Sunday, July 08, 2012

Antwerp after the riots

Antwerp and Flanders, have a tradition of race hate, in WWII, not just Anti-Semitics, not only a passive, but were part of SS 27th SS Volunteer Division Langemarck , participant in Eastern Front (Leningrad, Urine, Narva (Today Estonia, with SS units from Finland and Estonia) , Poremania) many were members of the Flemish National Party--at the time the Flemish wanted to be part of Holland, and the German had other plans.
 After, the race riots of the 1990´s (Flemish against everyone) and 2000´s (Muslim attack the Jews district), in both occasions were drive from economy disfranchises.
In the 60´s the Socialist Government encourage-supported the Flemish languages, and fomented Flemish nationalism. Today half of the public educations are most Muslim, but the city have many Flemish population and Jews Population.
The city is like island of different ethnic groups, with tense situation, while in the late 1990´s have a mix economy, Antwerp is the seventh large port in the world, Petrochemicals, Diamonds and around industrial base from textile, while the world economic meltdown of 2008, have today a major impact, Opel car manufacture and allot close real state.

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