Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Silence is Acknowledgment
Sixteen year has past since liberation of concentration camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau by the red army as decedents of victims and predators we have created a world so dark, we need to understand how we got here and where we going. Conflict has been a dynamic created for a need to have more space for survived, certain preferences and emphasis in a hierarchy. There is a need to own a space, a tradition of locality, where a group of newcomers, take place and developed a mythology. The myth was need to know where we come and where we go, and the myth was express by rational though, eventually become a sciences, and emotionally a logos, a beginning, become believe and a philosophy. Athens codified values acceptable in the time, the slave, the barbarian, the other, the non-Greek and Rome codified the empire built on slaves. Greeks love of freedom was challenge by the Persian, but was Athens in creation of greed for a commercial empire, where his tool, the democracy of his own city. Where Athens self righteous given the right to conquer their own Greeks, the end result was a split in the Greeks cities.
Egypt, the idea of the men-God, Pharos was transmuted to one single God, absolute intolerant to any other Gods. Jews in Alexandria found their first Pogrom 70 years before the destruction of the Second Temple the charge was the Jewish do not believe in Gods, since they had not statutes to proof a God. But the tradition of intolerant was not unique to Egypt or Greek, but was writing Saul lost his Kingdom, because he refused to annihilate the family of his enemy, Amalek, because the Bible demanded the annihilation/genocide of Amalek.
The idea of being unique was transferee to one of the Jewish sect in the time of the second temple. Christianity make a claim for that uniqueness, and 325 in Nicea demanded, the you will not need to be Jew to a Christian, so transfer the mantel of being chosen from the Monotheistic Judaism, and to deny the power, Christianity deny the Jews to own slaves and the economic significances Rome was built on slaves.
The new Christian identity created a myth of Jews not as Religion, but the anti-thesis of their choice (the Anti-Christ). Later on the Jewish become under power of Christianity, by deny power, owning, the feudal structure was base from the beginning ownership of land and vassals belong to a purpose. The purpose was given by Socrates, they the rulers/the philosopher king had the right to governance, in Christianity was God and very one had his place, the Jewish belong to the King, the king and the church owns the lords and the lords own the peasant. The dark effect was Jewish, where demonize as the infidels in the Crusade time. The Jewish will pay by forced conversions in Spain and eventually expulsion in 1491. The power of the church was transform during WWII the Jewish Children under control of the Roman Catholic Church were deny of reunification with the Jewish organization, or even family. From the feudal times, Jewish had to identify themselves by yellow starts and ghettos codify how to leave a behavior. After the church lost his power, the raw hate was transform into the WWII holocaust.
In Spain in the 13 century the Bishop of Seville wrote a Jewish solution to the Jewish question, the answer for him was genocide and Luther in the reformation come to the same conclusion. The Russian Czar give the Jewish Children to the Orthodox Church, in the excuse was Jewish boys in the age 12 needed to server the Czar in his Army. The well being of the 12 years were under Orthodox Church, they saw in some ways needed to save the Jewish from them by pressure 12 years old to convert.
But this behavior was not unique to Christianity, Islam look to Judaism as Christianity did for validation. Judaism haven her own tradition and believes refused, many Jewish fought Mohammad, and retribution was decapitation, in realization. The Jews were in many lands and Christianity was a state power Islam created special rules dealing with the people of the book. Islam codify a second class citizen, built on humiliation, were the emissary of the Emir, when the emissary collected the pool taxes from the semi-infidel, the emissary hit his head, so a sense of superiority and humiliation. Jewish or Christian could not ride camels, because they could not be taller of the believers, Jewish were send in donkeys with yellow turbans and yellow string so will be identify in the public baths. In Iran Jewish were not allot to be outside when snow or rain, since the water touching their skin will impurity the believers. Christians were to use blue turbans and mules transportation mode, not Churches or Synagogues where to be built, after Mohammad death. Only the ones which existed in the time of he being alive could be repair.
In the dynamics of history Judaism in their own believe of being chosen, take a new path, where in the time of the temple the three major groups where the Priest Judaism, which took sided with Rome, since the invitation of Judah Maccabeus, Rome choose the priest, the nationalist and Rabbinical Judaism was legalistic. Rabbinical Judaism was save since one of the leaders Johanna Ben Zakai obtained from Vespasian, Caesar a place to developed the Rabbinical Judaism in Yavned where he created the Talmudic schools. Legal Judaism innovation was a believe independent of the land, in some ways was possible because in Babylon existed Jewish communities, where believe was independent of place. Only the Messiah could claim the land, not Jewish where to own the land to the Messiah time. Rabbinical Judaism had control of the community for long the Jewish were isolated and in the isolation there was not exposure to the outside. Early Islam in the conquest absorbed the locals, and one of the cultured they desire was the culture of Aristotle's and Socrates. The influences was develop in Islam the rationalist movement of the 11 century, the works of Averroes’ philosophy influenced Jewish like Maimonides, influence by the rationalist schools. The fact was in Spain the interaction between the three religions created a fertile ground in any case for Judaism rationalism has been influenced by Islam rediscover, Aristotle and Socrates.
Rabbi Saadia of Baghdad's in the 9 century was influence to the rationalist though, but his influenced behind the Jewish community was limited or not existence since Baghdad's was far away from Europe, Rabbi Saadia influence was minimal to the west (But he had tremendous influences to the Jewish communities of the diaspora).
Maimonides created the Logos which influence Aquinas and his logo was the influence by Islam rationalist. Maimonides Logos get him ex-communicated in certain segment of Rabbinical Judaism, since the idea of Judaism was base in the commitments of the 613 command, independent of the immediate understanding. The idea of understanding was emphasis after the action. Spinoza took the tradition of the logos created a god in Nature. Other Jewish, took another path in Palestine in the 14 and 15 century, base in the mythical stream of Rabbi Moshe de Leon 12 century book of the Splendor and the long tradition of esoteric though and the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in the late 1491 had effect to the secularization of identity.
The French revolution, and carry by Napoleon give the Jewish in France a citizenship. Now the Jewish are out the Ghetto, in a new secular structure and the rivalry with Christianity who holds the truth, created the seeds for Zionism. The issue was Christianity, and Islam in some level Judaism, in their religion structure created the elements where in the conquest of America give the right to the white men to genocide the aborigine's. Delas Casas change the mind of Christianity the American first nations, where human not Animals, but for Black African, the slave trade between the own groups accepted in Islam, who started the trade in Africa. The Americas was paradise for the trade, where the Spain, Portugal and Spain influenced by Roman Catholic Church doctrine encourage the slave black Africa is a religious duty. But was England, who transformed the slaves to be commodities, in the English colonies. In Virginia commonwealth the definition of slaves was one of birth, where not slave could be free if he or she born under that destiny, and moreover generations were bound to that destiny and fate.
After the French Indian war England promise the first not nations not expansion to the west, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson repudiated the new rules, when the new taxes where impose, given a huge incentives for independence. From the moment of independent, USA tries to conquer the northern part of the continent. The continent had an internal problem, because that was French territory transfer by war to the English, and had a French speaking colony.
Benedict Arnold could not take Quebec City in 1777 and later USA under the leadership Governor of Indiana in 1812-1813 try invades Canada from Fort Detroit. USA saw his right to be an imperial power, to open the west and not doubt the north. After the civil war threat were made Canada got confederation.
In the 1863 civil war, the war of the union, Lincoln saw the only way to brake the South back was to emancipate the slaves, since the south was Agriculture society engine and slaves. James Town Virginia, which their crop was Tobacco, used the economic exploitation of human slaves. The South Carolina rice crops use slaves, and cotton the most important export in the 1840's was driving by King Cotton. The industrial north economic wealth was driving by the investments of the south, many loans and investments were support by firms of the time, J. P. Morgan, for example accepted 10,000 slaves as collateral for loans, when the loans defaults, the slaves where sold to the market. In the eve of the civil war New York City major with city hall wanted to subside from New York and subside from the Union, because the entire financial district had invested in South.
The lack of conviction about emancipation had as result in the late 1888 in Missouri the creation of the Jim Crows laws, separation of the races. During WWII the tradition of some men are least then others applied when the Jews needed a place to escape Europe, the USA close the doors in dramatic as in 1938 where the Spirit of San Louis carrying 960 refugees, where deny port in New York or actively encourage others by pressure to doe the same, case in point was the same ship ask port in Havana Cuba and USA pressure Cuba to do the same. The significance in 1942 the existences and the events happen in the concentration camps were known. Due to the fact the Polish resistance inform the British, moreover the Nazis made a proposal to save the Hungarian Jewish for 1,000 trucks all deny, by the British, because they did not wanted the Jewish from Europe or USA did not destroy the lines to Auschwitz-Birkenau after, the Jewish communities beg. Auschwitz-Birkenau was divided in many sub-camps, and one aspect of the camp was the slave labor for the industry used for the war effort in Germany, the need result the factories where destroy and crematorium stand. Many families and organization benefice from the Nazi state in the case of Ford, who was an anti-Semitic in one point supporting the production of the Protocols of Zion, the company still in control of some subsidiaries, or IBM benefit even after the war, her subsidiary base in Switzerland pay the royalty's for the counter machines use to tabulated the deaths in camps. Even Prescott Bush the grant Father of the Bush dynasty when his interests of the company who invested in a company who had interests in the oil fields of Rumania's used by the Nazi state, getting in the 50's a 1.5 million when USA law order the liquidation of all the German companies who where involved in WWII. With the exception of Bayer, who was part of IG Farber was he only company never liquidated.
In fact Dr Weber and Dr. Vetter were employees of Bayer. Dr Helmuth Vetter was found guilty in a trial in 1947, who organized in various concentration camps series of pharmacological experiments, working closely with his former employer. Dr. Weber head of Bayer director of Monowitz-Auschwitz-Birkenau was convicted with crimes against humanity serving three years out seven years conviction and Bayer hire him back after his time in prison and retire as director of Bayer in the late 50's. Bayer subsidiary Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Schaedlingsbekampfung (German Corporation for Pest Control), produced the Zyklon B used in the camps the company was allot to exist after WWII, since the laws passé in 50’s all the NAZI assess were to be dissolve.
In other had Joseph Kennedy pushing the State Department to deny enter to Jews in the period or the fact Father Charles E. Coughlin from Chicago in the 30's transited messages of hate against the Jews in Chicago Illinois. The involvement of the Roman Catholic Church was not just holding the Jewish children after the war. The first diplomatic to recognize the Nazi state was the Vatican. In Slovakia the President was a Priest and devout Roman Catholic premier, who pay 500 Reich Marks to take the Jewish out their hands, or Croatia a priest head of state was active in the extermination, of Jews and Slavs.
Easter Europe had a tradition where the Cossack with the blessing of the Orthodox Church carrying the pogroms in the late 1800's and 1900's. The Protestants respond was in some cases participation or collaboration, despite, a few of them where themselves interns in the camps and some Polish priest were in the camps. The Nazi state sense of race was defined to be the anti- thesis of the Jews.
After 1945, the creation of the Jewish state was due to failure of Christian Europe and USA. The new Jewish state was first supported by Soviets. The Zionist moment at least one group was socialist. The land was a collective Jewish patrimony. A brake from the rabbinical tradition the Messiah was the only can make a claim, the idea of nation to fulfill an identity.
The cold war was the conflict between totalitarian regimes versus plutocrat elite in USA. The cold war defined the sides of the state of Israel, in the early stages Frances was the supported of the Jewish state to the 1966 war, only in 1973 conflict the USA take sided with the Jewish State. In the case of Islam the conflict of ownership of the land base on religion claims. The capture of Jerusalem 20 years after Mohammad death, Islam makes a claim to the Jewish temple. In 1940's Palestine the grant Mufti of Jerusalem collaborate with Nazi state and some of the Arabs troops were trained by the SS. Now we are with have Jewish state who worship the land as respond to the Jewish identity contrary to the Rabbinical Judaism had rejected in the first century. The plutocrat elite in USA with messianic delusion playing with the wishful thinking of a new Pax-Americana, Rome, created from Athens. Three Religions groups making a claim to a land size of New Jersey, where the Christian support to Israel is so disingenuous, expecting a second come of Christian God, where half the Jewish population will be death or converted, and Islam making the same claim to a god, a fatalistic God where destiny is given by God, and Jewish state confuse with the question of identity, with land.
In any human experience, the certainty given by religion, Islam has a beginning and end, so Christianity, with second come and Judaism with a claim to a Messiah, where there is a beginning and end. On the other had the developed in late 19 and 20 century, where nature is independent of this purpose given by religion. Evolution is not only about the species, but about the molecular changes, the DNA, Protein structures. The Physics are the relationships of the Energies, Forces and the Mass, creating structure, where the purpose is independent of
Humanity and the Human experiences in some sense of being is passenger in the same ship, not only for this generation but the other generations. But the inhabitants of the ship are independent of the ship. Humanity own destiny, the decision of being has consequences to our own quality of life, the evolution who bring us to where are today has a quality of life, we know today, about the Ozone, global warming and what we need to keep this place to go, for the generations to come, we are not pawns under elites promises of equality, because the desire can't achieved, there a limited of nature, in some way not enough and other way planning all depended how we use. The secularization is to accept the fact we are not chosen, but the chosen is what kind of life we all have, we are not just individuals, but also part of human experience.

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