Monday, June 18, 2012

Industrials Labs

The creation of the myth in the US with the idea of rugged individual is due to the fantasy and fever of open spaces. But the underline, the long the individual is the one who subside the social net. The Rubber Barons of the 19 Century creating by the state right preference to certain individuals. This individual with this state subsides and rights, created the rail networks and bust.
While, the most effects of this great monopolies because the US is a continental nation the grant scale is palpable, but not unique, the one and who have influence how the conservative movement in US created the mythology of free enterprise created the common good. Carnegie, who will not give any monetary, increased to his work; Carnegie rationality the working class will drink the monies. Carnegie philosophy forces the strikes in Pennsylvania and especially Homestead 1892, today Pittsburgh.  While was not Carnegie directly send the Piketon and the National Guard it was Frick, Carnegie Business Partner, at the time Carnegie was already in Scotland, but Carnegie created the environment. Carnegie like the old Pharaohs in Egypt created monuments to praise themselves, in this case Carnegie created a foundation which disperses the monies for the creation Public Libraries (i.e. where the foundations provide the building in some cases the initial collections, eventually, the Local, Stated and Federal Government needed to pay for the everyday operations)  and his family after to competed with honours of Rockefeller University, set the Mellon Institute, original given the semi-private-state University of Pittsburgh, but when they family requested to change the name to Mellon, when to Carnegie Tech in Pittsburgh, not just the building, but the 100 Million in the foundation at the time of the 1960´s .
But the environment, which current, and not unique the in Carnegie in the Gospel of Money, the divine right sick but the Monarchies and Aristocrats in Christian Europe, found in Divinity China rulers and Islam the decent of Mohammad, like Jordan or Saudi Arabia today or theocratic state of Iran, where they become the Judge, Jury, the rules and the executer.
Not to say the because the monopolies of AT§T and Bell Labs, today Lucent is a shadow this industrial labs, where the US give by the right to monopoly, with this exclusivity, eventually the many accomplishment, from the Cell Phone developed in the 1960´s and the discovery cosmic microwave background radiation by Penzias and Wilson in Bell Labs.
The fact this monopoly had resources can be match by the state, since they by defacto the monopolies were the state, they could undertake projects in today only the tax payer can support this program, for example National Science Foundation or the National Health Institute, since today commerce is build on instant revenues, not project can take more then 3 years, more over, since today a single monopoly does not exist in the level of the early and middle of the 20 century, only the state can take project which required long time development.
The changes in the 1980´s and reality started with Carter in the 1978´s where the fly monopolies where dismantle, in part the cost of fly limited the access, but why conservative movement accepted and champion was the monopolies created an environment of deregulation, and Regan wanted the individuals will not depend on any big support network even the private state, the monopolies.  

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