Sunday, September 07, 2014

Anti-Semitism in Antiquity and the Other

The problem of being up-rooted from one place to another, whether through war, political or economic, is the initial settlers created the myth of the other, up to the destruction of the first temple, a sense of the identity and belonging is created, Derrida in Written and  Difference: “madness made into the objective of the exile”; Walter Benjamin (Marxist with libertarian tendencies): “Messianic intensity of the heart, of inner man in isolation, passes through misfortune, as suffering; Martin Buber in Path in Utopia describing Gustav Landauer in his inside about state: “ The state is not an institution can be destroy is mention by Kropotkin, bua human a condition”. The exile is a condition, uprooted and creates the other, if a sense of real or imaginary exists before the other, then the other need to be created.
Anti-Semitism is a condition to delegitimize, for Christianity and Islam; it’s needed because both of them need to delegitimize the covenanted between Israel and their God. For the left especially the authoritarian Marxist left, the other cannot exits, because the patriarchal control is not room for poets and dissenters.
Hebrew tradition is rooted in the land, and the not just religious, but a political social. In the first exile, because outside their stable control environment, and now your believe is challenge and question, more important outside of the power of the exile. The first description in the mythology is book Esther, where the Judah and Benjamin was to suffer a completed genocide, and the tradition said the book need to need to read is letter, because you never know what will happen (you never have control of your own destiny). 
Another recorded incident in the Elephantine Island existed a Jewish Garrison under command of the Egyptian Pharaoh (after to serve the Persian Empire),  (a Temple similar to the Jerusalem, was build, where the sacrifices perform in Jerusalem were done on this place) from the time of the first temple in the year 410 BCE,  the local priest of the God Chum and the Persian commander Vidagraph with a small army Native Egyptians enter the temple and burn the roof, destroy the gates, columns and candles, the reason of the attack, because the sacrifices of the lambs in Passover, since for the Egyptians the lamb was a holy Animal. There was a Jewish revolt and the Persian allots to rebuild the Temple in 470 BCE. 
 The next incident is story of the Maccabees, where the Hellenistic philosophy (Internationalisation of Greek philosophy, which was exclusive only to the Greeks) in the Zealotry not native challenge was allot.
  By 286-246 BCE, about 150,000 Jews live in Alexandria, in 217 BCE a legend tells story Alexandria visit Jerusalem were impress with the Temple wanted to build a similar structure in Alexandria, they were told if the will sacrifices to Dionysus will be allot, they refuse, the story tell 500 Jews were taken and toppled by Elephants, whether was truth or not, in 38 Ce after 70 years after Egypt was part of the Roma Empire, the Jewish according to Philo of Alexandria (20 CBE-50 CE), declare loyalty to Caligula (38 Years old)  when become Emperor, the Greeks despise the Jews (because the Loyalty to Rome, the Jewish under the Greeks, did not wanted to assimilated to Hellenism and Greeks resented the unwilling of assimilation, and gave loyalty to Rome) and Egyptians because the loyalty to Rome gave the Jews certain privilege which Egyptians did not have, the Jewish King Herod Aggripa visited Alexandria on a mission on behalf of the Roman Emperor, the population demanded the statue of Caligula should be place inside of synagogues, the Roman Governor encourage the population ended with a plan assault to the Jewish population , at the time Jewish population leave in 5 quarters, is prescribes by the Romans. The Jewish population was trap and club, burn, Philo Flaccus the Rome Governor did nothing the Jewish council was arrested and some crucifies as Roman tradition after the assassination of Galicula, Cladius stop the persecution, but this incident open to the next situation after the destruction of the Temple 70 CE, Rome wanted to delegitimize the Jews to any claim to Jerusalem become Aelia Capitolina (the new city was dedicated to Jupiter Capitolinus: the supreme Gd of the Jews was now under the supreme god of Rome), the colony build under Hadrian, based on the ruins of Jerusalem, but the more important factor in the delegitimize was change from Judea name to Palestine, Rome name for the Phoenicians (in Hebrew story, Philistine--people of the sea, where the descents of the Crete and Tyros) , so the Jews and his dependent will not have a political claim to the Judea.   

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