Saturday, November 10, 2007

Education is Power
Since, the time we have recorded events we have describe these events in two level, the personal our immediate family, relationships in this context and authority. Knowledge is to transmitted a behavior, and the power define the norms as Henry V play the King of England define costume. In the Greek Tradition the pedagogue was a slave with the job to protect suitors of boy, since in Greek Culture relationship between the same sex was accepted, the pedagogue represented the father authority, the Sunday schools control by the religious authority defined the norm, eventually the cathedral schools were transform into power centers of the secular power in University of Bologna and Theology of University of Paris in Medieval Europe.
In Bologna, the house of the students were supported by the nobility of their land, since they will be Nobility, Bureaucracy and the power which define Behavior. Knowledge become defined as power itself, in some traditions the higher the educational title is a license to practice a behavior and authority is given to practice behavior by state.

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