Monday, September 03, 2007

Freud and Today
Whether you admire Freud or not, the slow process of question orthodoxy of the social system in Europe for 2,000 Christianity as force which dominate the political landscape, social and economics. Galileo was a son of the Roman Catholic church and needed their approval, even accepted the seclusion impose by the Pope. Only by the time Darwin, Europe was transform from rural society were major land owners, by conquest as the case William the Conqueror making claim land of the Anglo-Saxons by force and eventually through this force claims private propertied was expand and extended dominance. In other lands of Europe, the claim was done by the Feudal order impose by the pyramid expose by the Catholic Church, where there order start with the power of the Church given by God and Nobility overlord, whether elected or by family and validated by Church saying he god has defined the power of the lord. Not to the time of the reformation of Henry VII, England secular power by the King become the only power or in Germany where the reform movement was Romantic, to the ideal of an individual religion. But the order of power was not alter, Luther despite the peasant revolt, because alter the sense of order, Luther had since the time of being a monk.
The industrial revolution alter the rural power to concentrate more power to the cities, in so many ways, some German cities had chapters of independence or recognition by the lords, by accepted some authority by the lords and many cities pay the lords for the rights.
With the power of the state being secularize there was some independence, and Napoleon Europe's was base in the citizen obligation to the state, not lord or God. Darwin with the laws of evolution when to fundamental questions to give alternative to creation independent of God and Mendel himself a member of the cloat with Genetics with the work define alternative history to the one given by any religion. So far in Mendel time Nature was descriptive before any Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Mendel work using probability give a theoretic foundation to descriptive study of Nature.
But Freud brought the question not just to Nature observations, but brought to the human experience, whether was due to reproduction or more complex, where Biochemistry of Humans, had made a more complex understanding. Freud obsession with Moses in the question about God and for Moses if existed was figure of history and the rest was mythology, created from the psychological need of sexuality of slaves being abuse by a master. For Freud Moses was a empirical question.

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