Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Mythology of Anti-Semitism from Right to Left

For clarification the author, thinks: the a two state solution in the 67´s line is necessary, and if the creation of the two states will resolved the conflict Israeli Palestinian conflict of course not, but contradiction is more significant and complicated. The conflict is not just ethnic or religious, but culture conflict. While, nationalism need to be criticizes and question the Xenophobic elements of any nationalistic argument, a clear line need to be draw of the creation of the outsider: the other.
Some authors like Gilbert Achar, in his arguments, against the Jews and Israelis, quite disingenuous and under tones of hate, pure Anti-Semitic, in his book the Arabs and the Holocaust, arguments:
i)                    The idea of single state, while was not share with Zionist movement, the alternative was a Binationalist state,  exposed by Martin Buber in 1902, and in 1942, the Binational Party was founded :“Ihud”, members included members Judah Leon Magnes (Reform rabbi), Akiva Simon (Educator Philosopher-one of the member founder of the Binational party), Harrieta Stolz-Founder of Birth-Shalom, the group expose the idea of an Economic Co-federation with Palestinian Arabs. In the Middle East, example of the ethnic religious and ethnic conflicts, left mark Lebanon, where the French drafted constitution to share the power of 4 religious groups,, Between Christian Maorites, Shias, Sunni and Druzes, the end result has been civil wars, and today the Party of God Killing the Primate Minister, in some way spelling the Iran and Saudi Conflict. Syria where the Ba´ath party (in a core Arab Nationalism, one of the Founder a Christian Michel, Aflaq, turn Marxist applied the theory to Arab-Nationalist, and propagated the idea of the Arab Genius: while he did not acknowledge the fact, the Imperial Islam, like any conquest absorbed the creativity of the vassal, then the test become if the conquer has their own creative, when the source is dry, and in fact the Islamic rationalist movement of 9 and 10 Century was marginalize as apostate, a last chance of a rationalist tradition was in Andalucía, but with fundamentalist Berber Islam take-over, disintegrated the Caliph, make easy to the persistence Christian in Spain Reconquista of the land, conquest by Islam in the 7 century ), and Syria supported by the minorities Christians, Druses and other  Shia sects, where the Sunni Majority was open discriminated and Assad shot them out power, where marginalizes to the small villages and now we are 2 years of civil war, where Iraq is opposite in the ethnic configuration. Where the Sunni Minority had control of the power or Pakistan where the Sunni majority killing other minorities Shia (February 2013, Bombs by Sunni´s just because they are Shias) or Christians (March 2013, Christian Houses and Churches burn, because rumors of desecration of the Koran by a Christians), or Egypt where the Christian Coptic (these fears a well-founded-while many Muslin like to point out the respect for the other two monotheistic religions, the special laws discriminated, in case of the Coptic’s for more 1200 years their jobs allot under this laws were what Islam consider degraded like burring the death, as historical note: the caliphate of Bagdad in the 7 century introduce colors to distinguish the believers, original to target the Christians Blue and extended to the Jews Yellow, because the Jews share the circumcision with the Muslim, Jews were required to put a Yellow strip around the waist when used the public bath) are in fear of imposition of Sharia by Muslin Brotherhood, but not uniqu to the conflict in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, the imposition of Sharia in Mali, or the Algeria Civil conflict between the secular Military and Islamist decedent to nihilistic, and excommunicated to each other. What Islam suffers is lack of reformation, Luther introduce the concept, an individual can interpret the scripture, and individual can have divine inspiration, Islam fundamental problem is not just a religion, after all the religions by nature discriminated against non-believers, but Islam like in Judaism is not just a way of living, but a political solution, Iran and Saudi are examples of their vision, where an other hand Indonesia, have secular tolerance, the difference Judaism is local-applied to a group a political solution, where Islam has international messianic vision.
ii)                   The Nationalist vision exposed by the Baáth party, Nasser in Egypt, Sadan in Iraq, Assad in Syria, of national, socialist, where the religion is not the common bound, but ethnic, the Arab, Edward Said in his critique to the west in Orientalism make the philosophical argument, the imperial west, while not mention Oil, drive the west into oppression, such example is the CIA overthrowing the prime minister of Iran in the 1950´s for nationalism the oil, and share the wealth with the population, 20 years after the CIA implanting the Shah, the Theocratic State has risen, while the critique of exploitation, and problems is valid, what is not mention Islam has been by nature founded by the power of the sword. Andrew Wheatcroft in his book The enemy at Gate, Ottoman try twice to take Vienna, and the reason whatever economics influence the two ties, a reason was for the Ottoman Empire to show the power due to their believe of the superiority of Islam. Today, many are trying to be apologist and give a romantic view of the Spanish Conquest, where conquest when to French Province, and they stop by the Mountain of North Spain, the reality is the Christians Visigoth fought back, the Arab Nationalism is product of 19 Century, like Zionism, of a group feeling alienated, due to economics and ethnic, the search for an identity, and this identity manifested  in national program, where WWI was the place where this view come to conflict, the Ottoman Empire never forgot they force created Islam by conquest of Byzantium and enter WWI  under the same assumption.
iii)                The ideal of a combination of Nationalism and Religious, ethnic identity, the Mufti of Jerusalem (Muhammad Amin al-Husayni), not just charges with crime against humanity, because he created (helping the SS to recruit and encourage the recruit) the SS units operated in Balkans and genocide Serbians in Croatia, 13 Mountain SS Unit 90 % where Bosnik, while the Muslin, while Sarajevo, Mostar and Banja Luka, Ulama (Islamic Cleric) issue a decrees not collaborated with the Fascist Government. The Mufti of Jerusalem drove personally the recruitment with translator, who testifies against him in his trial in abstention. The Division actions operated against Tito, but involved of Killing of Serbians and Jews. Achar quite disingenuous argument for the Allied about 3,000 Muslin operated with Allies, Acher will like the 30,000-60,000 operated in open Genocide against the Serb and Jews should be forgotten (in the 90´s the Serbians used the historical memory to Genocide Bosnik, the historical grievance come into place), not to mention the original support to the Fascist Franco regime, where Moroccans-Berbers against the Left Republic. Whatever, the reason or not, what the Mufti the worst action: we have children out hope, whether wealthy or the poor, the Mufti personally was involved in deny twice as mention in the previous blog (Total, 9000 Children try to enter to British Palestine territory).
iv)                The question in the Koran about 33 Suras are specific against the Jews, and in some point even the rocks will betray Jews hidden place, the reason, when Mohammad after her prophetic delusion, being in the Cave in Saudi Peninsula, he enter the heaven through Jews Temple in Jerusalem, he wanted legitimize her fantasy, not just the Jews refuse, but the fought back against himself and his fantasy, this was the event, like the Jews refuse to accept the Christian Messiah. Achcar call the Jews racist because they believe in their special relationship with God (he bring argument of Anarchist Jew who mention this idea, Achcar is taken covert, but his prejudice and argument under scrutiny does not stand), this can be said to any religious believe, but specific, Judaism is a religion, and for almost 5,000 year interactive with native population. David grant-mother, the second King of Israel was a Moabite. From here on this issue most need to be handling careful-the author works with his degree in Applied Mathematics, with Biology is his specialty for disclosure.
v)                  Our evolution, show our primates ancestor, and our Homo-Sapient originated, somewhere in today Ethiopia Africa, we all share are common DNA. In 1937 before Nuremberg Laws took effect, where not inter-marriage between Jews and Arians are allot, Robert Jay Lifton, in his book the Nazi Doctor: Medical Killing and  the Psychology of Genocide, the rational of the Genocide beginning in the Eugenics movement in the US (at the time, even in the middle 80´s in the Southern States- old confederation was a crime of mixing to the races, between African American white), the first genocide is mention by Richard J Evans, The Third Reich in Power, where genocide began against regime classified, mental illness and depravation, the genocide began in 1934. The racist argument against the Jews does not stand, conversions are in fact part of the history of Judaism, and not up to Napoleon they acquire a legal identity.
vi)                  John Weiss, in his book, in “The Ideology of Death,” mention the a rationalization for dehumanizing the Jews, and influence Himmler and SS, was the fantasy, the Arian are from other world and Jews out envy appropriated some fundamental truths expose by religion Goodrick Clarck in his book , Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity, dealt how this fantasy had influence the Neo-Nazi movement, in Italy Julius Evola and South America, Chile, Miguel Serrano, expose the esoteric, idea, of blood memory, and Germans is other species, because they created a less species (Jews) who wanted to appropriated their accomplishment and identity, they superior race, had the right to genocide.
vii)               A second line argument to dehumanize the Jews, because the archeological founded from the death sea scrolls to excavations Mendigo, the question of a historical claim. Genetic studies have been used Human Populations, we need to be careful, Genes are not predisposition or indication or prediction of behavior, biology is a very complex science, sometimes consist of simple rules, sometimes very complex, but any interaction is always very complex. Genetic studies are used for study of sickness of certain groups, Iceland has been one of this group (because our limited understanding, the models consider small population to understand the basic), because Icelandic relative isolation is ideal for genetic studies, more specific, a clan (group sharing same genetic material) in Colombia, of 5,000 people decent of a Basque family which, settle in 17000s, 50% of the clan carry the Alzheimer’s gene.
viii)            The study of Human population genetics, in general consider, the mitochondrial contain 37 Genes and past from female to female (mitochondria is the maternal gene-the mitochondria is found in bacteria- Lynn Margulis at University of Massachutsetts, Amherst, the endosymbiotic hypothesis) does not have a variation. The second line is the Y chromosome, a recent study by Menez et al, 2013, in American Journal Human genetics 93, show human line is about 338,000 years. This method have been used to study, in case of the priest class 6 Y –STR markers, in general we carry 46 chromosome, 23 from each parent, Y from the male and X from the female, for the male case. X from the male and X female for the female case, the studies began  in 1997 by Skorecki et al, Nature, 1997, 385:32, later study Thomas MG et al 1998, Nature 394:138-140. While in “001 Zoossmann et al, Journal Cooperative Human Biology 51: 156-162, said the evince over state, but in 2005 Enkis in the ASGH meeting found the markets in 1997 study did not overstated, moreover in 2005, Felsenstein at University Washington (Professor Computer Science and Statistic) developed a map of the population and Behar et al, 2004, presented results of unique haplotype tree, the 21 Jewish Priest family and  the common ancestor is about 2400 with a margin error of plus and minus 300 years. Most of the genetic studies for the Jews base on the mitochondrial studies, Osther in 2012 in his book Legacy: A Genetic History Jewish People summarize the studies so far. The theory the Ashkenazi Jews are decent of the Turkish tribe of the Kazahrs.  Judah Halevi in Book Kuzari tell story of the King of the Kazhars conversion in the 1976, Arthur Koestler propose the thesis the Ashkenazi Jews descendent from the Khazars, the rational because how is possible the exist such large population, in  2005 Nabel (Christian Albrecht University of Kiel, and work was conducted in the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa) et al, European Journal Human Genetics 13: 388-391, based on the Y chromosome polymorphic the Ashkenazim Jews related to Sephardic Jews and Middle East, but 12 % of the Ashkenazi have R-M17 halogroup is also found at moderated high frequency in central Asia. In 2013, Study from Baltimore try to show Ashkenazi Jews are sole decent, study methodology did not consider the actual Kazhar (Groups is still found in Central Asia).
The myth of Anti-Semitism is base in desire to deny any legitimize the Jews, because is Amon Oz, what I want they want also, for Religious or ethnic desire, for political reason, they want to demonized the Jews, the reason, legitimize to a God.
Achcar want the Jews to said had not special relationship to God, so Islam have this privilege and left, they forgot was the Soviet Union made the pact with National Socialist Germany, they lost any credibility, and 60 year after the pact, the system disintegrated.
The central state left in Cuba (the system is changes cannot survive in long run), China (the state capitalism), North Korea (Leader Cult), while Islam own fantasies in Iran under though sanctions cannot survived.    

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