Saturday, May 22, 2010


In 2006, an internal memo now public in part to Michael Moore film Capitalism a Love Story, where declare the US is a plutonomy. If we are today a plutonomy, is not just a recent development of 20 years of free market economies, but since the 1930ś FRD when use Government interference, especially no since the Barons of the 19 century, with almost not Government interferences, run the US is personal economic Kingdoms.
Using immigrants or race to kept the workers wages to a minimum.

According to their ideals being self center and egoism, glorify by Ann Rand in Atlas Shrugged, the consequence creating a permanent inequality. FRD revolution use the Government to minimize the distance of the classes, since in the Great Depression US was verge to have revolution, and does not mean Left. FDR sold the mythology of the American Dream access, through education to the system.

Ed DÁngelo in future work about the Beatniks, in bureaucracy system left or right create a permanent elite. The key of elite is access and by access of wealth. As custom of US Government to clam for profit open education, when reality the education system is a profit system, but a profit for a reason. The reason is who will be the elite, who get to define the rules, we should not be surprise the Goldman Sacks, for more a century have economic US hostage to the elite, but now they write the rules of the financial system.

The ideal of being the masters of the destiny, was the failure of the student of Leon Strauss. During WWII the irrationality of hate in this case the irrationality of Anti-Semitic in Germany from the late 19 Century and Culmination of the Genocide of Jews, or any not consider of the race privilege. In may case reinforce by the Roman Catholic Church and some protestant denominations. Strauss believe we can be the master of destiny by elite controlling and defining the social behavior, so can check any irrationality of mob.

Today, we are in the middle of us trying to defying reality. The elite has loss control, because could not understand can not control reality itself.

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