Sunday, November 02, 2014

delegitimization as propaganda

A tool of propaganda is delegitimization, and we can reduce the conflict in the Middle East, especially, the Palestinian and Israeli conflict is war of propaganda in delegitimization.  The conflict origin is a religion ownership of god.  Imperial Rome, destruction of the temple and the Jewish revolt in 66-73 CE, started 64, CE two years, before of the revolt, when Galicula, due to the tensions in Alexandria between the Jews and the Greeks, and the Pogrom against the Jewish by the Egyptians and Greeks, Galicula order a statue in the Jewish Temple, and the aftermath of the revolt, Rome wanted to delegitimize the Jewish to any claim, for started, Philistine in the north of the Sinai was extended as political name  to deny the existence of Judea, with Rome Imperial Christianity becoming the official religion by Constantin, and the nature of the conflict of the ownership of God, between Christianity and Judaism, the Judea despaired in the lexicon of territory and rename Palestine [Most of the Historical record of the revolt is recorded in Josephus and 2014, the stone of the dedication to Hadrain visit to Jerusalem, visit and rebuilt Jerusalem is a pagan city-causing the next revolt- Bar Kohva revolt].
With the conquest by the Arabs of Jerusalem in 637 (two years after the death of Mohammad) from Byzantine Empire the military success due to the light horses, the Byzantine army use to heavy horses against the Parthians [Infidels, A Wheatcroft, Pengiun Books, 2003; Islamic Imperialism, E Karsh, Yale University Press, 2007]. The conquest had effect to conquest people specially the Abbasid Caliphate with the introduction of distinct clothing to identify Christians and extended to Jews (Christians the Blue and Jews Yellow color) , [Under Cresent & Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages, m R Cohen, 1994]. For any rationalist Islamic thinking ended with the Abbasis in 11 Century. In the Holy Land, besides the restrictions, at work, land, but the time of Imperial Rome a 1.5 Million Samaritans,  Islam and persecution by Islam has reduced the Samaitans today to 15,000 between Israel and Occupy territories. The brunt of the persecution was done by the Ottomans not only physical persecution, but they were deny the worship (lamb scarified in Passover) in Mount Gerizin [Political History of the Samaritan, An Najah University January 2005].
The Ottomans Imperialism, twice on the doors of Vienna [The Enemy at the Gate, A Whaetacroft, Basic Books, 2008] and in 20 century, the first industrial scale mass murderer of 1.5 Million of Armenians, perpetrated by Sunni Ottoman Empire [Anbassador Morgenthaus Story, 1918, Garden City New York Double Date], to today is against the Turkey to speak against and penalty of jail for defamation [IP Deplores Callous Murder of journalist in Istanbul, International Press Institute, 22 January 2007].
While, the most aggressiveness in delegitimization action, in Islam is the massacre carry by the Prophet where 900 Jews of Banu Qurayza where decapitate, in act of revenge for taken sided with Mecca, according to Tarek Fatah, in The Jew is not my Enemy: Unveiling the Myths that Fueled Muslin Anti-Semitism, 2010, Ancient Forest Friendly, the story originate during Abbasis Caliphate as copy of the story of Masada, but the Koran itself with 33 Sura (Verses) advocated the genocide of Jews, while for Christianity and Islam do not take place during WWII, where 65,000 Muslims fought under banner of Nazi Germany and 5,000 under Allies [The Arabs and the Holocaust, G Achar, Saqi, 2010] . The instigator was the Mufti of Jerusalem, who requested from Hitler action, Tel Aviv was bomb twice by the Italian Air Force, in 1944 (Haifa in July 29 1940), the relationship between the Nazis and Islam, not just SS units of Muslims, but Islam in Germany come from the Munich Islamic Institute influence to Mohmad Atta and   events of September 11, 2001 [Der Mufti von Jerusalem Amin el Husseini und die Nationalsozialisten, K Gensicke, 1988, Martin].
With the importance of the DNA is the blue print and in late in the 1880s  Renar speculated the Ashkenazi Jews were from Kazar, in the Jewish history the story by Judah Halevi in the Kuzari, give story of the conversion of the Kazars to Judaism. Elhaik work to bring the theory into a fact, but Hammer [Hammer et al, 2009. Jewish and the Middle Eastern non-jewish population share a common Pool of Y-chromosome bialleic haplotypes, PNAS 97: 6769-6774] and Felman shows the Elhaik work did not pass the basic statistical work, 2013 Behar et al, No Evidence from the Genome-Wide Data of Khazar origin for the Ashkenazi Jews in Human Biology: The International Journal of Population Genetics and Antropology, Vol 85;  Behar et al, 2008. Counting the founders: the matrilineal genetic acenstry of the Jeiwsh Diaspora PloSOne 3:e2062; Shen et al, 2004. Recosntruction of patrilineages and matrilieages of Samarians and other Israeli population from Y-Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Sequence variation, Human Muatation 24: 248-260; Daron et al, 2010. The genome-wide structure of the jewish people Nature, 466: 238-242.

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