No, since 1933, when the National Socialism control Germany, while to get to the inflection point, Germany since 11th Century, when the Teutonic Knights become the foundation of the German state. The consequence ended with Genocide close to Six Million Jews-but the intersection Christianity fueling the fire of hate against the Jews. With the secularization of Antisemitism and introduction by Portuguese in Cave Verse show case the industrial used of slaves.
While, Athens, Rome and must societies in Antiquated acceptances of slaves as economics of society, in the transition the used of slaves the transfer to the serf, in Islam the used of slaves tolerated, to anyone who did not practice acceptance Monotheism by Islam.
The innovation in the reintroduction of slave, Portugal as economics, but the Europe specially by the British rationalization to justified economic exploitation, The rationalization by Darwin cousin the Eugenics as foundation for the white nationalism in the US, racial utopia of Germany and today Russia reinvention of Imperialism by Putin as Cultural, racial Slavic culture.
The reelection in US of white supremacy in US, not since 1933 echo a historical moment, where the next years, price and pain will come. The price of ignorance as to committed the same errors and today the price become higher and many life, but in the hour of Darkness, always small light, while the price will be high, hope is our light will demand price, but the end justices happen.
2024 beginning of dark time and end hope