rates to borrow money to invest in Market, and 2015 with the market collapse or case of Russia, which their economy base on Hydrocarbons, now with slowdown in some cases a crash of the economy, besides of Russian delusion of Russification of East Europe, they are in crises.
In the Middle East the solution is political Islam base on Neo-Islam, where, half pollution (women) or the minorities (Christians or Kurds, Yasin) are subjugated or Genocide. Begs the questions of what is the  Europe crises—the crises is about Solidarity or the rules, as we understand the rules base on certain principles send Germany trough a self-destruction, the same crises applied to political Islam, whether is theocratic state Iran, Saudi of ISES.

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