Saturday, March 24, 2007

In the renaissance a period of an awake and changes, the period produce an amount of unusual man's and many with unusual life, one of them was Montaigne. From his early days his father a soldier by profession and he had humanistic prospect, whether, condescending or not, his early childhood days were spent under a peasant family. Montaigne mother descending of Spanish Jews, but she like rest of her family where bring as Protestant and his father was Catholic. The times were the Conflict of Catholic King Henry III and the protestant Henry Navarre.
Montaigne was unusual, because he was being influence by his humanistic upbringing, where he had a disdain for violence or religious bigotry. He did believe in God, but never speculate about in part he challenge and question the dogma of the absolute, Montaigne inherent a cultural relativism, in essay “The Apology for Raymond Sebond”, question the trust of reason in part, emotions and believes are rationalize and our reason is not superior to animals, since reason is instrument to legitimize, bias come from our emotions and he being training in Jurisprudence he question the use and validity of confession under torture.
The Legend of Faust whether is base Dr Johann Georg Faust from Württemberg (a Doctor in Divinity and later on dedicated his life to Alchemy) or Italian version, even a French version Goethe Faust where first section was a life of lust and Second part where reason and emotions with constriction given a chance Faust to end heaven and regain his soul from Mephistopheles.
In pursuit of his passions and insecurities sold the soul. The dogma is the rationality of the bias, and desires. The dogma will exclude and kill, Germany before WWII, sell their soul to a dream of the right to power base on race. Race was the rationality of the dogma is Faust for lust of destructives relationships, Germany soul was sold for greed and power, in the end the price was to high, the country was destroy.
Religion, ideology is not least of a dogma in the pursuit of power Montaigne point out, the over reach by the desire and limit of power itself, will be the demise.

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