Thursday, September 19, 2024





Another Vuew




Series of questions, can society changes, want to change or


The situations we are now in Europe, US and Asia, embedded in historical culture. Germany perpetration of Holocausts was not an accident, while root take place when Constantine in bad death convert to Christianity because believe or realization Rome cohesion was built Religion—if compare Europe concept of time base on religion, where China time based concept in seasons.

Religion—Christianity power come absolutism's inverted to themselves via Church and they invested to Civil Authority—Constantine saw this power, of course this absolutism become roots for Antisemitism, since competitive narrative to who owns God.

The French monarchy and Spanish monarchy and especially the French take to new level the Monarch word was the word of God, no question. Eventually the greed and monarch debauchee force a population revolt.

But for Germany as Evan in Third Reich in Memory, point out two fundamental points Bismarck resigned as Prime Minister, because disagree with William I , what Germany should be, William envious of British Imperialism wanted Germany to be a at least a par and not just a commercial power. The second point, the Germany in Africa Colonies as society begins foundation for the racial Genocide Policies.

In Namibia the Herero population 80,000 before the conflict 1900´s reduced to 15,000. In case of Rwanda the racial laws imposed by Prussia Imperialism in 1900´s created Genocide of 1990´s.

While France the socialist secularized Antisemitism and the Dreyufus affair divide society, did not take root, where in Vienna the Antisemitism of Karl Lueger, while Austria Antisemitism was strong in Germany militarism, Antisemitism had vehicle.

After WWII, Germany society because US and Russia in East Part, the Russians sold the first victims of National Socialism were Germans, the US was leaning only holding upper and middle echelon for De-Nazification.

While Russia and US where in ideology conflict, but their Societies lax was from their own weakness in Russian Antisemitism originated in the worst, their Religion given superiority from their believed. US lax come from Race, the system US was designed by Plantation owners—the sense of superiority toward others, subconsciously gave a Natural Empathy toward Germany.

In 1960´s the children of the Genocide perpetrators, began to question the actions but as society the social behavior which trained the attitudes from Genocide in Africa and the holocaust continue.

The secretive behavior planning the Holocaust was carry away by WV in Diesel Scandal in 2010´s of AFD revival of National Socialism is not accident. Dostoevsky's in Crime and Punishment defines Russia as Submission to Czar, not accident today Russia have submitted to the Imperial power—no an accident the conflict with Ukraine come from Russifiactiion, the same force which dissolved the Soviet Union, was Russification.

Can Society changes only when confront their actions, like in case Germany they can´t confront their action, Germany as society corrupted into their identity core, which Russia submissive to Autocratic power, because in the moment change, hey can´t see themselves, this power corruption—the limitation this societies maintain as homogeneous group which decent and outsiders are not tolerated, demanded submission.

The US as other, racism as the pillar of the foundation, but the differences their not homogeneous group, the reason the US has not healthcare or education which means access to wealth and position in the society is based on wealth, since white privilege defined by wealth, the system based on only whites have access.

One solution which Republicans in the US: for healthcare for insurance can deny access for preconditions—since only African American, people of Color and white poor are the ones in their vision to denied access, before the insurance reform of Obama.

Society as its does not want to change, because the Privilege..


Saturday, August 24, 2024





Every Day


Germany Moral Ambiguity

 To change as the capacity to recognize, some societies creating a denial the change can no´t. Germany as example where the social structure as so root. Germany has not able to come to grips not just Genocide conflict of WWII, but the Imperial conflict of WWI. Bismarck was pressure to resigned as primer minister because he did not share vision of  Wilhelm I ambitions of being Great Britain Empire. Bismarck saw Germany as middle country, with power commerce. Wilhelm I desired was driven Empires are mercantile economies, the raw material from colonies, Germany could not compete, by for Wilhelm I was the the Empire glory.

The genocide of the Jews by Germany in WWII was possible because envious was embedded in the social structure. The culture, education, industrial and commerce was not only nationalism but as social insecurity. The Junker, Prussia Aristocracy power was based on being proud. 

The false repentance of  German society, the crying in their actions are hollow. As industrial culture Bayer one must recent example in 1990´s after 75 years where Bayer in US was not allot to own the patents in US such Aspire or the company name or logo or commercial assets, because the actions during WWI where the produced the Chemical Weapons in WWI which Germany used in Belgium and France, such dianisidine chlorosulfate used against British forces, by lung irritant via 105 mm artillery.

The time coincide with the company creation as new chapter, Bayer produce a book with the company history, where the whitewash Bayer participation in the Genocide of WWII. Germany in the period force Jewish companies to be sold to German in depreciated price. 

In 1925 become part of IG Farben with another 7 German chemical companies. During the holocaust  Bayer run Monowitz Camp where conducted medical experiments on humans the work was done by Vetter a MD SS captain and employee by Bayer to the point:

 The transport of 150 women arrived in good condition. However, we were unable to obtain conclusive results because they died during the experiments. We would kindly request that you send us another group of women to the same number and at the same price

 Fritz ter Meer, who help to plan Monowitz and  te Meer was elected as chairman of Bayer supervisory board from 1956-1964 despite te Meer was convicted to seven years, serving five years for crimes against humanity. Bayer actions as company while was part of IG Farben, the company was persecuted as individual company, because the human experiments in Monwitz. 

In the 1992, the historian Dr Rosenberg (Pittsburgh)  exposed Bayer actions, Bayer reaction was we are new company and what happen during WWII had nothing to do with company actions, Dr Rosenberg insistence force Wehmeier CEO of Bayer in 1995 to apologize Elie Wiesel for the actions of  WWII and the holocaust.   

Bayer repentance/non-repentance did not stop the company moral ambiguity to continue practice like Monsato, Iranian Chemical production, while Bayer have colorful history. But VW scandal the diesel affair or DB being from for Russian Fiance, Merkel sold Ukraine 2014 for cheap gas to under cut German cost of industrial production.

Germany had been society with not ethical or moral compass just moral ambiguity. Like in case WV and the holocaust limiting the knowledge who responsibility  does not stop social responsibility. With political land space the   AFD is the face of National Socialism polling 20% Germany has not change and can not change, the Russia occupation sold Germany East/Prussia become the first victims not the perpetrators of the holocaust, here today about 12 Million according to ADL Germany antisemitism.





Friday, July 26, 2024











We are in period of transition, while every 100 years social pressured occurred, in one level because, our transition more than social changes inequality, religion, race or ethnicity, but because our reliance on fossil fuel for our energy needs with a convolution social structure, with creation of the other—the sin of Europe as and will be Antisemitism, not just West Europe, East Europe, but included regions Middle east, where Christianity needed to established as the new Covenant—need the decent of Judea, while Christianity to justified needed to be exclusivity—by demeanor the decent of Judea. The same rationality Islam with their Prophet fantasy of receiving new Covenant in Jerusalem, while Mohammad never set foot in Jerusalem and conquest of Jerusalem by Rashindu Caliphate under command Abu Ubaya set siege to Jerusalem 636 C.E and Caliph Umar around 637 or 638 C.E, travel to Jerusalem for surrender of the City by Patriarch, At that moment legitimize the decent of Judea to become the other could not like Christianity as equals—only one can be Covenant.

While, secularization of Europe—Napoleon created secular Empire, where with defeat the Holy Alliance between Russia, Prussia and Austria can accepted Napoleon revolution citizenship as Birth Right or Naturalization, taken away the power from absolutism of the Aristocrats which define who belong to their territory not by Birth, but their wishes.

But with influence of religion in Europe diminished—in Islamic regions, since 10th century ended rationalist influence, they hold on their irrational believes—through mysticism or austere stricter believes.

But from Portugal experiment in Cave Verde with agriculture mass production—using slaves, the British Colonies when further and created race justification, after expulsion of French in Haiti moving to Louisiana which being a French Territory and after British expulsion of Acadia moving to Louisiana and eventually become part of US,

The loss of Agriculture South of US to the Industrial North—the North was unification, the capital which fuel the North Industrial—forcing the North to maintain Union, but lack of a Moral Clarity besides reconstruction, the Segregation fuel in New Orleans, when whites the decent of the French Plantations owners demanding segregation, included not access to healthcare, education, because white privilege mean wealth.

The same attitude taken decolonization ideology base—false assumption of Marx with Authoritarian structure will give freedom, because the share of some social structure, the Collapse of the Soviet Union, because got reduce a force Russification.

Force cannot give freedom and Authoritarian system cannot adapt to unexpected Economic Realities. Of course the decolonization ideology needed the other—today flavor are Jews.

Antisemitism from the left—where the right openly based in grievance of losing their privilege—where then Antisemitism becomes only answer.        

Monday, June 24, 2024







Symbols of Antisemitism



The differences between the Antisemitism from left and right, the need to consider the history of the Antisemitism on the left, in France after Roman Catholic loss his grip, but after the defeat of Napoleon.

Napoleon understood the power of the Aristocrat was to decide who it’s in society. The Roman Catholic Church historical considers Jews as adulterous (as codify in Theodosia code (edits 331 C.E)), since their rejection of the Messianic vision.  Napoleon by normalize the Jews as civic citizens (1831), overthought the absolutism power of the Aristocracy.

The disdain of outsider, where Socialism is not just a political power, but institutionalize behaviors, given not please by decent.

Alphonse Toussenel was a political writer and zoologist who introduced antisemitism into French mainstream thinking. A utopian socialist and a disciple of Charles Fourier, he criticized the economic liberalism of the July Monarchy and denounced the ills of civilization: individualism, egoism, and class conflict.

Toussenel was hostile to the Jews and also to the British. Toussenel's Les juifs rois de l'époque, histoire de la féodalité financière (1845) argued that French finance and commerce was controlled by an alien Jewish presence, typified in the malign influence of the Rothschild banking family of France. Toussenel's antisemitism was rooted in a revolutionary-nationalist interpretation reading of French history. Toussenel was innovative and using zoology as a vehicle for social criticism, and his natural history books, as much as his political writings, were infused with antisemitic and anti-English sentiments. For Toussenel, the English and the Jews represented external and internal threats to French national identity.

The secularization of Antisemitism while exist, take force when Édouard Adolphe Drumont initiating the Antisemitic League of France (1889). Drumot founder and editor of the newspaper La Libre Parole (1892), Drumont synthesized three major types of antisemitism: The first type from traditional Catholic attitudes Christ killers. The second type was hostility toward capitalism saw the Jews as agents of the capitalism. The third type Drumont used scientific racism, based on the argument that races have fixed characteristics, and asserting that Jews have negative characteristics.

Previously in 1886 wrote a book Jewish France, where he argued to exclude Jews from society. Drumont view impact the attitudes toward Alfred Dreyfus's arrest, in an article titled High Treason: The Jewish Traitor Alfred Dreyfus Arrested in 1894.

These attitudes were codifying not just from the right, but become a fundamental to Socialism in the 20th Century.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024