Friday, July 03, 2015

Open Health Care

In 2008, Bouchard et al, Privatizing biomedical research—a´third way, Biotechnology, Vol 26: 31-35 the majority of drug development was achieve via public funds. Because especially, more than now, Biology, Medical research, become time consume from the basic research to medical trials.

Historical, hospitals were institutions to dispensed charity and medicine, records exited about 2500 years, in India, Fan Xian 400 C.E., wrote in his chronic visit to India.

Rome and Greece have their own tradition, in the case of Greece, Hippocrates, known as the Father of Modern Medicine, established a medical school at Kos. Hippocrates and his students documented numerous illnesses in the Hippocratic Corpus, and developed the Hippocratic Oath for physicians. What its significance, the fact the ideal of communities Hospitals administrates by some public level, from Charity to direct state intervention, this tradition was kept in Medieval Europe and accepted Muslin communities, the first doctors in this communities, where Christians and Jews, the reason not only the Knowledge was from them, but Islam limited profession to the people of the book, and Medicine as Profession, was base on License, In Europe the same development, since the Christian wold Limited the Jewish to any access to university, and Hospitals were view as apprenticeships .

Bismarck, realizing his political tool provide to the Prussia State the first insurances, not out charity or good will, but out fear—the industrial revolution brought to the cities migration, in many case overcrowd and unsanitary neighborhoods, by guaranty health care.

While not just Germany, where, the License provide by the state, where in the US, the License is given by Medical Association, and the state provide a License to prescribe drugs. 

In US the health care provider were no profit,, in the 1980´s with Regan come into power, and the battles from free for all market and the regulated market, tilted to the free for all, Manage Health Care born a for profit, where in the Process, mental health clinics become close, since, one the most of the expansive, and bottom line cuts, and cost, the saving when to the Managers, and health care become a private, where the employer past the cost to the workers.

While, Modern Medicine is driving by developments, and the use of public funds, because its not just the cost, but not guaranty of success, become only the one who can afford the price access.
The crises did not end, since many marketers advocated used of Emergency rooms as access,  the hospitals driven by profit, send to the direct public support, even deny entrance, Medicine have become a privilege, to be healthy become a privilege. 

More, over, the educational Hospitals benefit from public funding from the research to maintenance, the cost, the education of MD in Europe is Profession, where in in US base on privilege, the education itself is a high specially apprenticeship, based on theoretical and practical, become more as Art, with time get better, because experience, the combination is due Biology, sometime basic rule are simple other times is complicated, but because the interaction as always complex.

The best model, there is not a single path, what is obvious the for profit model, excluded sometimes the ones who are exposed the most and they need the most, but cannot afford the axes. 

One consideration should be community hospitals, were educational training is base an high skill apprenticeship, combined with open model of drug development and research open an transparent, we are in time the Artisan industrial Revolution is upon us, can be extended to drug development, where research can transfers directly industrial scale, from make places, 3-D Printing. Many times researcher needs, access to people, equipment or Machine Shops to customize instrumentation-base on a sharing—gift economy.

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