Saturday, May 26, 2007

What is reality? Long time ago I was in a discussion about reality in the middle of discussion some one through a glass cup. The issue was since the glass was broken, the event implied reality is base into some physical experience. But, the question if there is an individual reality? We perceiving with our biological experience, but not everyone have the same experience as example color blind can't have directly experience with red or green color, but an inference can be create, since the color blind have direct experience with others colors, but what about the blind since child hood or deft, what is they reality and experience.
The Biological machine equipped us with reference point, even some sensor is not working according to general experience, but when we move from the individual reality to the collective experience, then human behavior, define by common experience and the social behavior immediate experience our family in many ways they give the initial bias, then the emotional values we acquire through family and society, define the social realities, this type reality is subjective.
A solution to the conflict arise from different social realities, the tolerance call by Montaigne, Spinoza and Arendt.
They ask social values will be in private, even some of these socials values consider themselves superior, for tolerance is to ask equality in public arena.
After all, the most basic values religions, with out list all the failures and destruction, they have inflicted. They are two realities the individualgoverning by Nature and second the social value driven.

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