Friday, September 17, 2010

A place

The problem with capitalism like an other “ism” is about access. Lyman Frank Baum in the “Wonderful Wizard of Oz” writing about his experience in South Dakota, but the book is more then a social commentary. The book is about the frontier come to an end and now everything needed to be legitimized. To be wise your needed a title, to have courage  you needed a medal and to have a hearth you will need recognition.  

The ism had took place in the frontier and then who has the power defined the access. In ism the power is distributed by capital, the one with capital decided who get the title, who is the boss and who wish is your status.  

Some ism used their believed to decided who has the power, in some ism your believes  tell you what is your position in life.  
We can not be deceit by the ism will gave you an opportunity. It is up to everyone take the control and deny the ism to defined us-It is up to to individually to change the  ism.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


A inherent conflict how the individual can be and dependent in his community. Aristotle “Golden Middle” (Eudemian Ethics ), applied to to politics is act to compromise. The issue is who made the rules, the problem we are dealing how individual choices are accommodate by a community. Communities operated in religious ground is good place to observed the effect. In many case religious communities reality is rule by a dogma, which in many cases did not tolerated any minority, even when in the principals adherent to some kind tolerated, but due to the dogma in the long run become very intolerant society.
A good example Al-Andalus, had been idealize, where the tree major monotheistic religions could coexist, far from the truth a revival of Islamic fundamentalism of 12 century force the first expulsion of the Jews an internal strife weak the empire. The inherent problem the Spain was conquer and natives especially the north kingdoms of Aragon and Navarra, kept and fought back the conquest.
After almost 800 years Islam not just as religion, but a force were expels from Spain is a Christian land.
This situation is not unique to Al-Andalus in the 700ś to 1493, but after of Ottomans conquest of Constantinople to this day in the 21 did not recognize the authority as power of the Patriarch of Constantinople, in part or the reason Islam does not want and afraid to the confront, in name of a God, just an Imperial power forcing a God.

Sunday, June 06, 2010


We are in cross road, we have dehumanize each other to the point we are just caricatures from each other, in name of a God, culture or Ethnicity.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


In 2006, an internal memo now public in part to Michael Moore film Capitalism a Love Story, where declare the US is a plutonomy. If we are today a plutonomy, is not just a recent development of 20 years of free market economies, but since the 1930ś FRD when use Government interference, especially no since the Barons of the 19 century, with almost not Government interferences, run the US is personal economic Kingdoms.
Using immigrants or race to kept the workers wages to a minimum.

According to their ideals being self center and egoism, glorify by Ann Rand in Atlas Shrugged, the consequence creating a permanent inequality. FRD revolution use the Government to minimize the distance of the classes, since in the Great Depression US was verge to have revolution, and does not mean Left. FDR sold the mythology of the American Dream access, through education to the system.

Ed DÁngelo in future work about the Beatniks, in bureaucracy system left or right create a permanent elite. The key of elite is access and by access of wealth. As custom of US Government to clam for profit open education, when reality the education system is a profit system, but a profit for a reason. The reason is who will be the elite, who get to define the rules, we should not be surprise the Goldman Sacks, for more a century have economic US hostage to the elite, but now they write the rules of the financial system.

The ideal of being the masters of the destiny, was the failure of the student of Leon Strauss. During WWII the irrationality of hate in this case the irrationality of Anti-Semitic in Germany from the late 19 Century and Culmination of the Genocide of Jews, or any not consider of the race privilege. In may case reinforce by the Roman Catholic Church and some protestant denominations. Strauss believe we can be the master of destiny by elite controlling and defining the social behavior, so can check any irrationality of mob.

Today, we are in the middle of us trying to defying reality. The elite has loss control, because could not understand can not control reality itself.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

The Path

When the power knows what is right, the people are being let alone and free, but when power become of one whether by one or few. Then people detached and taste the freedom. The power come by accepted, but to negated you are free.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Responsibility and Path

The sins of the father should not be held responsible to the sonś or daughters, this will be truth if they learn the errors. If the sons or daughters make the same errors or worst, the they are more responsible for the mistakes.

The path is to find the place we are satisfied with our lives, they are not a single place, but the principle should be what is the path, a bike ride or a kite flying the simplicity is place we can find to be content, but does not mean we can let injustice to pass by and stop or said something. Simplicity is to be behind ourselves.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Gender Conflict

2009, could be consider as the year of the women since the Nobel had 4 women awarded, especially the Nobel is quite political. In the Nobel history of the 300 awarded only 40 are women, and the ration between women and men is evenly split, but the numbers are quite small, so how is possible the numbers are so small. In general in any profession, where a percent around 15% of group is not found profession can be considered as token.
The statistics in US in Europe per country shows percent in this profession, what is important not the women are in profession, but these professions had dominated by men. In US in the 90´s women in Mathematics in Physics their number was 3% to 8%, in 2000´s the numbers when up to 14%. In Europe Portugal have 42% women with PhD in Physics, following Italy with 36.9%, France 35% and from this point Germany 15% and Anglo Saxon U.K, Ireland at 7%, the Scandinavian countries in the 4% and the last in the list is Iceland with not at all.
Since we are evenly split why this phenomenon, in Germany, become a professor is selected informally, and some ways is bases in seniority.
Many females leave the profession to built families, and the reason many leave is not family support in this institutions. A Neocon Bernard Lewis, who complain the Islam was using half of his creative, by suppressing females in his book, “What When Wrong? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response.”
Not just Lewis point but actions by Iranian President Mahmound Ahmadinejad, who limited the women enrolment in higher educations institutions and medical schools institutions. In Gaza Hamas has force Sharia law and women had become under Islamic law as second class. But the hypocrisy from Western institutions, by give support to women who going to built families, after all in our societies men did not raise children, just letting the spouses jobs,
The inequality created institutions; the hierarchy becomes a relationship of power.