Saturday, August 24, 2024





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Germany Moral Ambiguity

 To change as the capacity to recognize, some societies creating a denial the change can no´t. Germany as example where the social structure as so root. Germany has not able to come to grips not just Genocide conflict of WWII, but the Imperial conflict of WWI. Bismarck was pressure to resigned as primer minister because he did not share vision of  Wilhelm I ambitions of being Great Britain Empire. Bismarck saw Germany as middle country, with power commerce. Wilhelm I desired was driven Empires are mercantile economies, the raw material from colonies, Germany could not compete, by for Wilhelm I was the the Empire glory.

The genocide of the Jews by Germany in WWII was possible because envious was embedded in the social structure. The culture, education, industrial and commerce was not only nationalism but as social insecurity. The Junker, Prussia Aristocracy power was based on being proud. 

The false repentance of  German society, the crying in their actions are hollow. As industrial culture Bayer one must recent example in 1990´s after 75 years where Bayer in US was not allot to own the patents in US such Aspire or the company name or logo or commercial assets, because the actions during WWI where the produced the Chemical Weapons in WWI which Germany used in Belgium and France, such dianisidine chlorosulfate used against British forces, by lung irritant via 105 mm artillery.

The time coincide with the company creation as new chapter, Bayer produce a book with the company history, where the whitewash Bayer participation in the Genocide of WWII. Germany in the period force Jewish companies to be sold to German in depreciated price. 

In 1925 become part of IG Farben with another 7 German chemical companies. During the holocaust  Bayer run Monowitz Camp where conducted medical experiments on humans the work was done by Vetter a MD SS captain and employee by Bayer to the point:

 The transport of 150 women arrived in good condition. However, we were unable to obtain conclusive results because they died during the experiments. We would kindly request that you send us another group of women to the same number and at the same price

 Fritz ter Meer, who help to plan Monowitz and  te Meer was elected as chairman of Bayer supervisory board from 1956-1964 despite te Meer was convicted to seven years, serving five years for crimes against humanity. Bayer actions as company while was part of IG Farben, the company was persecuted as individual company, because the human experiments in Monwitz. 

In the 1992, the historian Dr Rosenberg (Pittsburgh)  exposed Bayer actions, Bayer reaction was we are new company and what happen during WWII had nothing to do with company actions, Dr Rosenberg insistence force Wehmeier CEO of Bayer in 1995 to apologize Elie Wiesel for the actions of  WWII and the holocaust.   

Bayer repentance/non-repentance did not stop the company moral ambiguity to continue practice like Monsato, Iranian Chemical production, while Bayer have colorful history. But VW scandal the diesel affair or DB being from for Russian Fiance, Merkel sold Ukraine 2014 for cheap gas to under cut German cost of industrial production.

Germany had been society with not ethical or moral compass just moral ambiguity. Like in case WV and the holocaust limiting the knowledge who responsibility  does not stop social responsibility. With political land space the   AFD is the face of National Socialism polling 20% Germany has not change and can not change, the Russia occupation sold Germany East/Prussia become the first victims not the perpetrators of the holocaust, here today about 12 Million according to ADL Germany antisemitism.