Thursday, June 09, 2011

A relationship to equality

The “mythos” in our societies, that we have equal footing manifested say by market, obscure by the reality from a beginning a principal of inequality. From the international test compared educational system, the best predictor for success in the US is class meaning wealth. Wealth and the lack of wealth is one big reason lack of success in minorities. In the US gap is about information, after all what is consider knowledge is tilted and defined by a test, on other hand case of Finland, where is not test and education is cooperative knowledge, a 15 year old in US will need 2 years of more schooling to achieve the same level of science education to a 15 year in Finland.
In our “mythos” we wanted believe when we exchange a value for example how we defined the value of certain work, for example a Banker making 200,000 USD and paramedic at 11 USD. Consider a banker under stress have a heath attack and in that moment the paramedic demand 200,000 USD for his life cost, if he value his life that will be proper exchange, so the question how to value a work and exchange. In capital is what willing to pay on the Marxist theory exchange is actual work, but neither satisfy the value after all in the moment, the value given by the two parties, how to enforce and considered to be fair. If a system build on the satisfaction, where not need to allocate a value is, can correct the inequality.

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